Sentences with phrase «about all of this stuff»

It's actually not easy talking about some of this stuff and it takes awhile to put these episodes together.
He says he doesn't care about any of this stuff, so what am I supposed to do?
Think about all of the stuff on a newborn's face, births are NOT sterile!
Before you start worrying about any of that stuff, you need to get a firm grip on your calorie intake.
Who really starts to think about all of this stuff when they are trying to convey information during an interview?
That's because none of those people know any more about any of that stuff — or anything else, for that matter — than you do.
We are definitely still going to write about all of that stuff, too, it's not going away from us or the game itself.
But as we mentioned before, this list is a realistic one, so we are going to forget about all of that stuff.
Most people always ask about all of the stuff that teachers keep on their desks and where I put mine when the desk went away.
Personal property covers just about all of your stuff if it's damaged or stolen.
Here's a video talking about some of the stuff I'm doing to promote it.
«You'll see us open in some countries we are not in, in Africa, you'll be hearing about some of that stuff,» Dimon told Bloomberg Television on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum...
«Yeah we're in charge and yeah we talk about targets and goals and visions, but our employees don't care about any of that stuff for very long.
«People say to us all the time, «Oh, you guys are getting all this good material,» like we're happy about some of this stuff that's happening,» Stone said.
SeaWorld also announced plans to build two new roller - coasters in 2016 so visitors don't have time to think too hard about any of this stuff.
Wow, I feel like I have total amnesia about all of this stuff.
I just don't want to say yes or no to anything about any of that stuff,» Watts said.
He had a profile set up, without pictures, and wasnt completely truthful about some of the stuff he had put down.
But Herzog has never given a rat's ass about any of that stuff anyway.
It's natural to worry that this could be disruptive to the reading process — especially to whichever chunk of the population could care less about any of this stuff and just wants to read the comic — but I found them to be surprisingly subtle, even missing one of them completely in my first couple read - throughs.
If the whole appeal of index investing is supposed to be the simplicity, what does needlessly complicating it do for investors like my mother, who has no idea about any of this stuff?
I've been joking about some of this stuff but in reality, Randy is truly embracing the change in his lifestyle:)
PS) I talked about some of this stuff in my first course on book marketing, Reach Your Readers, which you can now get free inside my Epic Book Design Package.
When looking at diaper bags, think about all of the stuff you're going to need to tote around.
But before we talk about some of that stuff, the other thing I wanted to ask you about because I know this can promote some abnormal clots formation and something like the blood thickening that we talked about is excess estrogen.
«I don't get worried about any of that stuff,» de Blasio said.
More importantly, who cares about any of that stuff when you can attach a parachute to a sheep and send it flying into the air for your amusement.
Productivity, success, revenues, headcount — I don't really care about any of that stuff.
The majority of Bezos's shareholder letter isn't about any of this stuff, of course.
«I don't care if you're big or small, huge muscles or no muscles, never even played football or star of the team — I don't care about any of that stuff,» Biff went on to tell the boys, who sat in the grass while he spoke.
If you're worried about all of this stuff, or aren't sure when to eat and stop eating, it might be worth working with a professional that can help you make sense of all of these questions and help you incorporate Intermittent Fasting into your life.
Let me know what your doctors maybe told you about some of this stuff.
I have twins so it double the about of stuff it seems sometimes.
Yes, I could talk about all of that stuff, but the moment I decided to review this movie, I had already prepared myself to expect that.
This one was a chance to ask him some of those questions and talk about some of that stuff.
I expected her to talk about all of the stuff she was going to implement in her classroom, but she said pretty much the same story you have.
I have friends who know I'm wealthy and they refuse to listen to me about any of this stuff.
And if you don't care about any of that stuff, that's totally cool.
«We're seven days in, so we're still very much absorbing that [player feedback], and we'll try to get back in front of you guys in a video where we talk about some of that stuff, most likely «top issues and sentiments» version, rather than — because these are bugs and service scale issues.»
Personally, I just don't care about any of that stuff.
One of the things that you need to do in order to ensure that you get the best level of Blacksburg renters insurance coverage is think about all of the stuff that you have, from you computer, to even your loft furniture.
«He caused me to think about some of the stuff I did do.
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