Sentences with phrase «about anal glands»

If you do a search onthe site there is an article or two about anal glands.
You may have heard about an anal gland abscess and wondered what it is, or your pet may have been unfortunate enough to have one.

Not exact matches

Read on to find out more about when you should express Fido's anal glands, and how you should go about doing it.
You'll find directions on how to do this in our article about Dog Anal Glands.
Anal glands or sacs sit just inside the rectum of dogs and cats (and other animals), one on either side of the anus at about 8:00 and 4:00 o'clock.
Anal glands are not usually a common topic of discussion among cat aficionados and are rarely something we even think about until something goes wrong with them.
When your dog's breath periodically smells fishy, chances are it's just their anal glands and there isn't anything to worry about.
These little anal gland excretions are full of important information about the other dog.
And what about the other stuff that goes along with a bath like combing, shaving, nail trims and emptying anal glands?
However, I fed it for about a month and one of my other Cavs started having anal gland issues with it....
By carefully considering the contents of other dogs» anal glands, your dog is able to learn a great deal about the dog he is sniffing.
Lots more about the pros and cons of raw feeding (including anal gland issues) in this article
Our Miniature Schnauzer Grooming Series will be covered over the next several pages and includes everything you need to know about grooming your dog from the actual Schnauzer Cut to everything else: trimming dog nails, cleaning dog ears, brushing their teeth, expressing the anal glands, bathing your dog, brushing your dog, grooming supplies, all about dog groomers, and plenty of grooming tips and tricks along the way.
Many experts recommend eliminating grains from your dog's diet if he suffers from anal gland problems, learn more about a grain free diet.
Whenever I work with a dog who suffers from chronic ear and anal gland infections, I worry about a food allergy.
If you buy a French Bulldog puppy, then make sure that their parents both have protruding tails, and ask the breeder about any history of back, mobility, or anal gland problems.
We adopted a Boston Terrier 2 years ago, she was miserable with constant itching, spinning in circles to itch her sides, anal glands that needed expressing about everyday.
On July 27th Callie was put under light anesthesia to have an impacted anal gland repaired, the vet was quite concerned about putting her under due to her general condition but we are happy to report that she experienced no negative side effects and certainly her tushy feels so much better.
Supplementing your dog's diet with high fiber foods may help with another, less talked - about problem: swollen, sore anal glands.
I took him to the vets and they said it was anal glands which I had never heard about, but she released them and he was somewhat better but noticed he had a spot on the underside of his tail that he continues to lick.
There is really nothing to like about dog anal glands.
After all, «anal glands» are not approved dinner conversation in most circles, and they're probably something you'd rather not think about.
Alicia ~ Missouri Glandex «We were about to have to do surgery on my dog's anal gland.
If the impaction remains and the glands aren't emptied (and we'll talk about how you can help your dog empty his glands in a bit), the anal glands can become infected and eventually even abscess (they'll form a painful pus pocket which could rupture).
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