Sentences with phrase «about a kilometer away»

I have not been able to buy myself an air compressor, so what I do is I always have my tires check at my local gas station, which is about a kilometer away from my house.
You could visit the site independently, purchasing the ticket at the small government tourist center, which is located about a kilometer away from the site.

Not exact matches

Soon, though, he graduated to filling up giant, 60,000 - liter fuel tankers at a ranch called «El Caracol,» connected by buried hose to a pipeline about 3 kilometers away.
Xiao Zufu, 44, who works in brand sales, needed to do just that on a recent trip from his home in Zhejiang Province to Shanghai, about 380 kilometers or 236 miles away.
«It was an abnormal sound that could be heard till at least 3 kilometers [about 2 miles] away
My grandmother lives 55 kilometers away from my parents and it's usually about a 40 minutes drive — on a main road where cars drive much faster than in any village, town or city.
Hundreds showed up at rallies in Fort Lauderdale, about 25 miles (40 kilometers) away, and in St. Petersburg, 250 miles (400 kilometers) northwest, to demand action on gun - control legislation.
She and her colleagues compared the data with those from similar samples given by another ethnic group called the Saluan, who live about 25 kilometers away in the coastal village of Koyoan, but don't spend much time in the water.
The researchers also found that the corona probably fades into the solar wind between 14 million and 56 million kilometers away from the sun — about 10 to 40 times the sun's diameter.
On January 22, a satellite designed to test eLISA technology settled into orbit around the sun about 1.5 million kilometers away.
Fossils of the other new species, found in rocks of a similar age a few dozen kilometers away, suggest that creature — dubbed Vilevolodon, roughly from the Latin for «toothed glider» — was about as large as a midsized mouse.
«The epicenter of the battle is about 4 kilometers [2.5 miles] away,» says Athens 2004 press manager Serafim Kotrotsos.
The research, reported in tomorrow's Nature, may help to end a persistent debate about whether semimolten rock from just above the outer core can spark isolated eruptions at the surface, nearly 3000 kilometers away.
Simultaneously at one of the other carcass sites about three kilometers away, another badger attempted to bury a calf that had been staked out there.
These numbers might look small, but they are quickly creeping toward those figures already present in the resistance epicenter of western Cambodia, about 800 kilometers away, where the mean clearance time in 119 different patients was 5.5 hours, and 42 percent of the infections had a half - life of more than 6.2 hours.
MIRO first detected water vapor from the comet when the Rosetta spacecraft was about 217,000 miles (350,000 kilometers) away from it.
There were things we didn't know, for example how huts in south Tyrol looked like 5000 years ago, but we did know how huts looked like near Lake Constance [about 300 kilometers away] at that time.
Messick was an undergraduate student in physics studying antibiotic resistance at the University of Washington in Seattle, about 320 kilometers away from LIGO's installation in Hanford, Washington, when he arranged a field trip to the detector for his chapter of the Society of Physics Students.
The flying sensors were able to detect all three explosions at that height, and at a lateral distance away from the explosions of about 350 to 400 kilometers, or between 220 and 250 miles away.
For over three years, the scientists have been collecting data on the flight of neutrinos — those mysterious, nearly massless particles that can travel through anything at immense speed — originating in the SPS accelerator at CERN, near Geneva, and traveling underground all the way to Gran Sasso, 731 kilometers (about 450 miles) away.
Such discs, known as quasar accretion disks, are typically about 100 billion kilometers across, and most lay billions of light - years away.
Over the ensuing hours, Stardust transmitted its data back to Earth, including an image taken from about 500 kilometers away.
It's big, about 4 times the diameter of Earth, but so far away - 4.4 billion kilometers (2.7 billion miles) away at its closest - that even in big telescopes it's hard to see detail.
By about 320,000 years ago, tools were replaced with obsidian from regions farther away — up to 95 kilometers away over rough terrain — an indication of travel and potentially trade.
At the time of the observations, the asteroid was traveling away from the Earth, so its distance varied from 1.3 million to 1.6 million kilometers, or about three - and - a-half to four times the distance from the Earth to the Moon.
