Sentences with phrase «about snooze»

I agree about those snooze - worthy headlines you found online.
Read more about Snooze here.

Not exact matches

Yes, of course you need to get through your requirements, but after that an idiosyncratic pick with an inspiring or thought - provoking teacher («When I think about the classes that shaped me the most, I think about my Marxist Canadian history class, taught by a socialist ideologue,» says Blattman) beats on on - topic one taught by a snooze - inducing robot.
So next time you think about hitting snooze, remember this: An early - morning workout might just give you a bigger health boost than those extra minutes of shut - eye.
I recently had the opportunity to interview Ms. Huffington about the sleep crisis and a world where you can sleep your way to the top and you won't be looked at as an unsavory character, where you're encouraged by management to snooze at work, and where sleeping longer will earn you a cash reward from your employer.
I snooze a little bit more before getting up and going about my morning routine.
This is, no doubt, not the first you've heard about the benefits of napping, so why aren't you allowing yourself that afternoon snooze already?
It seems that, in the midst of black Christian outcry in 2013, the majority of white Christians pressed the snooze button on racial justice, sleepwalking into their churches where an individualistic gospel that doesn't call them to say or do anything about racial injustice is preached, where white culture, rather than Christ, reigns supreme, and where the problems and perspectives of black people are ignored.
Every Sunday morning while the rest of the world is snoozing, you're up scouring the web for a children's message or talking to Ol' Edith Barkley who calls to beef about the bulletin or the cookie crumbs in the church hall or how much her bunions hurt.
It's about not always choosing the most efficient thing («I'll just write one more email before my next meeting») or the most enjoyable thing («I'll just hit the snooze one more time»).
See, not snoozing is all about carrot and stick.
(A small note about blame: While I accept responsibility for my actions, I will take three sentences to fault the positioning and size of the Snooze and Stop functions on my phone.
And if you're worried about any safety concerns with this bassinet, rest assured that it conforms to all standards of safe nursery furniture and your child will be in good hands when snoozing in this sleeper!
Don't stress about your position: Snoozing on either side or propped half - sitting is just fine.
Snooze when you can and don't feel bad about it.
While she's singing songs and reading books with the kids, is she secretly thinking about what she's going to play with when the little ones are snoozing?
One minute you're snoozing away, happily dreaming about your next feeding, and the next thing you know, your roomie's hosting a midnight shindig, and the whole family is invited!
Don't be afraid to press snooze or take that early evening nap you've been daydreaming about.
The clerks are snoozing or gabbing about something, hands on hips, chuckling about lunch plans, while you're waiting, waiting, waiting.
Maternity Glow named the Olive Kids Robots Nap Map in their «Best Toddler Nap Mats for a Much Needed Snooze» article, saying «What's great about this mat is that the thick padding is comfortable to sleep on whether your child is on the floor or on a cot, so they'll be comfortable anywhere.»
Think about getting in some action in the morning, before the baby wakes, or while your little one is taking a mid-afternoon snooze.
Probably not as much when they reached 7 or 8 years old since children will have a hard time remembering what they dreamt about when snoozing to dreamland.
While moms might understandably hesitate about waking an already - snoozing infant, Karp said this «wake and sleep» approach will teach infants how to naturally get themselves to sleep and learn how to fall back asleep.
The «average» newborn sleeps about 16.5 hours between daytime and nighttime snoozing, though there's a wide range of what's normal.
To ensure that sleep - robbing scenarios are just temporary, we talked to experts about six common sleep disruptions to find out what you can do to remedy matters and get your kids snoozing soundly again.
Something about that cool, fresh air can really set your baby up for an epic snooze once you're home and can lay him or her down to sleep.
Her first few nights home, she would sleep for about 40 minutes in the bassinet attachment of her pack - n - play, and sometimes snooze in her bouncer, but really she only slept if I or my husband would hold her on our chests.
Babies probably don't dream all that much, but don't fret about their dreamless sleep that much — there's important business going on inside that little head while she snoozes.
Nunn and Samson estimated that people now spend an average of 1.56 hours of snooze time in REM, about as much as the models predict should be spent in that sleep phase.
Today, we're all about hitting the snooze button, avoiding the lines, and giving our money some meaning.
As the benefits of the practice became more clear, the conversations about just hitting the snooze button one more time disappeared.
In particular, I decide whether my daily workout will be in the morning or evening, so I'm not wasting any time in bed snoozing or having a daylong debate about whether I need to hit the gym later.
Concerns about feeling sleepy at the wheel is nothing to snooze at.
I'm all about getting dressed to look presentable in a timely matter, mostly because I like to press the snooze button on my alarm a bit too much.
If I'm already uninspired about what to wear, the last thing I want to think about are the multiple accessory options I'd have to choose from to pull the look together — this is especially true if I'm in a rush to get out the door (I must admit, I press the snooze button a tad too much during these early morning Mondays!)
We had lunch in town afterwards at Brown Dog Pizza, the puppies snoozed outside with about 6 other dogs at the dog parking spots (so cute!).
This is pretty much my go - to outfit on days when I a) «don't have anything to wear» b) have managed to «accidentally» hit the snooze button 10 times in a row and really don't have time to think about what to wear.
Although, I have been an early riser for exercise in the past, I never thought about hitting snooze and staying asleep as being a way I was resisting life until I read these paragraphs:
Wake up and snooze about 6 times.
And no, I'm not just talking about women who are Mistake # 1: Being boring or negative in your profile How many times have you wanted to take a snooze reading a man's profile that co...
Despite pretending to be an intimate drama about human relationships for a generous portion of the snooze - inducing running time, The Amazing Spider - Man 2 reveals an altogether more sinister purpose in its final throes.
Digital Integration has coded a lethargic, boring and snooze - inducing series of missions (about 30 of them) that are as unoriginal as they are predictably competent.
Forest Whitaker is an Oscar winning actor and I wouldn't dare to say a bad word about him, but I'm sure even he knew walking in that this was a weak script and wouldn't amount to more than a two - hour snooze fest that only a rifftrax audio commentary would save.
Just as I fail to see what's so exciting about explosive action taken to mind - numbing, snooze - inducing lengths in those films, I am at an equal loss as to their worth in this one, save to copy cat them for people who think just referring to a movie is sufficient enough to consider it satire.
On October 2, Fox will be releasing a special Blu - ray with tales from cast members about such topics as André the Giant snoozing in hotel lobbies.
City officials were very positive about the interventions, says Weissbourd, Ed.D.» 87, and have followed up with him on several, including Snooze or Lose.
Talk about a high snooze - factor!
It's boring barely any different exterior styling and that ridiculous snooze fest gray interior assures that many won't care about it today!
While everyone is still snoring or hitting their snooze button, early risers are out and about.
I find a good off - lead location, let her stretch it out twice a day for about 15 minutes and that is enough for her to snooze the rest of the day away without a sound.
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