Sentences with phrase «about being a parent»

The great thing about being a parent today is that you have access to all these great products that make your life so much easier.
Mothers with some formal support were less likely to have one or more negative feelings about being a parent.
One of my favorite parts about being a parent is having the perfect excuse to visit the children's section of a bookstore.
One thing new parents commonly fight about is parenting styles.
One of the things I love about being a parent is how it brings back memories of my own childhood.
One of the things to fight about is parenting time with the kids, especially since more time with the kids means lower child support payments to the other party.
While there is never anything easy about being a parent during a divorce, you deserve the best help possible.
I have learned so much about being a parent from this community, and I've made many lasting friendships here.
There's no one way to raise boys - in fact, that's the beauty about being a parent!
Those are just some of the realities I discovered about being the parent of a gifted child.
I'm sure most parents of gifted children have found the reality of gifted parenting to be quite different from what they had imagined about being a parent.
Not that it is all bad, there's some great stuff about being a parent.
Follow the tips here if you want to improve your skills and feel more confident about your being a parent.
Anyway, I wanted to hear other people's stories about being a parent.
Looking back, it's funny to me how much I felt I knew about being a parenting until I actually became one.
One of the things that nobody tells women about being parents is that mostly, everyone is just figuring it out as they go along.
This is the place where she will give advice and listen and share about being parents!
Seeing the snow through his eyes reminded me of one of the best things about being a parent.
Your health visitor helps you to learn about being a parent, and supports you in your job of raising a healthy child.
The odds of mothers with no educational qualifications having highly authoritarian attitudes or negative feelings about being a parent were more than three times higher than for the most educated group.
These measures assess the way in which a person thinks about being a parent and their beliefs about their particular skills.
About Blog A blog about being a parent of a child with Autism and sensory issues.
Because what I really wanted and cared about was THE PARENTING EXPERIENCE!
I have felt reassured by many things you say about being a parent.
In a particularly cringe - inducing exchange captured on film, Councilwoman Maria Del Carmen Arroyo of the Bronx accuses Ms. Moskowitz of lying when the charter school leader talks about being a parent in Harlem (the neighborhood where she grew up, where she attended public school, and where she is raising her children, who attend the charter).
Despite having no children himself, the adviser calmed Metallo's fears about being a parent in academia: Other people have done it, the adviser told him, and you can, too.
Parents were asked to rate on a five - point Likert scale the extent to which they agreed with a series of statements about being a parent, with higher scores suggestive of higher levels of parenting stress.
The great thing about being a parent today is that you have access to all these great products that make your life -LSB-...]
Just recently, I was talking with a counselor about being a parent and how there is all of this pressure to make sure you do the best for your child, ensure that they have everything they need to be successful and happy and healthy (aka, high - achieving).
I chat regularly with the moms of girls and they have the same struggles and fears that I do about being a parent.
After the Storm by Christie Robb There's something about being a parent that helps you put into context and process... read more →
For those parents in the majority, who are serious about being a parent, it's a tough transition from parenting a young child who either listens to you when you give an order, or whom you can actually pick up and remove from a problem situation, to a prickly adolescent whose response to parental demands is often some version of «You can't make me do it».
; (3) «When your child was younger, what do you remember about being a parent
The Power in Parenting isn't just about being a parent, and learning skills and techniques to become more confident, but also «how» we were parented as a child can have a lasting impact on our lives as adults
Parental resentment about being a parent was measured with one item, asking them which statement applied to them «when thinking about the things I have had to give up because of (the child)...»:
«The idea that Dads would meet with other dads and talk about being parents with their children present feels pretty fresh,» Andrew tells us.
MommyB Knows Best is not only about parenting, honest reviews, giveaways, tips and tricks, not only about my beautiful biracial daughters, not only about my hodge podge family, but it's about life, learning about being a parent, and evolving.
As a side note, one of the best things about being a parent is becoming friends with other thoughtful, great parents, don't you think?
When these influences were taken into account, the odds of parents in BC1 expressing negative feelings about being a parent were 1.8 times higher than those of parents in BC2.
About Blog A blog about being a parent of a child with Autism and sensory issues.
Miriam: The toughest part about being parents is working.
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