For babies born to moms living within one to three kilometers away from a site, the chance of being underweight at birth was about 8 percent greater than for babies of the more distant moms, Currie says.
But it also overwrote parts of the cratering record up to 500 kilometers away from the basin, reducing crater counts over an area of roughly three million square kilometers, or about 8 percent of the lunar surface.
Measurements based on exploding stars suggest that distant galaxies are speeding away from each other at 73 kilometers per second for each megaparsec (about 3.3 million light - years) of space between them.
Although that difference seems minor, it places some features on Venus about 20 kilometers away from where scientists were expecting — a big deal for future missions looking to set a lander or rover down at a particular site.
On Thursday, Holger Sierks, the principal investigator for the Rosetta orbiter's main science camera, had hoped to find the lander in an image about 1 kilometer away from the target site.
Now DOE has projected what the first - year dose would be to people living around the plant up to about 80 kilometers away (see map).
That indicated to the researchers that the first bottleneck occurred as people migrated out of Africa to the Middle East about 50,000 to 60,000 years ago, and the second, 19,000 kilometers away, when they crossed the ancient land bridge in the Bering Strait to the Americas.
She says that dust storms in Salt Lake City have typically blown in from distant lakebeds like the Bonneville Salt Flats, about 170 kilometers away.
The rover had previously explored the Eagle and Endurance craters, about 3.7 miles (6 kilometers) away from Victoria.
NGC 514 is an intermediate spiral galaxy, located about 95.9 million light - years away from Earth in the constellation of Pisces (the Fishes), while it is receding from us at approximately 2,472 kilometers per second.
«While Earth will be only about a pixel in size from Cassini's vantage point 898 million miles (1.44 billion kilometers) away, the team is looking forward to giving the world a chance to see what their home looks like from Saturn,» said Linda Spilker, Cassini project scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, or JPL, in Pasadena, Calif..
July 29, 2014 NGC 514, an intermediate spiral galaxy in Pisces Image Credit: Curt Harris / NOAO / AURA / NSF and Adam Block / Mount Lemmon SkyCenter / University of Arizona ( NGC 514 is an intermediate spiral galaxy, located about 95.9 million light - years away from Earth in the constellation of Pisces (the Fishes), while it is receding from us at approximately 2,472 kilometers per [continue reading]
The Voyager 1 spacecraft took the Earth's photo in 1990, titled «Pale Blue Dot,» which was captured from about 4 billion miles (6 billion kilometers) away.
In 1968, the Apollo 8 mission to the moon captured the planet in an image, titled «Earthrise,» which was taken from about 240,000 miles (380,000 kilometers) away.
Scheduled to launch in 2018, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will orbit about 930,000 miles (1.5 million kilometers) away from Earth.
«A newfound asteroid will safely pass Earth on June 8 from a distance of about 777,000 miles (1.25 million kilometers), more than three times farther away than our moon.»
The resolution of the picture is about 1,000 times better than what the Hubble Space Telescope can provide from 5 billion kilometers away.
Voyager 1 is currently over 7 billion miles (about 11 billion kilometers) away from Earth and is still transmitting — it takes about 10 hours for the signal to travel from the spacecraft to Earth!
The lake has emptied periodically into the ocean, which is located about 100 kilometers away.
On July 18, 2011 NASA's Dawn spacecraft took an image of Vesta from about 6,500 miles (10,500 kilometers) away, where details as small as 1.2 miles (2.0 km) were visible.
Still, the closest rogue black hole should reside thousands of light - years away — where one light - year is the distance light travels in a year — about 6 trillion miles (10 trillion kilometers).
Police recovered the body of seven - year - old Zainab from a manger crude, about two kilometers away from home on Tuesday after being missing for several days.
Echo Beach is easily reached, about 47 kilometers away.
Gili Biaha is about four kilometers away from Gili Tepekong and is not really dived by many operators due to the varying conditions of the site.
Princess Alexandra National Park is about eight kilometers away.
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