Sentences with phrase «about breakfast in the morning»

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While he heard about a wide variety of habits, most nurtured their bodies in the morning with water, a healthy breakfast, and light exercise, and they nurtured their minds with meditation or prayer, inspirational reading, or journaling.
«It's impossible to overestimate the importance of relationships and something more there than just a pitch,» says Fishback, who, coincedentally just finished breakfast with Kutcher this morning in New York when he spoke to («We spent all morning talking about marketing campaigns,» he says.
Doing so would be like me telling you about a purple - polka - dotted elephant appearing in the sky as a way to prove to you that I had French Toast and coffee for breakfast this morning.
The other awesome thing about this is that you can make it the night before and leave it in your fridge to take with you in the morning if you're in a rush, so you can eat a deliciously healthy breakfast and feel energised and awesome all morning without having to prepare or cook anything early in the morning!
While this parfait is easy to prepare even on busy mornings (especially if you have the fruit cut up ahead of time), you'll save even more time (and not have to think about breakfast at all) by preparing it in advance and just grabbing it when you're ready to eat or grab while heading out the door.
I have one just about every morning for breakfast, unless I'm running late (in which case I skip the smoothie and snack constantly until about 11:30 am when I finally give up and go to lunch).
It's so nice to roll out of bed on my own time... and already have breakfast ready because I'm all about low effort in the morning.
I just started organic fair trade swiss water decaf in the mornings with my breakfast after reading about the bullet proof coffee movement (but decided to keep breakfast in as well) so it's great to have this recipe and it sounds yummy.
I wouldn't put it passed me to have shuffled a stack of chocolate chips and glass of milk into my face and called it the most important meal of the day once or twice, but I'm talking about these bad boys, that you can actually eat for breakfast and still earn your gold star for whole grains and fruit first thing in the morning.
Something I love about testing our breakfast recipes is that I can also freeze them so the kids can have a homemade breakfast in minutes on a rushed morning.
I made this and since the instructions did not say to stir or mix before putting in the fridge I was worried about the oats and gram crackers softening enough but everything softened overnight and mixed together nicely the next morning for a yummy breakfast.
I go to bed thinking about what I'm going to have for breakfast, I wake up in the middle of the night wanting that breakfast, and I get up in the morning rushing to go eat that breakfast.
This delicious recipe for a healthy honey nut granola comes from my mother - in - law who has been making this for her morning breakfast for about a year now.
There is something so magical about being able to take a leisurely morning hike in the woods to pick your breakfast!!
Stash veggie - filled foil packets in the freezer for a weekday breakfast option that cooks in the oven while you go about your morning routine.
All this fall weather talk has me thinking about my ideal fall morning - which would consist of sleeping in till the sun shines through the window, making some french press coffee with pumpkin spice, whipping a batch of these french toast muffins, and enjoying a lovely breakfast with friends or family - all while still in my comfy pjs and slippers.
The weekend was filled with poolside plant based ice cream parties, diy facials, early morning walks, homemade chickpea pasta, roasted sweet potato tacos, epic falafel bowls with magic sauce, watermelon cilantro limeade and hibiscus iced tea, savory breakfast bowls (recipe coming next week), hikes in Joshua Tree, yoga, and long talks about purpose, passion and how to make the world a better place.
What's not to love about a breakfast that's quick to prepare and ready first thing in the morning?
loves the bread and has a toasted slice with her breakfast in the morning, which I feel good about because gluten - free sourdough may be beneficial in the healing of the gut due to the growth of good bacteria (lactobacilli is one) during fermentation of the sourdough.
Then I have two mornings in a row where I don't have to worry about making breakfast.
However, this morning I didn't have a plan for breakfast until I started thinking about that «Short Bread» sitting in my refrigerator.
Having this drink in the morning makes me feel detoxified and is a gentle wake up for the system; when I start to get hungry after having this I start to think about breakfast.
I know I've said this many times before, but I am ALL about grab - and - go breakfast ideas since I will literally relish any extra minute I can get the chance to sleep in during the mornings, however taking the time to make a healthy breakfast is super important too.
My son had two neighborhoods brother friends for a sleep - over last night, so I made French Toast Frittata with the coconut flour bread for breakfast this morning (sliced or broken bread soaked in 5 beaten eggs, a good «glug» of raw whole milk, cinnamon, nutmeg [there is a higher egg to bread ratio than in conventional French Toast] all poured into a hot buttered sauté pan, cover and turn down heat to medium - low, cook until nearly set, place pan in 350 °F oven until eggs are completely set on top and starting to brown, about 6 - 10 minutes usually, flip over onto large plate and cut into wedges for serving).
