Sentences with phrase «about causation»

These results can not be used to draw conclusions about causation or the direction these associations take.
Open the image in an image editor and draw vertical lines; you'll see that the peaks of CO2 and temperature match perfectly, which tells us nothing about causation whatsoever.
This sounds more like an observation based on a small number of cases rather than an established trend, and it doesn't say anything about causation.
The cases throw up arguments about causation the like of which do not appear elsewhere.
But, here is a big data nerd caution: even though there seems to be a correlation, we don't know about causation!
In order to make informed, intelligent, fair and reasonable decisions about causation and liability it is often necessary to rely on the scientific expertise of a qualified accident reconstruction expert.
One reason for the new blog is to collect, in a one place, the posts I've written about causation on various law blogs.
But over time, this traditional legal doctrine about causation came to be severely tested.
Great article — I'm not a legal blogger but I agree about causation.
JW: All the talk about causation seems to be between stages of the cat, and this isn't an example of causation.
Rarely is human - induced climate change mentioned as a cause or contributing factor in the recent outbreak of sever tornadoes although questions about causation are becoming more frequent on TV and newspapers in this writer's experience.
Either there is a root source for all existence which can not be limited by time, space or anything in existence (you arrive at this in the limit of thought experiment about causation, time, etc) or the argument is that existence is of no substance (in otherwords is consistent with nothingness).
Yet Robert Barton, an evolutionary biologist at Durham University in England, who did not take part in the work, cautions against drawing conclusions about causation from correlation.
People still care about causation, mechanisms, and coherent theories, but in many disciplines, researchers are looking to supplement those traditional elements of science, harvesting gains from the data deluge by, in effect, learning from Google.
(Different scientific disciplines have actually different expectations about proof claims, what ethicists call «epistemic norms») When science is playing its centrally important role in research for the truth about causation, strict and rigorous procedures are called for and no scientist should make claims when acting in this role that have not been demonstrated.
In Merchantbridge, Mackie QC HHJ made very similar comments about causation.
If negligence can be established, comments need to be made about causation using the same «but for» test towards the consequences of substandard care.
The doctor moved for a directed verdict, and the court granted the motion, finding that the young woman did not prove her claim because she did not have an expert testify about the causation element required in negligence claims.
A former professor and a student at Charlotte School of Law should know something about causation, and so they have sued the American Bar Association for their problems at the law school.
Chris, have a look at Omar's recent article about causation.
First, its study design is cross-sectional and correlational, so inferences about causation can not be made.
However, the linkage is not strong enough to reliably forecast the forex rates and the charts say nothing about causation — which comes first between interest rates and currency (Note that the line for the British pound against the dollar is inverted so that when both lines rise, the correlation is positive.)
Some philosophers would say that in talking about causation we merely are talking about sequences of events between which we notice resemblances of A-like events followed by B - like events — we distinguish the A-factor and B - factor and make a generalization that A-like events cause B - like events.
If they had, they'd have had to consider if Clements could change anything about the causation - based analysis.
We can't jump to conclusions about causation.
My husband is an environmental scientist; I hear all about causation, correlation and environmental impact on this or that pretty much all day, every day.
But that knowledge about the five sigma event frequency really says nothing about causation.
Interesting as that may be, it doesn't say much, if anything, about causation nor about future projections.
The last post in our series about the essential elements of a medical malpractice claim is about causation.
We can't jump to conclusions about causation.
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