Sentences with phrase «about church»

I thought that all the talk about the church not being brick and mortar, but within everyone (Gospel of St. Thomas), was not allowed into the bible when King James decided which books he wanted in the bible, and which he didn't.
So it was with great excitement when I learned that one of my favorite authors who writes about the church, was publishing a book about Jesus.
Marco Polo's account of his journey to China and of the Christians he found there is one of the most important pieces of information that has come down to us about the church in China in the 13th century.
Why have you chosen to write a book about Church unity?I came back from holiday last year and I felt God had challenged me to write a book on unity because...
The mystique surrounding pastoral care is another example of dualistic thinking about the church and ministry.
Then I switched to a book about church, called Close Your Church for Good.
Head on over there to find out what they think about the church.
What these men have in mind was expressed by one of them who said in effect: The seminary prepared me for preaching and taught me the difference between preaching and public speaking; it helped me to become a pastoral counselor and not simply a counselor; it prepared me for the work of Christian education; but it gave me no preparation to administer a church as Church; what I learned about church administration was a nontheological smattering of successful business practices.
oh wait... we are talking about the church that only pays attention to the parts that benefits it most in the moment....
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If we step back and forget everything we think we know about church, and read the texts without such filters, they say something very different than often assumed.
I spoke with him about what he has learned about race and the church, and about the church's mission in reconciliation.
I don't know a whole lot about your church / denomination, but I think the author might be of the same group.
Pastors boasting about church size.
Write down all the things you love about your church and all the things you don't care for.
The author presents an interview with Chris Rice and what Rice has learned about race and the church, and about the church's mission in reconciliation.
I'm just asking about your church specifically.
There are many complaints about a Church that allows no questions.
Either you know nothing about the Church and are just pushing your own agenda without any facts, or... you know the facts and choose to misrepresent them in order to fit your agenda.
I didn't think the post was THAT groundbreaking, but I think you are on to something about the church's involvement (or lack thereof) in the current state of affairs in the world.
It is as absurd to talk about the church functioning like a superfamily as it is to speak of the state as a family.
Based on this idea of the church as a family, Richard Jacobson goes on to talk about church elders as facilitators, on how to carry out conflict resolution within the family of God, and a whole host of other related topics.
«I heard about a church youth group recently where a young person wanted to move from their boys» group to their girls» group.
Hello Jeremy - I read your article about church bullies and the traits you listed about church bullies accurately describes a person who currently go's to the same church I do.
Jefferson was most definitely not worried about government involvement in church and VERY much worried about church involvement in government.
So when asking a question about church, the term church needs to be defined.
I liked what I saw and started reading his blog, where he creates insightful and humorous cartoons and videos about the church and following Jesus.
He felt the same about his church.
All in all, this is a great book about the church.
Who can blame them for writing with such passion about the Church?
The Archbishop of Canterbury retires at the end of the year, I wonder what the new one will do about the Church of England.
I probably shouldn't complain about the church too much.
Jeremy Myers did write a good article titled about church bullies and some of there traits.
They had read polemics about church property restitution, they had met Hari Krishnas in saffron robes, they could find Rushdie's Satanic Verses sitting beside Discussions with Cardinal Ratzinger in bookstores.
That is, all the wrong ways people have of thinking about church center on something other than Jesus (buildings, times, groups).
They know about the anti-Jewish polemics of certain church fathers; about the forced baptisms, especially of children; about the church council decree that sanctioned the removal of such children from their parents; about a papal edict encouraging raids on Jewish synagogues by the faithful; about the expulsion of all Jews from a country like Spain; about Luther's hate language directed against Jews when they did not convert according to his timetable; about the prohibition against Jews living in Calvin's Geneva; and about all the cruelties Christians have felt justified in perpetrating against the people they called «Christ - killers.»
There is nothing holy or sanctified about the church building, any more than there is anything holy or sanctified about the school gymnasium or hotel conference room.
(What I say here about church buildings is true of the Church at all levels.
Lots of people talk about church multiplication, but what they really mean is church building multiplication.
However, one blog I read has a post of 10 questions that all believers need to ask themselves about the church they attend.
Nobody says anything analytical about church music in terms of its administrative coherence within the church.
The album is more explicitly about the church than some of his recent work, and it marks a return to his roots, both thematically and musically.
What can I possibly say about the church in the presence of these two groups?
What do they miss about church most of all?
I was using a Guantanamo - like image to make a comment about the church...
It's an old story and is not entirely respectful, of course, but the fact that it is told is reflective of a Catholic sensibility that is not devoid of a certain whimsy about the Church's leadership.
They love to dig up dirt about the Church.
This article should be of no interest to you or any other Atheists, yet there are plenty of them making negative comments about the church and people who are religious.
So, before we complain about the Church we need to understand exactly what church is and what we are trying to change.
Mostly because in speaking with a coworker about church, he said he was raised in the church and believes in God, but has never been in a church where the leaders weren't greedy — and he gave this exact example, and said that the same pastor drove a luxury car.
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