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It has about 85 regular attenders and for the past year has met at a local punk rock club, Chain Reaction.
So we may say that since by a sort of chain - reaction consciousness, itself borne of complexity, finds itself in a position to bring about «artificially» a further increase of complexity in its material dwelling (thus engendering or liberating a further growth of reflective consciousness, and so on...) the terrestrial evolution of Life, following its main axis of hominization, is not only completely altering the scale of its creations but is also entering an «explosive» phase of an entirely new kind.
The chain reaction of paying these two guys all that money is one that fans are not even thinking about.
Last year we posted about building an exploding chain reaction (the cobra weave) with craft sticks.
Hopefully people will at least think twice about hitting their children, and maybe some of the people we come in contact with will decide not to spank, and it will be a chain reaction.
These machines require about an hour to perform the chemical reactions needed to add one amino acid to a chain.
At the same time, new questions have emerged, and there's still a lot to learn about the basic nuclear properties that drive the chain reaction and its impact on energy production here on Earth and elsewhere in our universe.
PCR stands for polymerase chain reaction — a technique developed about 20 years ago that allows many copies of a DNA sequence to be made.
«In order to spread nuclear technologies, you have to have the people who have the expertise in nuclear engineering, who know about nuclear materials and chain reactions and things like that — the same expertise for nuclear bombs.
Pound for pound, nuclear explosives — which derive their power from runaway chain reactions in their radioactive fuel — carry about a million times the energy density of chemical explosives.
For a number of years, I've written about Leo Szilard, who in fact prompted this letter and who in fact thought up the chain reaction that they were scared of at that point.
It's about the strange relationship between Leo Szilard and Enrico Fermi and their attempts to create a controlled chain reaction.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology is beginning a two - year, $ 16 million study of the twin - tower collapse that will address three pressing questions: whether current testing standards and building codes are adequate to resist catastrophic fires; whether building codes sufficiently take into account what engineers call progressive collapse, the chain reaction that leads to extremely rapid collapse (in the case of the World Trade Center towers, about 10 seconds); and how existing buildings can be made less vulnerable to terrorist attack.
Because yeast prions act much like mammalian prions and are easier to study, scientists hope they will offer clues about how these mis - folding chain reactions get started and how they might be stopped.
So they drafted a second set of letters in drafts to the President of the United States, warning him about nuclear chain reactions and their military potential.
Talk about a bad chain reaction.
If a drug increases levels of dopamine, say, and you have a gene that causes a chain reaction that leaves more dopamine swimming about in your brain, the drug is going to affect you differently than it would someone whose genes make dopamine less available to them.
Constant criticism, whether it's coming from others or from ourselves, keeps us in a state of chronic stress about our weight, which produces a biochemical chain reaction in our body that actually makes it much harder to burn fat — and may even have the opposite effect.
Just thinking about getting out of bed was enough to set off an adrenaline chain reaction and cortisol feeding frenzy.
Sure, there are some stereotypes about Irish people in America covered here and not all characters are as round and interesting but it's still pretty damn exciting to follow the bomber's path of destruction and the booby traps and chain reactions he builds.
The Party: Director Sally Potter's black comedy about an intimate gathering of friends that goes haywire when an unexpected announcement sets off a chain reaction exposing secrets, sex, and betrayal.
The story of a grieving mother's high - profile attempt to get justice for her daughter's murder plays as a fable about the toxicity of chain - reaction hate.
Sunny's also the first link in a very long chain reaction that is about to begin.
Film Reviews: Chain Reaction by Leslie Rigoulot Enemy at the Gates by Jonathan Robert Muirhead Stealing Beauty by Karen Jaehne Partial Filmography: About a Boy Chain Reaction Enemy at the Gates Going All the Way The Land Girls The Mummy My Blueberry Nights Stealing Beauty
It isn't long before Dick Jarrett catches her eye — and that spark sets off a chain reaction of explosive artistic expression and wild self - discovery, forever upending Chris and Sylvère's preconceptions about love and monogamy.
As the kids explored a darkened room dedicated to fireflies, teachers and museum staff compared notes about the specific chain reaction that allows the glow worms to light up.
«After her death, her parents found out about her mission in life to start a chain reaction of kindness,» said Nicole Meibos, principal of Rocky Mountain Junior High School, in West Haven.
If a neighborhood has lots of chained dogs and free - roaming cats, for example, the old - school reaction might be, «This is a neighborhood that doesn't care about the animals» or «There's a lot of neglect happening in this neighborhood,» Arrington says.
So how does one go about getting these chain reactions?
One of the things I find most interesting about strategy games is how resources, terrain and enemy contact create an interactive chain reaction where one thing emerges from the other.
The fun part is disrupting those routines to bring about reactions and new chains of cause and effect.
If you knew the slightest thing about the problem with ozone destroying chemicals, of which the chlorinated freons were prime culprits, you would know that they were a problem because they were supremely stable in the lower atmosphere (pure chlorine not so at all), and were able to transport chlorine to the ozone layer (unlike natural chlorine compounds), whereupon UV light broke them down, released the chlorine, starting a chain reaction destroying the ozone.
The effect was to signal that the US was getting serious about climate action and start a chain reaction of events with global significance (see below).
You talking about Exponential growth - as in a chain reaction But this started from «exponentially increased» I assumed you using increased and growth as though they were synonymous.
Let us say that the average land based rate of volcanic discharge of dust is about 0.28 km3 per decade, but that there is a positive feedback along chains, so that one one goes, it causes a chain reaction.
Greater Vancouver, Canada About Youtuber I build chain reactions.
Estonia About Youtuber Channel with chain reactions from dominoes.
San Diego, CA About Youtuber Sprice Machines offers Chain Reaction Engineering & Domino Art videos.
Chain Reaction About - Chain Reaction is a strategic digital marketing agency based in Dubai with offices across the Middle East.
In a domino effect, chain reaction, the death of the coral reefs will also be the death of the sea life that depend on the reef for survival, eventually killing the ocean which supplies about 85 percent of the oxygen in the earth's atmosphere.
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