Sentences with phrase «about historical figure day»

I think the best thing about Historical Figure Day is when you dress up and perform your speech.»

Not exact matches

In the same way «once upon a time» tells us to expect a fairy tale and «here is the news» to expect a report on the day's significant activities, the «sui generis» approach to the gospels invited the expectation that we would learn about the early Church, not the life of a historical figure.
@ Cedar Tree:????? All sorts of miraculous, superhuman nonsense has been attributed to ancient rulers of other figures of yore whose existence was once accepted by this or that group and who may or may not have been based in part on some historical person or persons and absolutely NO ONE these days takes every word in every text written about these figures to be literal truth.
Other movies based around historical figures or events are Thirteen Days (about the Cuban Missile Crisis), Malcolm X (depicting the assassination of an African - American religious figure and activist) and Gandhi (the man whose non-violent protest policies eventually liberated India from the British Empire).
You might have students create eduBuncees to share information about a historical figure they're studying or for a special event like Earth Day.
Blouin Artinfo speaks with Sundaram about STG's early days; what makes a good gallerist; and which historical figure he would like to share a drink with.
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