Sentences with phrase «about changing our point»

Huawei's MWC 2017 event is all about changing our point of view with the P10.

Not exact matches

The changes to Medicaid were the sticking point for many Republican senators who had concerns about the bill going into the vote.
Even apart from the fact that they don't know what they're talking about because they don't know what's out there, the bigger issues are that: (a) almost all of these reports come back with a variety of related findings that may be precisely on point; and (b) the very age of the prior research may be invaluable if the new questions and inquiries have to do with trend lines, changes in attitudes or different behaviors.
«We're talking about 10 basis points, so a relatively small change,» she says.
A few things stand out about this particular rate change: first, the magnitude of influence that just a quarter percentage - point change had on the stock market; second, the current rate with an upper range of.50 % compared to the various long - term averages of about 5 %; and third, the rate remains historically low, with only minute incremental changes, despite the relatively good news we continue to read about the economy.
The changes extend to telecommunications, said Glover, who pointed to an announcement by Moore on Thursday about licensing for fixed wireless service.
It continues, in bullet - pointed sentences: «Try to change your location as soon as possible and don't tell anyone about your location.
At one point, in March, it looked like there would be an opportunity for Hari to visit the headquarters and speak about changes Starbucks could make.
Brainstorm about ways to improve or change a service, add an unique point of value to an existing sector or meet an unmet need and thereby prompt your creativity to flow.
The four main anxiety points he hears about: taxation and budgets; changes to labour laws; more environmental regulation; and changes to resource industries» use of Crown land.
As Stowe Boyd points out in «Metaphors Matter: Talking About How We Talk About Organizations,» an organization that functions like a dynamic organism is better able to change and adapt.
How can she change that finish line into a starting point for doing something she's really passionate about?
Despite this and other authoritative warnings about the dangers of climate change, Mr. Pruitt persists in pointing to uncertainty about the precise extent of humanity's contribution to the problem as a basis for resisting taking any regulatory action to help solve it.
The point is, you can't share an inspiring vision — or stimulate meaningful change — without providing some context about why your vision and the change are long overdue.
Management profs talk about inflection points: moments in the evolution of an industry or an organization when a dramatic change can occur.
This ever - changing construct represents a way of communicating for people who like to inform each other about their daily activities and share common points of interest, according to Wikipedia authors Lambert M. Surhone, Mariam T. Tennoe, and Susan F. Henssonow.
The most pointed comments Tuesday came from Mr. Dimon, who has been vocal about the effect regulatory changes are having on the banking industry.
A Forbes piece recently highlighted the next five years of user experience trends, and made key points about how users are being changed by the internet of things, voice and bots.
Changing how people feel about their work is the point of Plasticity Labs, which Moss founded two years ago with his wife, Jennifer, the company's chief marketing officer, and chief technical officer Lance Mohring.
The current #MeToo moment is a rare inflection point for women in society, as we find ourselves in a broad and potentially game - changing conversation about how women are faring in the workplace and beyond.
Let them help you find that place where you don't just make your point, you change how others think about an issue.
As I pointed out in this post about the changing structure of the VC industry, private tech companies are delaying IPOs and thus privately held tech investors are reaping more of the value prior to an eventual IPO so public investors must have felt compelled to respond.
The results revealed an asymmetry in the point at which they tipped: people required about four unethical actions to decide that Barbara had appreciably changed for the worse, but about six equivalently ethical actions to decide that Barbara appreciably changed for the better.
As long - time Google reporter Danny Sullivan points out, changes to the results may also be shaped by recent search activity in response to the controversy, and the arrival of new websites optimized to return queries about the Holocaust.
Leveraging inside information about upcoming initiatives, current pain points, and leadership changes is the equivalent of having a triple double in your sales cycle.
Looking ahead: The Environmental Protection Agency, under its new management, decided to issue new talking points to staffers instructing them to disperse doubt when talking about human activity being a cause of climate change.
Let them know that you understand their pain points, know about their most recent leadership changes, and that you're ready to help them with their new initiative.
His final and most controversial point in response to the legislative changes question was about what he dubbed «enabling innovation».
The low price points of Dot and Mini have also changed consumer perceptions about smart speakers and enticed more than 40 % of households to place them in multiple rooms.