Amazingly easy recipe, I had everything out and ready in about 10 minutes, breads are in the oven baking as I type and we can not wait to try them for breakfast tomorrow morning.
Again, all is about balance in your life, and all this starts from the morning with a good breakfast.
Talk about a breakfast to look forward to in the morning.
I usually skip breakfast unless we have something like this or a quiche on hand... cereal just doesn't do it for me, and I am kind of lazy about cooking in the morning.
, here they are — super soft, salty - sweet, peanut butter breakfast cookies that you can feel good about giving to your kids on their way out the door in the morning.
Per serving, about two pancakes, they have 53 grams of protein, making them a healthy post-workout breakfast after hours of working out in the morning.
There is something about a steaming plate of hotcakes in the morning that makes breakfast feel a little more special.
On Radio National breakfast this morning ACCC Chairman, Graeme Samuel, was asked about price signalling between banks, the ACCC's plans to review James Packer's acquisition of an interest in the Ten Network and about the ACCC's roll in the implementation of the NBN.
But then the other morning I had possibly the most incredible breakfast ever with them in this gorgeous coconut yoghurt and fresh fruits, and I figured it was about time to give them a second chance.
Sunday mornings are all about «special breakfast» in our house.
As I'm usually trying to cram food into my face as fast as possible in the mornings (firstly, I am hungrayyy, secondly I've only got about 10 minutes to make and eat my breakfast and coffee during the week), I go for yogurt and muesli (an addiction I've stuck to for pretty much 75 % of my mornings for a year, so far).
Redick on Trump / NFL: «I'm about as anti-Trump as you can get... I think being anti-Trump is just like eating breakfast in the morning
But in saying that I can't remember what I had for breakfast this morning, so there goes my memory,» Ko told reporters on Tuesday about her four - shot win at the Kia Classic, the final tuneup for the ANA.
The Hammers manager appeared on the TalkSport Sports breakfast this morning with Alan Brazil and Andy Gray and the first question he was asked was about his last two weeks in New Zealand.
The school population in question was primarily Hispanic and apparently oatmeal isn't commonly eaten in that community; the school's principal actually called the official later that day to complain about the breakfast and the fact that children went hungry that morning.
When you present the facts about school breakfast, and its associated benefits — increased test scores, fewer behavioral problems, improved focus in the classroom — you give stakeholders the opportunity to understand the measurable results that come from feeding students a morning meal.
The plan: I would start our day with a relaxed morning where everyone would sleep in until about 9 a.m. and roll out of bed for a quick Indian breakfast of stuffed / savory bread with a dollop of butter on the side.
Maybe your favorite part about school breakfast is how it helps students get ready to learn in the morning, or maybe you love the way school breakfast helps address hunger in your community.
Parents report kids who are eager to get to school in the morning, while kids who have access to breakfast - in - the - classroom talk about how much they enjoy the atmosphere BIC creates.
But the main important thing is that the kids in these classrooms have a full tummy, with foods that are healthy and nutritious for them, and we know they are going to be able to learn, and pay attention, and when they go home at night they don't have to worry about whether they will have breakfast the next morning because they will have it in their classroom.
• Restrict breakfast carbohydrates Insulin resistance is highest in the morning, so you have to be extra careful about your carbohydrate intake during breakfast.
The morning began as a typical morning; I poured a cup of coffee, rushed to make breakfast, rushed to get kids ready, tried to remember to get myself ready (to avoid that horrible dream about driving to school in my pj's), and there was a minor scuffle between the kids about whose turn it was to choose the movie for movie night.
My 3 - year - old typically throws tantrums in the morning, mainly about wanting to watch television or because her breakfast isn't what she wanted.
Ask them questions about their friends, work and teachers and make sure they're there on time in the morning, having had a good breakfast.
Here's how it came about - I was lamenting on Instagram about the note JJ's teacher sent home saying that he had eaten his entire lunch when he got to school first thing in the morning (and I'm not sure how that happened if they were keeping an eye on him and he had eaten a full breakfast before he got on the bus...... but I regress).
Thanks to all of the participants who allowed me to corner them — sometimes early in the morning, sometimes late in the afternoon after a full day of conferencing and networking — and give them the third degree about their Breakfast in the Classroom experiences.
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