Sentences with phrase «about ancient greek»

Much of what we know about ancient Greek and Roman culture comes from the objects, art, and architecture they left behind.
Talk: «LIVE from the NYPL: Werner Herzog» at the New York Public Library One of our favorite filmmakers, Werner Herzog joins «LIVE from the NYPL» host Paul Holdengräber for a conversation about Ancient Greek literature and history.
The product includes a document of about 55 talking points and interesting facts about the ancient Greek site and it's buildings.
This terracotta model of a theatre mask is an example of the sort of evidence we have to use to find out about ancient Greek drama.
There is much cheesy lore about the ancient Greek mathematician Archimedes of Syracuse: that he popularized the word «eureka»; that he used mirrors to set Roman ships on fire; that a Roman soldier killed him in 212 B.C. while he was tracing diagrams in the sand.
His behavior at times modeling what we read about the ancient Greek and Roman gods.
Go read about the ancient Greeks and the Persians and the Chinese.
Homer wrote about Ancient Greeks talking of 2 sleeps — one and two.
In the same manner that National Treasure rekindled an interest in American History and Night at the Museum became an ad for New York's Museum of Natural History, Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightening Thief may spark curiosity about the ancient Greeks who ruled the world from their thrones atop Mt. Olympus.
Students have always asked me... «Why do we have to learn this stuff about ancient Greeks or the Middle Ages?»
The Western world at the moment... If you look out that window there and look at the swirling fucking madness there... all of these things... So we can't just go there's politics and there's science, because within politics... In the same way... I'm sorry... It just... This thing where... The world... When you talk about the Ancient Greeks... The world now is incredibly complex.

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Hey Zeus (someone about whom schoolchildren today no nothing because, y» know dude, ancient Greeks were misogynists)... I don't claim Bush or the statist NCLB legislation which he passed to please Laura, or the Iraq war, which he caused to please Poppy, or his Prescription Drug Bennie which he passed to buy senior votes.
If I worked at NASA and insisted that the expedition to Saturn should reveal evidence of the ancient Greek or Roman gods, and kept insisting that the data supported that mythology, I'd expect to be told (first) to stop preaching about it at work, and then get fired if I kept doing it.
To the ancient Greeks, who thought about these things, this seemed to be much more clearly the case with what they called the «musical arts,» the arts of poetry, dancing, music, and acting.
First and foremost, Zeus is real beacuse of the great many books that have been written about him as well as the stories told by the ancient greeks.
Despite all that we owe to the Greeks and Romans, the ancient, pagan world seems not to have cared much about the individual as such.
«How can anyone pay any attention to a doctrine that grew out of a Greek conceptual system being imposed on Jewish Scriptures, that was as foreign to Jesus as it is to us, that depends on concepts and a common sense that have gone the way of the Roman Empire, and that is about as understandable as if it were still written in ancient Greek
Think of the ancient Greeks or Egyptians, how about the Norsk and Myans, we study them but don't believe them to be anything but myths and stories.
If there were any gods that cared about us in any way they certainly wouldn't just remain silent after all this supposed activity 1000's of years ago as told by the Hindu's, Jew, s Christians, ancient Romans and Greeks, etc..
We historians of the ancient Greeks» democracy need to keep banging on not only about the virtues of their peculiar political form, but also about the key differences — theoretical, ideological, and pragmatic — between any modern versions of «democracy» and theirs.
if were only going to use the KJV why stop at greek, or latin why not only read the original texts which were written in Coptic the simple fact is not a single one of us, including our highest religious leaders, other then about 30 ancient language specialist in the world have ever read an original scripture.
By one reckoning, Hinduism has about 3 million gods — a hundred times as many as the ancient Greeks and Romans!
The second myth about the rise of science is that Westerners only picked up the baton from the ancient Greeks, or, as has been more recently alleged, the Islamic caliphate.
Instead of making statements about «the ancients» or «the Jews» or «the Greeks» we must resolutely face the varieties to be found among individuals, even though the individuals were certainly conditioned (to some extent) by the groups in which they found themselves.
