Sentences with phrase «about breathing»

Should we be worried about breathing in more from a 3D printer?
You can play with it without worrying about breathing difficulties.
You don't even have to think about breathing, or your heart beating, or all the other ways it keeps us alive.
The creatures you will meet are wholly believable; distinct in appearance and animated by a team clearly passionate about breathing life into their weird and wonderful creations.
However, I'd still be concerned about breathing in the chemicals during application.
Talk about breathing easy knowing you have made the best moves at the right times thanks to expert insight.
Hey, I'm all for shiny new things, but there's something even more satisfying about breathing new life out of old clothes.
You will learn about breathing techniques, energetic locks, and cleansing techniques that will keep your body healthy and your mind clear.
In the course of her first 24 hours, the nurses and her doctor were concerned about her breathing as she started showing signs of occasional trouble.
With articles about breathing, being present, fearless — read for specific techniques to achieve happiness, peace, and productivity — from the inside out.
I also don't write much about breathing, and other things that we don't have to think about in order for it to happen.
Nevertheless, if you are concerned about any breathing problem in your baby, be sure to contact your pediatrician.
He's focusing the proposed legislation on cars, not residences, because children under the age of 16 don't have a choice about breathing in that air.
It's making me very uncomfortable sitting here talking about breathing because I'm aware of my breath right now.
There is also some research about breathing in iodine gas near the ocean.
We've shared some of our favorite bright accents for spring, but how about breathing some fresh style into a room with some modern spring colors?
After a year of late night reading, she borrowed her son's laptop and set about breathing life to her very own characters.
We don't even have to think about breathing or our heart beating and all the other ways it keeps us alive.
It's about breathing new life into the businesses that are the backbone of the American economy.
Upcycling is all about breathing new life into old items — be it furniture, home accessories or, even clothing.
Apparently it's just about breathing deeply or listening to apps or meditating.
You've heard me talking about breathing exercises and doing things like pranayama or yogic breathing, but what Robert has done is look at the very, very edges of respiration including things like deep diving.
Learn about breathing techniques which are considered the stepping stone for practicing yoga;
I, too, like Ashley have a question about breathing during this meditation.
Question about the breathing practice — when I'm at home, I don't want to inhale.
Book Description: Detailed information about breathing for singing, with tips on relaxation and focus, using the diaphragm, and everyday exercises anyone can do.
Everything about it breathes perfection — from ivory Chantilly lace with silver threads to satin stitch embroidery spilling flowers all over the fabric.
Everything about it breathes perfection — from scalloped Chantilly lace with silver threads to satin stitch embroidery spilling flowers all over the fabric.
«Just breathe» Margaret said and that sort of triggered a vague memory about breathing away a few contractions.
You might concern about breathing system as children will be sitting inside in a plastic like a container.
It'll alert you automatically about breathing, movement, or any other unusual activity, so while you may still feel the need to do so, you won't have to check your phone every five seconds.
(And we know that when it comes down to your family's health, you're all about breathing easy.)
In this interview with the BSS Show in London, he explains how he is going about breathing life back to the organization.
«It took me a while to hear the message about breathing that everyone kept talking about.
Poblano peppers are so great because they are more warm than spicy; my less adventurous guests didn't have to worry about breathing fire.
What I did: This pranayama practice is simply about breathing through (you guessed it) your left nostril.
Hey Todd I was curious about the breathing technique you use for the Isometrics.
The focus is on teaching your body how to move / breathe properly while you're on the mat and on balancing and rebuilding your pelvic floor and the rest of your core, so you DO N'T have to obsess about your breathe and movement for the rest of the day (unlike other alignment based programs out there)!
She pointed to Light on Yoga, the bible for Iyengar students, in which B.K.S. Iyengar offers detailed descriptions about breathing during the practice of specific postures.
He published his findings in «About the Breathing of Salt Dust,» the first of many studies on the effects of breathing salt air.
Don't be shy about breathing fully in Pilates class.
Great tips about breathing, staying calm, transitions, shoulder positioning, double under technique...
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