Sentences with phrase «about biology from»

As a child, Zhang moved with his family from China to Des Moines, where he worked in a gene therapy lab as a high school student; the experience taught him to think about biology from an engineering point of view.

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A former health care investment analyst with a degree in biology from Yale University and current CEO of the company, Wojcicki is fascinated by the mysteries of the genome and what it can reveal about the human body.
Probably you've moved on from this post, and I will too — but I don't think by «been there, done that» you meant «read about and understood many things about evolutionary biology and paleontology».
By the way, from the look of your dialogues, you seemed to be quite knowledgeable about human biology.
As for biology and physics, everything we know about them derives from painstakingly tracing God's creative activity.
(iii) you are a complete blowhard who has never studied one subject of university level biology, never been on an archaeological dig, never studied a thing about paleontology, geology, astronomy, linguistics or archaeology, but feel perfectly sure that you know more than the best biologists, archaeologists, paleontologists, doctors, astronomers botanists and linguists in the World because your mommy and daddy taught you some comforting stories from Bronze Age Palestine as a child.
For example: Learning about molecular biology through observations... still wouldn't prevent someone from believing in reincarnation.
Then again (and much more likely) the SOB doesn't even exist - and all this suffering and bloodshed is merely the outcome from ignorant, delusional believers who don't know crap from Crisco about evolutionary theory, genetics, astronomy, and biology.
If a YEC can not understand how their beliefs are contradicted by evidence from really any field of science, from physics to geology to biology, then I have doubts about their abilities to be talented engineers.
But please do go on tell me more about how evolution is in fact «false», disprove genetic evidence, paleontological evidence, anatomical evidence, evidence from cell biology, virology, zoology, mycology, should I keep going?
I am a well trained Physicist and I know about the history of the earth with evidences from [Geo] chemistry, physics, biology and the like and yet know that they all have holes and are «not proofs» of anything
Your telling me, that given these FACTS that we know are true, a magic being called God chose to suspend the laws of physics and human biology about 2000 years ago to let us know he's here and never hear from him again or find any signs of his existance in the know Universe exept that book that you keep pulling nonsense quotes from?
(iii) you are a complete blowhard who has never studied one subject of university level biology, never been on an archeological dig, never studied a thing about paleontology, geology, astronomy, linguistics or archeology, but feel perfectly sure that you know more than the best biologists, archeologists, paleontologists, doctors, astronomers botanists and linguists in the World because your mommy and daddy taught you some comforting stories from Bronze Age Palestine as a child.
From the AIDS orphan I held in my arms in India, to the passages of Scripture that seemed to condone genocide, to the persuasiveness of biology textbooks, to my encounters with people of other faiths — my interactions with the world left me wondering if rehearsed answers would be enough to satisfy my doubts about my faith.
«Creationists may prefer not to think to much about the conspiratorial implications of what they're arguing, but creationism just won't work without the actual existence of such a «fraud so complex and extensive it involved every field from archaeology, paleontology, geology and genetics to biology, chemistry and physics.»
I don't have a strong opinion about why some people are gay: research implies both biology and the developmental process likely influence a person's orientation, and the extent to which one is more influential than the other probably differs from person to person, as sexuality is so layered and complex.
ealthy Infant Sleep 101 Come learn about the biology of sleep in babies, from what current neuroscience and infant mental health tells us.
«How do we learn from basic biology to educate both mom and health professionals about the mystery of what's happening early in life?»
Kitchens are full of science, from the biology of yeast making pizza dough rise to growing salt crystals (sugar crystals are fun too, but a little tougher to make work) and learning about starch!
Come learn about the biology of sleep in babies, how does baby sleep differ from adult sleep and why?
By this I mean when our four year old asks where babies come from, we will not tell them stories about cabbage patches and storks, nor will we get out a biology book and explain about ovaries and erections.
Covering everything from the biology of breastfeeding to breastfeeding as a feminist issue, this book also includes comments from mothers, father, professionals and the breastfed children themselves about the concerns, reasons and wonderful memories of breastfeeding long - term.
CHRISTINE STEWART FITZGERALD: So it sounds like you're looking at it from the biological standpoint and I think incorporating what we talked about earlier, some of those different cycles on looking at their individual needs and you can kind of customize that because I think you know, kind of what Jen said earlier is that there's a lot of different books out there that will talk about the new onesies of each of these but as a parent, I think you just have to find what works for you and their biology is going to be different and their temperaments are different and it's not a one size fits all approach.
Come learn about the biology of sleep in babies, from what current neuroscience and infant mental health tells us.
