Sentences with phrase «about cereal»

I remember growing up my mom would say the same thing about the cereal problem!
I'm definitely most excited about the cereal... I would love to have a healthy option for when I'm rushed!
Encourage her to tell you what she likes about the cereal, like the color, the taste, the character on the box.
One day, I promise I will blog about my cereal or the many things I like to serve with eggs.
There is nothing magic about cereal and babies do fine without it.
I also have a nice post about cereal breakfasts that you can find by typing «cereal» into the search box.
As you know from a lot of my articles, despite being marketed as «health» foods, there's not really much healthy about cereals at all!
You kids (and husband) will be very excited about this cereal and it is all good!
I talk about cereal in my program First Foods & Beyond and I've mentioned it here and there through social media.
At least one expert told Bloomberg that people may be reluctant to think about cereal as anything other than a breakfast food, at least not in numbers large enough to end the sales slump, which is expected to continue at least through 2020.
I, too, have the same quibbles about cereal in my muffin recipes.
What about cereal promoted as «healthy for kids», like Barbara's Puffins.
«I couldn't stand for something like that because I'm so passionate about cereals
Ha ha my husband made that exact same joke about a cereal killer!!!
At this point, I have no idea what my favourite breakfast food is anymore It used to be oatmeal, then I kind of got addicted to pancakes, and now I'm all about the cereal.
Feel free to talk more about cereal anytime:)
Best Cereals for Kids I get asked about cereal a lot.
But I'm not so upset about the cereal thing (cereal is often put in small amounts into babies bottles to help with reflux) but the JUICE!
«We are dedicated to spreading information about cereal science and technology, processing, and the health benefits of cereals,» said Hamit Köksel, president of the ICC and professor at Hacettepe University, Turkey, to open the event.
More bad news about cereal... Any cereals with wheat ingredients in them can possibly cause gut inflammation and long term gut damage from too much gluten and lectins, even if you're not officially gluten intolerant or gluten sensitive.
How about some cereal and always HOLD THE MILK... Dogs love canned and fresh foods... please educate yourself and do your research and stop believing what uneducated Vets and what the crooks and at the dog food companies advertise.
«The dangerous thing about cereals like Rice Bubbles or Corn Flakes isn't actually the calorie content, it's that they are highly - refined and zoom into your bloodstream, which means you are more likely to overeat during your next meal.»
i just can't shut up about cereal!
Talk to us about the cereal and snack bar innovations you would like to make, and find out more about the products we offer.
It wasn't all about cereal.
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