Sentences with phrase «about a specific situation»

For questions about a specific situation, please consult a qualified advisor.
We recommend speaking with an attorney about your specific situation as we didn't go to law school.
If you have any further questions, always make sure to talk to your doctor and your child's pediatrician for advice about your specific situation.
If you suffer from depression, when you apply for life insurance we will ask you to complete a questionnaire form so we can get more information about your specific situation.
Contact a bankruptcy attorney to learn more about your specific situation.
You can talk about your specific situation in detail, to determine the most effective steps you can take to land the job.
Accordingly, you should seek advice from a lawyer about your specific situation prior to causing a corporation to issue shares.
Please consult a tax professional about your specific situation and the tax savings benefits of homeownership.
She also suggests meeting with a lactation consultant to talk about your specific situation so you can get a full assessment and solution.
The only way to make sure you're getting the coverage you think you're getting is to ask about specific situations you're concerned about.
We encourage you to give us a call to schedule a confidential, no - cost consultation about your specific situation.
The examples you posted on your website contains no details about the specific situations for which people were penalized.
If you have concerns about your specific situation, you can discuss requirements with your doctor.
But exceptions can be made, so talk to a lender about your specific situation.
Talk with your insurance agent about your specific situation and they will work with you to add any discounts you qualify for to your policy.
For our clients, that translates to outstanding customer satisfaction and a team that cares about your specific situation.
This is going to be a different amount for all those who are trying to get renters insurance coverage, so you'll need to think about your specific situation.
You can click here to find a local bankruptcy attorney and talk to them for free about your specific situation.
Of course, it's always best to talk to a professional about your specific situation when you're ready to move forward.
If it seems impossible to make your baby sleep on his or her back, talk to a pediatrician about your specific situation, to see what the risks are with another sleep position.
If you're interested in inducing lactation you should talk to your care provider about your specific situation.
Of course, everyone has an individual tolerance to sugar, so please talk to your doctor about your specific situation.
We will not go into that here and patients should speak directly with their physical therapist about their specific situation.
Therefore, I highly recommend that you call and speak with a support counselor about your specific situation — their job is to help.
I mean, you talk to hundreds of people every day about their specific situation.
She's going to put in a link here that you can go to chat with somebody about your specific situation because you kind of hit on it — everyone's situation is different.
Our bankruptcy fact sheet on divorce and bankruptcy will answer some key questions you may have however it is always important that you talk to your bankruptcy trustee about your specific situation.
Consult with a financial planner about your specific situation to determine the best course of action.
While the post button can be used at any time to leave a message, it will occasionally flash gold and offer a suggestion to post about a specific situation in the game.
These artists are not offering us new knowledge about specific situations but suggest a new set of conditions, a realm of potential — one that includes calling us into being.
If you need more tax information or if you'd like a tax attorney to provide legal guidance about your specific situation, we can help.
This question is a bit beyond my place to speak, so I'd like to connect you with an attorney who can speak to you directly about your specific situation.
Write text for your website that speaks to the potential client about their specific situation.
Couples or individuals looking for more detailed information or recommendations about their specific situation should consult with a professional divorce mediator directly.
The point about specific situations makes sense to me, and I find the findings interesting.
The goal of your counseling sessions will be to listen, talk, and come away with useful strategies to gain understanding about your specific situation, and help you work through it.
If you have questions about your specific situation, feel free to reach out to me.
Every case is different, which is why it is important to talk to a knowledgeable attorney about your specific situation.
Therefore, contact the court which has determined that you need to attend driving school classes and find out more information about your specific situation.
Before making a decision, please consult with a tax advisor about your specific situation.
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