In the following 2011 TED talk, science reporter, author, and mother Annie Murphy Paul discusses the latest scientific evidence gathered from the fields of biology and psychology suggesting that some of our most important learning about the world happens before we are even born.
Animals can tell us so much about our common — or «conserved» - biology because we evolved from a common ancestor.
Mike Webster from the University of St Andrews, UK, says that this study provides information about the basic biology and ecology of an underexplored ecosystem and will hopefully allow us to monitor and perhaps slow the impacts we have on this ecosystem.
Sarah Zielinski wanted to be a marine biologist when she was growing up, but after graduating from Cornell University with a B.A. in biology, and a stint at the National Science Foundation, she realized that she didn't want to spend her life studying just one area of science — she wanted to learn about it all and share that knowledge with the public.
Meanwhile, his team has continued to learn new things about elephant seal biology from ongoing studies of the northern elephant seals at UC's Año Nuevo Natural Reserve.
Posselt writes that, in some cases, including astrophysics and biology, admissions committees made allowances for certain «specific «underrated» universities whose reputations for strong training in the field surpassed their college or university's relatively weak overall ranking,» but she provides no hints about which programs these may be, so it is not clear whether any are at institutions that enroll significant numbers of students from non-elite or minority backgrounds.
Ask a cross-section of scientists how they got into cancer research, and you'll hear about a dizzying variety of routes from fields as diverse as biology, pharmacology, mathematics, and medicine.
Autonomous underwater vehicles will glide outward from these moorings along preprogrammed paths, capturing details about the physics, chemistry and biology of broad areas around the moorings.
Most ethical, policy and media discussions about synthetic biology start from the assumption that these aims have already been achieved: that biology has become easy to engineer for whatever ends we choose, that the toolbox is available to any student or potential terrorist, that dangerous organisms and powerful bioweapons are easy to make, and that no effective regulation is possible.
Rather he and his colleagues hope that future versions of the guide will incorporate information about the biology of mental illness to better distinguish one disorder from another.
At its most basic, synthetic biology is about making DNA from scratch, on scales from individual molecules to cells, tissues and even entire organisms.
Susan Gaidos has been writing about discoveries in areas ranging from biology and neuroscience to physics and technology for more than three decades.
But in the lab of Nikolov's adviser, Charles Davis, provocative facts about Rafflesia evolution are starting to pile up, and they could prove useful in a range of fields, from the biology of scent to parasitology.
As the three clinical trials progressed over the course of about 8 years, so did techniques in determining desire, says Kingsberg, a reproductive biology and psychology researcher at University Hospitals Case Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio, and consultant to Sprout Pharmaceuticals, which bought flibanserin from Boehringer Ingelheim in 2011, and was in turn purchased last week by Valeant Pharmaceuticals.
A special show all about synthetic biology, from clinical applications and regulatory issues to the do - it - yourself biology movement.
Though little is known about Loki, scientists hope that it will help to resolve one of biology's biggest mysteries: how life transformed from simple single - celled organisms to the menagerie of complex life known as eukaryotes — a category that includes everything from yeast to azaleas to elephants.
When factoring in what is now known about breast cancer biology and heterogeneity, breast conserving therapy (BCT) may offer a greater survival benefit over mastectomy to women with early stage, hormone - receptor positive disease, according to research from The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.
A novel Yale study answers age - old questions about how cancers spread by applying tools from evolutionary biology.
Although the percentage of doctorates awarded to women in life sciences increased from 15 to 52 percent between 1969 and 2009, only about a third of assistant professors and less than a fifth of full professors in biology - related fields in 2009 were female.
Friedberg understood something about his students that others missed, Bitton says: He «recognized that not everybody could learn the things they were teaching in traditional biology classes from a textbook or in 2D.»
And many exchanges were heated because, despite 150 years of research on the biology of evolution, scientists still disagree about how and why multicellular creatures and plants emerged from ancient oceans that teemed with robust and self - reliant single - celled entities.
A new book about evolutionary biology prefers its analogies to come from modern society's complex relationships
About a third of the 150 cell biologists, biophysicists, and technicians already hired for the new center have been drawn from the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg, the hub of molecular and cell biology research in Europe for a quarter - century.
Using methods and ideas from mathematics, physics and biology, they characterized the shape of eggs from about 1,400 species of birds and developed a model that explains how an egg's membrane determines its shape.
During the 2004 cicada emergence in Baltimore, one of the administrators in my graduate biology department told me she was fielding phone calls daily from people with questions about cicadas.
Related sites Background on the Anopheles project from the European Molecular Biology Laboratory Genoscope's page about the project Frank Collins's vector biology program at the University of Notre Dame
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