Sentences with phrase «about blank lines»

Not exact matches

Speaking in abstract terms about blank, amorphous «innocent lives» keeps us from confronting the reality that if most of these children are born at or near the poverty line, then the lives we are saving are more likely to be troubled ones, and if nothing changes, those lives will get caught in vicious cycles powered by poverty and systemic racism.
Concerning preaching on aspects of the Catholic Faith that don't always render comfort to the subjective dispositions of all the listeners I've found that the critiques frequently lie along the lines of, «Oh Father, you're always talking about (fill in the blank)» or «It's just too complicated an issue.»
«In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit...» Famously Tolkien was marking papers one summer and there was a blank one on which he wrote this line — the rest of the story came about as an effort to discover what hobbits were.
NYCOM also dispels some myths about the coming referendum such as a blank vote will automatically be counted as a «yes» vote (it won't) and assesses the cost of a con con, pegging the number at $ 56 million, which is in line with the estimate made by others, including Comptroller Tom DiNapoli.
The script's heady intent proves to be exhausting, reducing a third act twist to a shoulder shrug, and a seemingly profound final line about life off the grid into a blank expression.
Nothing special about the game, conventional shooter with scripted friendly AI who can't shoot point blank, no help at all and call out lines they're supposed to.
Andrew's got a surprise lined up for Melanie, and it's about as romantic as handing her a blank check.
I teach free or blank verse forms that have no rhyming patterns and no special rules about numbers of lines or line breaks.
Once they complete their drawings, they can use the blank lines to write about their picture.
Then, have students write a short sentence about Route 66 on the blank lines below the picture.
Then, use the blank lines to write about their drawing.
Then, they can use the blank lines to practice their handwriting and composition skills by writing about their drawing.
Blank lines between paragraphs are an abomination, foisted upon us by Web bowser programmers years ago because they knew nothing about typography and found it simpler to program blank lines than indBlank lines between paragraphs are an abomination, foisted upon us by Web bowser programmers years ago because they knew nothing about typography and found it simpler to program blank lines than indblank lines than indents.
What followed was a brief turd storm of concern, blame and speculation about what these publishers had done to bring forth the wrath of Bezos, followed by a «statement» from Amazon a while later saying it was a technical glitch (ie: they sent out an email with «technical glitch» as the subject line and blank body text, probs).
It was terribly formatted, there were about five lines to a page, every time there was a paragraph break there were lots of blank spaces.
Armed with 8 - inch blank carvings, a few inks (red, yellow, black and blue) and one brush, none of us came close to achieving the sharp, clean lines boasted by even the smallest of the professionally painted dolls, which were about 3 inches tall.
Among a group of very simple charcoal line drawings, this one consisted of a single vertical charcoal mark about a half - inch wide coming down about an inch from the middle top border of the sheet of otherwise blank paper.
An email with a blank subject line will likely get deleted, lost, or immediately irritate the recipient, who is forced to open the email to figure out what it's about.
People didn't understand my dilemma, even when I cried about what line number I was up to before the screen went blank.
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