Sentences with phrase «about biblical meanings»

Decisions about biblical meanings are not made on the spot, but result from the growth of habits and convictions.

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Never - the-less, I am fascinated by biblical scholarship, the history of the early church, and at any rate think people should have the correct facts about what was written and what the original authors meant it to mean.
This is what is funny about christianity, Christians change the meaning of the bible so that it makes every satam act as biblical, one day everything will be biblical even walking naked in the streets.
Historical events — a bloody Civil War — forced us to look more closely at how exactly the Bible talks not only about slavery but the biblical meaning and value of a human being.
I suspected I'd get a little pushback from fellow Christians who hold a complementarian perspective on gender, (a position that requires women to submit to male leadership in the home and church, and often appeals to «biblical womanhood» for support), but I had hoped — perhaps naively — that the book would generate a vigorous, healthy debate about things like the Greco Roman household codes found in the epistles of Peter and Paul, about the meaning of the Hebrew word ezer or the Greek word for deacon, about the Paul's line of argumentation in 1 Timothy 2 and 1 Corinthians 11, about our hermeneutical presuppositions and how they are influenced by our own culture, and about what we really mean when we talk about «biblical womanhood» — all issues I address quite seriously in the book, but which have yet to be engaged by complementarian critics.
He argues that same - sex relations were condemned primarily because they undermined patriarchal gender roles, meaning that Christians should acknowledge a significant cultural component to biblical passages about same - sex behavior.
The biblical world, meaning that section of the earth's surface which the people of the Bible knew about or had something to do with, covers a considerable territory though still a small part of the world as we now know it.
Instinctively we know that our best preaching comes about when we have discovered the ways in which the biblical writers sought to change minds, hearts, and lives and then have taken those «available means of persuasion» with us into the pulpit.
i honestly don't mean to be offensive but this is showing a little of your lack of biblical knowledge... again, progressive revelation... what did jesus say about «killing»....
Our survey question about the «most important» way that theology meets science offered three options: theology 1) gives meaning, 2) defends the biblical account of creation or 3) provides ethics.
It also has a lot of people talking about the meaning of the biblical passage about submission that appears in the fifth chatper of Ephesians.
In The Spirit and the Forms of Love Williams analyzes the meaning of love and indicates what this implies about the nature of God.104 The classical conviction that the immutable is the superior is shown to devalue human love and to conflict with the biblical conception of God's love.
Still, to answer your question about why it seems like we don't presently see extravagant spectacles like seas splitting, the lame walking, donkeys talking and axe heads floating, we need to establish the biblical meaning and purpose of miracles.
The modern use of the word talent as a special gift or capacity is drawn directly from the biblical parable of the talents, where it meant a sum of money of about one thousand dollars, and in either case it should be viewed as something held in trust.
For example, what on * EARTH * do you mean when you say that the (very Biblical, very real, very undeniable) data about those who deny Jesus will be brought up «anxiously» by those who wish to «find at least one small corner of solace» where they can keep their «divisive and exclusive theologies»?!!
If we assume the bible is more than just bad fiction, an antagonictic Egypt could mean some biblical prophecy is about to come true.
The discussion that follows is about the biblical bases and the historical development of the ordained ministry, which means not special privilege but particular responsibility.
At one level every hermeneutic is exclusive in practice, as when «process hermeneutics» centers attention on the metaphysical claims of Biblical texts about the reality of God (e.g., see MEH).2 But «process hermeneutics» refuses to be reductionist in its theory of interpretation, understanding, and meaning; hence, its inclusive hospitality to «any and all disciplined methods of interpretation,» as Kelsey puts it (compare, e.g., RPIPS, especially 106 - 15).
It is the type of Christian who would rather talk about doctrine, theology, and the meanings of various biblical words and passages without ever actually doing anything.
Hermeneutics is about biblical interpretation, I get that, but in order for this interpretation to have any meaning, you have to believe that the bible is based in fact and not fiction, so what do you believe is fact?
Or do we reach the true meaning of Biblical language by passing through a process of secularization that stills all human language about God, thereby allowing man to respond passively in faith to the full and final language of God?
Even heroes of the Christian faith have changed their minds about the meaning of various biblical texts.
Think about these Suggestions for Appropriating the meaning of the Biblical texts in relation to your way of interpreting what the Bible says about homosexuality.
Meaning, if you want to be an idiot and stand on a soapbox in a park and scream at people about how they fall short of Biblical perfection, this is your right.
There would be questions of biblical theology about the nature of Christian freedom, the relation between law and Gospel, the meaning of the law for those justified by faith.
BIBLICAL PALEONTOLOGY Dear Father Editor When looking in the Bible for evidence about how God created the world we tend to limit ourselves to the first chapters of Genesis and thereafter look for spiritual meanings only.
«So, imagine my surprise when I opened up A Year of Biblical Womanhood, to find that it was a fun and yet very thoughtful read about what it means to be a woman?
Yes... if taught the biblical ideal about using «measure» on themself (as it is presented)-- and what responsibility truly means (or as the church calls it — repentance).
Tradition and aother biblical writings were given great weight as well, and the bible was not something that was seen as literal or without error... God inspired meant God was the muse or concept that moved people to write about their experiences, as well as a history and a bit of a rule book.
I'm talking instead about a select group of Christians who believe that spanking is biblical, and it's necessary to raise godly children, whatever that means.
This can mean anything from discussing Biblical passages about transformation and redemption to discussing Christian values, such as defining what is right or wrong about a particular situation and how the Christian concept of sin plays a role in relationships and human behavior.
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