Sentences with phrase «about sacraments»

Schumann's puppet shows also come with a piece of bread to remind participants about the sacraments of eating.
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This indirect acknowledgement of the Church's teaching on suicide leads to opaque guidelines about the sacraments.
It was especially encouraging to talk about the sacraments (the topic of my next book) with groups that express those sacraments in different ways.
Most Stimulating: Talking about the sacraments of baptism, confession, communion and anointing of the sick with Lutheran (ELCA) clergy in Minnesota.
An example of this can be seen in the conversation about sacraments below.
You will also commonly find a cynicism about the sacraments» efficacy as part of that.
Carol Ann Harnett offers a practical way to teach about the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
To say anything about the sacrament of Holy Communion is to have the problem of the divided church bear directly upon mind and conscience.
In fact if we read the gospels there are things it says about the sacrament of reconciliation where first God says to Peter, All things you bind on earth are bound in heaven and all that you loosen on earth are loosened in Heaven.
St. Paul also talk about the sacrament of reconciliation.
Certainly there is danger in our using sacrificial language about Christ's death and about the sacrament in which that death is recalled.
Is there something about the sacrament that makes it possible to experience the community as gift?

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They might not use the word «mercy» as much as he wants, but they talk extensively about divine love, grace, the sacraments, and charity, all of which pertain to God's mercy, and which they develop into soteriology, the study of the saving action of God.)
The responsibility of bishops is and always has been, as Archbishop Raymond Burke of St. Louis and other bishops have explained in great detail, to protect the integrity of the sacrament, to prevent public scandal that creates confusion about the Church's teaching, and to avoid the danger of people receiving the sacrament, as St. Paul puts it, to their damnation.
John again about being released from the discipline he'd prescribed a year earlier and resuming our reception of the sacraments.
So great and splendid is the educational ministry of Christian parents that Saint Thomas has no hesitation in comparing it with the ministry of priests: «Some only propagate and guard spiritual life by a spiritual ministry: this is the role of the sacrament of Orders; others do this for both corporal and spiritual life, and this is brought about by the sacrament of marriage, by which a man and a woman join in order to beget offspring and bring them up to worship God.
A central plank of Garnet's legal defense was that, although he was made aware of the Gunpowder Plot beforehand, he could not have done anything to stop it because he learnt about it only during the sacrament of confession.
One of the things I love about Christianity is the physicality of sacraments like communion and baptism, the way we can taste, smell, hear, see, and feel the presence of God through these beautiful acts of remembrance and faith.
In recent months there has been much discussion as to what the first Christians believed about marriage and the discipline of the sacraments.
Sexual relationships between a husband and a wife can participate in the meaning of communion that reaches the edges of holiness and has something of the nature of a sacrament about it.
If Lutherans really believe what their theology says about Word and Sacrament, then I think they would be equally passionate about engaging other Christians: When Christians understand what Christ offers in the sacraments, that understanding, and what is actually received, changes their lives because they come into direct contact with the death and new life of Jesus.
I had such a good time working with Travis Reed from Work of the People on a series of videos about faith, doubt, the sacraments, and church.
Like untrained gardeners going into an overgrown garden, successors to the Reformers hacked about with machetes, slashing unknowingly through material that had been affirmed for the first thousand years: the sacraments, the honoring of Mary, the eucharistic Real Presence.
My central claim, both today and tomorrow, is that being a Christian is primarily about a relationship with God lived within the Christian tradition as a sacrament — a claim to which I will return at the end of this talk.
Whatever is unique in the Episcopal Church would be even more difficult to define in the inner city; not many residents here are worried about apostolic succession, valid sacraments or Henry VIII's sex life.
We have no more knowledge about the so - called rebirth, the new birth out of Water and Spirit which is the sacramental baptism (please consider that also Protestants believe in sacraments; I am a Lutheran).
Within most Christian communions, for example — even those which do not view marriage as a sacrament — there remains an idealism about marriage and a feeling that second marriages are never quite as good as first ones.
Though I will speak later about some of the seven canonical sacraments in the Roman tradition, the analysis applies to sacraments that occur in any Christian tradition (even when not called sacraments, and that includes some items in the Catholic repertory too.).