They quickly pointed out that Europe is too large simply to assume that the world can absorb large changes in its capital and trade accounts, and as they debated about the ways global constraints would affect the assumptions about European surpluses most of them quickly decided that either the markets would not permit surpluses of this size, perhaps by bidding up the euro, or the impact of these surpluses would be very negative for the world.
We asked about this, and LG told us that there were both changes in the geographic footprint of the model and some flaws in the RCT survey strategy which are rendering the results not reliable from an evaluative point of view.
This post about the Suzuki - Pembina report is a case in point: both sides of the debate seemed to think that I was offering aid and succor to the cause of the climate change deniers.
Pettis» point about China not adequately recognising impairments doesn't change GDP calculations over time.
And you know, look, I had read a ton of books at that point but they were so... you read «Market Wizards» by Schwager, and then you read Peter Lynch, and then you read Jack Bogle, you've got three completely different... So I read Nick Murray, was the book that made... probably changed more about my investment philosophy than anything else.
As a former Third Point employee told journalist Nicholas Stein in 2007, Loeb «believes that if you embarrass a CEO in front of his friends at the club, make him feel like people are talking about him, you can exert change on his company.»
Monday was all about superlatives: the largest one - day point drop in the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the biggest one - day percentage change in the VIX Index.
This is a generation that were exposed to a changing digital world as they were growing up but were unlucky enough to have a global recession occur at the point that many of them were about to join the workforce.
The Strategic Total Return Fund continues to hold a portfolio duration of about 6 years, meaning that a 1 % (100 basis point) change in interest rates would induce a roughly 6 % change in the value of the Fund.
An interesting fact about this trading approach is that a lot of financial institutions are basing their positions on the same pivot point and buying and selling large volumes, which has a direct impact on the price changes of the assets.
Of course, the point about duration still stands — regardless of what drives returns, long duration means that even small changes to those drivers of return can be amplified into very big changes in prices in the short term.
From this vantage point, stability is really just a way of describing or qualifying «expectations,» which are a formal part of the way the Bank thinks about monetary policy and the transmission mechanism (i.e., how a change in the target for the overnight rate has an effect on the real economy).
One of the lowest points may have come last November when President Obama formally, and forcefully, rejected the Keystone XL pipeline, citing climate change priorities that raised questions about the future U.S. appetite for Canadian crude.
It misses the point, prayers are not about changing the world, they are about changing us.
I see your point about completion changing things.
For one I could point out 20 mispelling errors, «Mormonism» not a word, weird huh.I am a Mormon I do support Mitt and I did in 2008, but religion aside Mitt can get it done, and he has in the past!!!! Obama has failed the USA no doubt about that.Mitt's morals, family values is what America is on.Shame on the people who can't move past that, You (not me) voted on a black man for President and not a Mormon, turns out the Mormon Canidiate coud have changed the whole USA around cool huh.
In this work he commented one by one on all his writings, giving details about the date and circumstances of the work, noting places where he had changed his mind, pointing out passages where he got things wrong, for example where he had cited a biblical text from memory and not gotten it correct.
He argues that this theory allows one to make all the points that can be made about theological changes through history by using Robinson s notion of «trajectories,» but without its postulation of some «essence» of meaning that perdures through the change.
While I'm not inclined to ascribe motive in this case and prefer to give Ham the benefit of the doubt that he holds his position because his conscience demands it, I think these folks bring up a good point about how we can become so heavily invested in a certain ideology that change comes at enormous cost.
One discerning study of modern uncertainties about historical practice, by Joyce Appleby, Margaret Jacob and Lynn Hunt, even began by pointing out that their own participation in the historical profession, as women from nonelite social backgrounds, could not have happened without the intermingled social and intellectual changes of recent decades (Telling the Truth About Histabout historical practice, by Joyce Appleby, Margaret Jacob and Lynn Hunt, even began by pointing out that their own participation in the historical profession, as women from nonelite social backgrounds, could not have happened without the intermingled social and intellectual changes of recent decades (Telling the Truth About HistAbout History).
Ch 2 is a retelling of the story to make a specific point about man's dominance over women, but it has to change the order of things from Ch 1 in order to do that.
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