It's not often that a story about a food product for the American market begins with an ancient Greek philosopher, but this one does.
Cato and Pliny the Elder wrote about its health benefits, and the ancient Greeks used it to snap Bacchanalian revelers out of drunkenness.
This then goes into a lot of theory about trigonometry and the limits of the tools, but eventually the ancient greek consensus was that, no, it couldn't be done under the stipulated conditions.
The Greeks waited until 12 - 18 months to wean, the Romans and Ancient Hebrews until about three years, when all the baby teeth had come through.
He is known at the Capitol for his histrionic flair: he once dressed as the ancient Greek figure Diogenes in an apparent search for an honest man, and smoked a joint in the building to make a point about marijuana laws.
During his childhood, scientists were swiftly uncovering more and more about the inner life of atoms, upending dogma going back to the ancient Greeks about the smallest components of all things.
The ancient Greek thinker Aristotle had a theory about why female argonaut octopuses have a shell: he suggested that they used it as a boat to float on the ocean surface.
The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates advocated that doctors used experience - based intuition but also emphasized the importance of medical theory about the body's fluids.
By January of 1896, most everyone in U.S. athletic circles had heard about the plan to revive the ancient Greek Olympic competitions, promulgated by an energetic Frenchman, Baron Pierre de Coubertin.
While ancient Babylonians could predict the onset of a solar eclipse within a few hours — and ancient Greeks to within about 30 minutes — today's astronomers can pin down eclipses to within a second.
But it was true that the existence of the Antikythera Mechanism challenged all of scientists» assumptions about what the ancient Greeks were capable of.
The presentation uses dramatic readings of ancient Greek plays as a catalyst for town hall discussions about the challenges faced by service members, veterans and their families.
Bodybuilding has been around for a while now, and we're not talking only about the late 1800's — the tradition of cherishing athleticism is deeply rooted in the culture of the ancient Greeks and their Olympics.
About Blog Minus Plato is a blog that explores the dynamic between ancient Greek and Roman literature and philosophy and modern and contemporary art.
There's just something about a thick gold necklace and gladiator sandals that reminds me of stereotypical ancient Greek or Roman goddesses.
About Blog Minus Plato is a blog that explores the dynamic between ancient Greek and Roman literature and philosophy and modern and contemporary art.
The word anarchy comes from the ancient Greek ἀναρχία (anarchia), which combines ἀ (a), not, without and ἀρχή (arkhi), ruler Learn about the Jewish dietary laws of kashrut (kosher), why we observe these laws, the various foods and combinations that are forbidden, and the
In talking about his cops - versus - Russian - gangsters movie We Own the Night, the writer and director James Gray cites the ancient Greeks» idea «that one's life is shaped primarily by forces outside of one's control, as if the gods had dealt each person a fate — a destiny.»
Some of the tales about these ancient deities comes to life through the magic of puppets in Jim Henson's The Story Teller / Greek Myths.
It tells the story of scientific cosmology from the ancient Greeks to the Hubble Space Telescope, including individuals, ideas, and tools that helped us learn about the universe in which we live.
Dealing with their changing emotional and physical development AND trying to teach the age group about the Ancient Egyptians or the Ancient Greeks... can be really challenging!
How about the history classroom, where instead of listening to a teacher lecture about ancient Athens, students take a virtual tour and then use 3 - D design software like SketchUp to build a simple model of a Greek temple as a way to internalize classical principles such as balance?
Learn about the events at the ancient Greek games.
The ancient Greeks spoke about agape, a type of love that was universal and unconditional — a love that transcended individuals and pushed them to serve each other, regardless of circumstances.
It offers a starting point to learn about the wider influence of ancient Greek culture (gods and myths) and to consider the lasting impact of classical civilisations.
In part two of our look at the ancient Greek philosopher, we ask students at a California school about the Socratic teaching method and the questions it inspires.
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