Sentences with phrase «about lutheran»

This is a blog about Lutheran theology and practice, and current events that impact the life of the Church.
Show me the word Catholic in the bible, or show me the word Presbyterian in the Bible or how about Lutheran.
The main thing that I love about Lutheran theology is the freedom.
Now, of course, those who know anything about Lutheran theology will recognize this approach.
I forgot about the Lutheran and Catholic focus on body and blood.
The Sarcastic Lutheran — Nadia Bolz Weber My heroes and... The Sarcastic Lutheran — Nadia Bolz Weber See more about Lutheran, Bicycles and Pastor.
Even the rare incidents involving young boys get passed over because headlines about Lutheran pastors aren't nearly as invitingly lurid as «pedophile priests.»
The survey results suggested widespread support but also pockets of concern and opposition, and Tietjen concluded that «work needed to be done in order to reassure the small number of clergy who had reservations about our Lutheran commitment.»
Unfortunately, he gives far too much credit to the ELCA churchwide offices, and his claims about the Lutheran Church «Missouri Synod schism are far too simplistic.
I don't know much about Lutherans, but I've never pictured them as passionate about doctrine.

Not exact matches

I'll spend about two minutes looking up what the Lutheran (and often Catholic) church teaches and discover that it's just not so.
The question of women's ordination is regarded as church - dividing, at least from the Orthodox angle... Consequently I think we on the Lutheran side have to think about whether progress in dialogue is to be expected at all.»
They are also, unsurprisingly, the same problems which have been frustrating Lutheran — Roman Catholic dialogue — something I've written about before.
Most of the students, I among them, knew almost nothing about him, hut he was quickly to become a central figure in theological controversies that were raging within the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod» controversies centering especially on the seminary in St. Louis.
He's wrong about Hitler; he was German Catholic, and Lutheran teachings helped form his worldview (look it up if you don't want to take my word for it).
It's so rare to see an article about faith in church Christ (not carismatic country preachers) founded, Catholicism, or Lutherans or Episcopals.
But their chief wisdom about the family seems to lie in this simple statement from the former Lutheran Church in America: «The family appears in many forms in different times and places.»
Many of the early stories about the Al - Aqsa intifada centered on events at the Lutheran - sponsored Augusta Victoria Hospital in Jerusalem, which was occupied by Israeli military forces.
But what then should Lutherans - and the rest of post-Reformation Christianity with them - do about sexuality?
On Wednesday, October 20, 1993, an AP story about the task force's draft of a social teaching statement, «The Church and Human Sexuality: A Lutheran Perspective,» hit the press around the country - even before the pastors had received their copies.
ALL ABOUT SAVING SOULS Inner - city ministry, as it was called, was all the rage when I was a young Lutheran pastor.
The next largest concentration of ELCA Lutherans (12 percent of about 5.5 million) is to be found in my socially conservative state of Pennsylvania.
Here is a book you should read, when it comes to making absolutes about a group who offend you or you think you need to fix.It involves the Lutheran Church.
Merkel, the daughter of a Lutheran minister is fairly private about her religious beliefs, although she has said that has said that Germany and her Christian Democratic Union party must stand for the «Christian concept of humanity.»
And something should be said about the use of the old set services of the Church — for Lutherans and Episcopalians that means the reading of Morning and Evening Prayer, or Matins and Evensong.
Russian subs have been out there for years, but I have never thought much about them — even though one of our members at First Lutheran in Palo Alto used to fly antisubmarine patrols from nearby Moffett Field.
Over at iMonk last week, Chaplain Mike wrote a lovely post about how, after a period of wandering through the denominational wilderness, he found a home in an ELCA Lutheran church «with a simple liturgy, wonderful music, a healthy and grounded pastor, a hospitable congregation, and an emphasis on Christ, grace, vocation, and other Lutheran essentials that answered questions I had been turning over in my mind for years in my evangelical settings.»
Finally, drawing mainly from the thinking of contemporary Calvinist and Lutheran theologians, the authors discuss the implications of recent scientific research on theological views about the human being as a creature made in the image of God.
If Lutherans really believe what their theology says about Word and Sacrament, then I think they would be equally passionate about engaging other Christians: When Christians understand what Christ offers in the sacraments, that understanding, and what is actually received, changes their lives because they come into direct contact with the death and new life of Jesus.
If our young Evangelical would happen to visit a Lutheran church, long before he hears about theological differences, he will «feel» that the experience of church and spirituality is different in the Lutheran church.
My Lutheran family and the Lutheran congregation in which I grew up were never very concerned about defending the literal truth of the Genesis stories of creation.
Tietjen observes that «pastors who wanted to join [the Association of Evangelical Lutheran Churches] could not bring their congregations along because they had neither properly informed them about the events in the Missouri Synod nor adequately prepared them for the formation of a new church.»
Is it possible that the reason that the Corinthians were so concerned about baptism is that they had been taught by the Apostle Paul and other Christian evangelists that salvation and the promise of the resurrection of the dead and eternal life are received in Baptism, just as orthodox Christians, including Lutherans, have been teaching for almost 2,000 years??
We have no more knowledge about the so - called rebirth, the new birth out of Water and Spirit which is the sacramental baptism (please consider that also Protestants believe in sacraments; I am a Lutheran).
There's the old maxim to «play things safe,» and then there's the Lutheran version that gets a little nervous about the «play» part.
If Tietjen is critical of his opponents, he is also honest about his own inadequacies as president of two seminaries and as a bishop in the new Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (a position from which he resigned).
Lynn, Just headed out the door to work... but Lutherans (some of us) are passionate about correct doctrine and the Bible teaches that God chooses us... that we do not choose Him.
I once overheard a discussion about campus politics that summed up Lutheran irony quite well: «You're just never going to hear that the Lutherans are angry and they're mobilizing.»
The theological imperialism of the protesters — demanding that the statement say exactly what Lutherans have traditionally said about «faith alone,» law and gospel, simul iustus et peccator (at the same time justified and sinner), etc. — might give the impression that they represent hard - core orthodoxy.
Lutherans are thus people of respectful pauses, about which, two points.
Free Methodists, for example, average about four times the giving of United Methodists, Lutherans or Episcopalians.
My suspicion has to do with the sense that, in a period of anxiety about the inroads made by secularism and about the loss of, say, a distinctive Reformed or Lutheran tradition, some would embrace «tradition» in an uncritical way.
A study guide on homosexuality that is officially promoted among Lutherans is titled, «Can We Talk About This?»
I don't think it is the responsibility of a particular religion to teach its members about all of the other religions of the world and I would never expect to learn about Islam in a Lutheran or Catholic church.
As Protestant ministers were groping about for a solution that would embrace both a personal and social reality, a brilliant Lutheran theologian, J. H. W. Stuckenberg, worked out a solution in terms of the New Testament teachings of Jesus as related to all of life.
A denomination of about three million, the Evangelical Church of the Rhineland is one of twenty Lutheran, Reformed and United Protestant groups that make up the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD).
Of course, the Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod has suffered its own membership losses in recent years, experiencing a membership decline about half that of the ELCA over the same time period (down 12 percent, compared to the ELCA's 23 - percent drop).
The Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of Finland, the Evangelical Lutheran Diocese in Norway, and the Mission Province in Sweden, for example, all began discussions in 2016 about joining the ILC.
Yet Lutherans at their most authentic have a decidedly «catholic» aura about them.
It is also one of the fastest - growing Lutheran church bodies in the world; in 2016, they counted about 4 million members, and they are opening a new congregation every week.
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