Sentences with phrase «about book sales too»

He tells us not to worry about book sales too much and focus on larger issues.

Not exact matches

The other thing too is to just be real, don't be a sales machine, and talk about your book.
Writers with modest sales and / or career ambitions can be satisfied with an author mill, as long as it does a decent job of book production and isn't too extreme about cover pricing.
For me, I think distribution and sales would be too difficult, particularly considering I want to reach the schools market, and I already know how they work, which is hard for me to access (while not actually «self - publishing» before I was responsible for placing a book about how to become a policewoman in Australia into educational outlets at secondary and tertiary levels and it was not only hard work but incredibly time and money consuming too, so if someone can do that side for me at a reasonable cost, I'd always prefer it.)
I hope Steve will not be too mad with me if I reveal his advice that you want to be writing books in categories where you can get books ranking at 20,000 or better — about 5 sales a day.
With «The Lion's Gate,» the book that we were talking about here, that had to be brought out by a mainstream publisher, it was too big a book, and it needed the push that a publisher could put behind it, getting it in bookstores and having a sales force and all that.
Writing good sales copy (the description of the book on your amazon page) is an art and a science — most authors are very bad about summarizing their story into an attention grabbing, intrigue building lead - in (without giving too much away).
Social networks are by now too much crowded and the chances to see your post about your new book for sale, exhibited for free, are more and more diminishing.
However, there was a lot of talk about how pricing ebooks too low can actually have a detrimental effect on book sales.
So does Pinter have a point about how too much online networking can threaten book sales?
With the advent of Amazon, media consumers could suddenly buy books online as soon as they saw, or heard about, or read about the author... so book promotion opportunities could become sales opportunities, too.
It's no surprise to me that some traditional publishers think this way — they have long cared more about sales that reader satisfaction and relied for too long (forever) on being the only source of books while selling the idea that they have some mysterious and unknowable skill — and 90 % of books fail anyway donchaknow?
Jeff Bezos says we worry too much about change - Kindle owners read more books and recent figures appeared to show that physical book sales were not being harmed by the digital switchover.
Publishers have access to sales data about their books, with services such as Nielsen BookScan and Above the Treeline (though to be fair that doesn't help too much with ebooks), but until Author Earnings there has been no centralized place for indie authors to find data about ebook sales.
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