Sentences with phrase «about childhood obesity»

With all the concern about childhood obesity, parents may worry that their baby is getting too fat.
With all the discussions in the media about the childhood obesity epidemic, it isn't surprising that parents are often confused and worried about including fats in their child's diet.
I create economical, effective, and educational solutions that erase ignorance and illiteracy about childhood obesity, diabetes, & prediabetes.
But, with all the concern and talk about childhood obesity counteracted by the need for calcium and vitamin D, what exactly is a good amount for your toddler?
Ten years after I first dipped my toe into the roiling waters of school food reform, I continue to hear parents complain about unhealthy food and food practices at school, even as headlines scream about the childhood obesity epidemic.
Concerns about childhood obesity led Barrington Community Unit School District 220 to drop flavored milk at elementary schools in 2008.
There's almost a desperation around the country to do something about childhood obesity, says Active Living Research program director James Sallis, who is also a psychologist at San Diego State University.
Funny Bunny Director: Alison Bagnall Cast: Kentucker Audley, Joslyn Jensen, Olly Alexander, Anna Margaret Hollyman, Josephine Decker, Louis Cancelmi, Grace Gonglewski, Nicholas Webber, Caridad de la Luz Synopsis: «Gene spends his days canvassing about childhood obesity and the billions of dollars wasted each year on junk food subsidies.
Funny Buddy (Unrated) Romantic dramedy about a childhood obesity counselor (Kentucker Audley) and an emotionally - stunted trust fund baby (Olly Alexander) competing for the affections of a reclusive animal activist (Joslyn Jensen).
In the past Burger King launched a program about childhood obesity, which was a mistake because it drew additional attention to their product's fallibility, he added.
More than half a century ago, the National School Lunch act was passed, allocating funds for nutritious meals at school, and these days many educators worry more about childhood obesity than about malnutrition.
From global recession to global warming, from concerns about childhood obesity to concerns about toxic chemicals, all of these issues have spurred lunch box sales.
Parents from all walks of life wrestle with what to put in their kids» lunchboxes these days, given the growing concern about childhood obesity, not to mention the rise in peanut allergies, which has banned the old standby PB&J from many school cafeterias.
I watched an amazing documentary called Fed Up (now available on Netflix) about childhood obesity and the epidemic that is already happening, and frankly it scared me.
Concerns about childhood obesity have mounted as the number of kids with type 2 diabetes and other weight - related conditions has soared.
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