Sentences with phrase «about caloric balance»

Either type of estimate, net or gross, is okay to use so long as you know which one it is and what the numbers mean with respect to your overall caloric balance (read the Calories Explained article learn more about caloric balance).
You can also read the Calories Explained article to learn more about caloric balance and how it is the ultimate determinant of your weight.

Not exact matches

There are lots of sources on the Internet about what the basal metabolic rate is and how calculating it can help you get into a caloric balance, but here are some quick instructions on how to do it yourself:
In the beginning I dutifully created meal plans, talked to them about the importance of fibre and balanced blood sugar, and provided recipes for healthy meals and snacks that would fill them up and reduce their overall caloric intake.
Instead of attempting a modification of your metabolism to achieve a desired weight gain or weight loss goal, the recommended and more effective approach is to adapt your caloric intake and / or your level of physical activity to attain the caloric balance that will allow you to achieve your goal (you can read more about this topic here: Slow metabolism - Is it to blame for weight gain?).
It's more about overall caloric balance.
«Weight loss foods» doesn't exist either because weight loss isn't about the foods you eat, per se — it's merely a byproduct of properly regulating your caloric intake and energy balance.
Just to expand, eating a well balanced WFPB diet (which means including all the plant food groups each day — grains, veggies, fruit, legumes, and nuts / seeds — no need to get too fussy about the relative amounts of each) and consuming an appropriate amount of food (based on your caloric needs) is GUARANTEED to provide all the protein you body needs.
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