They recieve the sacrament of confirmation and, at that point, assume that they have learned all there is to know about the Catholic Church and its teachings.
The most revolutionary alteration in religious art came with the sweeping changes in sacrament and liturgy brought about by the 16th - century Reformers, especially Calvin and Zwingli.
The author challenges traditional Christian thinking about the Lord's supper as a «sacrament» to be set apart from secular eating and drinking.
But the traditional work of the ministry in teaching the Word from God, the word to God and words about God, of administering the sacraments, of building the Church and caring for souls seemed to have too little direct relevance to the needs of men so naturalistically or socially understood.
In the Christian Institute for the Study - of Religion and Society there was an open discussion about a proposal that since Christ transcended not only cultures but also religions and ideologies, the fellowship of confessors of faith in Jesus as the Messiah should not separate from their original religious or secular ideological community but should form fellowships of Christian faith in those communities themselves, and that so long as the Law sees baptism as transference from one community to another it should not be made the condition of entry into the fellowship of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper but made a sacramental privilege for a later time (Ref.
Thus Catholics who support gay marriage are deeply confused about both Word and Sacrament, the twin pillars of Catholic life.
Included among these might be those parts of the New Testament other than the Gospels which are consistent with Jesus» teachings; other Christian writings; Christian places of worship or songs and prayers used in this worship; the sacraments; perhaps the life of a Christian we know or read about who exemplifies for us the way Jesus told us to live.
Lyle Schaller writes about the importance of recognizing certain ministerial tasks as «winners» and others as «losers» in The Multiple Staff and the Larger Church, «Winners» are the tasks that lead people to sign up for ordained ministry: preaching, presiding over sacraments, being present at key life transitions such as weddings and funerals — in other words, the prominent, visible and generally rewarding parts of ministry.
As we were chatting about the still - in - process manuscript for Searching for Sunday and its emphasis on seven sacraments, it occurred to me that this might be just the impetus I needed to start another writing and recording project.
Each morning I try, each morning I fail, and know that always I will be a creature who, looking at Father Paul and the altar, and uttering prayers, will be distracted by scrambled eggs, horses, the weather, and memories and daydreams that have nothing to do with the sacrament I am about to receive.
If you knew anything about the Christian faith you'd know that it is a pastor's job to use the law and the gospel (including the Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion) to keep the believer in faith and lead the non-believer to faith.
One serious seeker sent me an e-mail note requesting information about how to participate in the sacraments online.
It was true for Jesus, as it is true about the Bible... about preaching and teaching... and about the bread and wine and water of the Sacraments.
In former Communists countries, like Poland in some Churches women are not even allowed to read during mass, forget about altar girls I've only seen 1 church that allowed it, and couples who practice contraception, who are divorced, who have children out of wedlock, priests often deny them the Sacraments especially in small towns.
Basically, what has happened with CST is comparable to what has happened with marriage and family: We spend a lot of time talking about contraception and abortion and bioethical dilemmas, and unfortunately we must do so, given the gravity of these evils and the obsessions of our day — but as a result we can fail to see, or at least fail to communicate to others, the profound truth of the sacrament of matrimony, which is the foundation of all the rules and prohibitions.
And those who do live the life of the community, seeking to appropriate for themselves its central affirmations, yet unconcerned about the peripheral, secondary, and now and again misleading assertions and practices that have often been associated with those essentials; those who learn gradually to join in its prayers and receive the sacraments, and to read the Bible with open, earnest, yet critical minds; those who endeavor with heart and soul to express in daily life the Christian principle of life «in Christ» — such men and women will find increasingly that they genuinely belong.
I would like to take the opportunity of reminding you about the wonderful sacrament of God's mercy: Reconciliation or Confession.
is the book we have all been waiting for: hopeful, inclusive, practical, theological, honest talk about the complex sacrament of marriage as both reality to be lived and metaphor to be embodied.
I believe writing is my sacrament, and I have a pathological need to write and write and write about the things that interest me, and catch my eye.
When Sunday School and worship are held at the same time, this tells members that either learning about Christian faith or the importance of worship and the sacraments to Christians is optional.
God continues to create new life through Jesus Christ wherever Scripture and sacrament reveal the truth about God's intention for the world to the people of God.
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