Sentences with phrase «about civic participation»

You can also introduce your students to powerful frameworks for thinking about civic participation and social change.
We're seeing an explosion of different ways of thinking about civic participation amongst everybody, but particularly amongst the young.
We're seeing an explosion of different ways of thinking about civic participation amongst...

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In addition, Sen points out that political and civic participation can help citizens to deliberate together about «what they really need» and what individual and societal ends are trnly worth valuing.
Because of the kinds of things you talked about under the name of Fabianism, instead of democratic practices and accountability like popular participation and protests and other forms of civic or popular review, we've gone the route of professionalisation in the civil service and accountability via targets and standardisations and numbers, which enable what is often merely an appearance of accountability, and actually operate in a very different way from other more politicised forms of accountability.
Writer Mooney and marine scientist Kirshenbaum argue persuasively for scientists to step up engagement with the public, in order to dispel misinformation and foster meaningful civic participation in decisions about issues such as nuclear power, climate change, and public health.
Usable Knowledge sat down with Haste to talk about new forms of civic participation, a new lens on democracy, and a new brand of civic education.
Hand - wringing about young people's participation in politics and civic life is common, particularly in an election season.
In a typical high school civics class, students learn about local and federal government and media literacy, as well as citizenship and participation.
However, there is much more work that can be done, and many states have the necessary data to answer important research questions about CTE (including questions about equity and access, effect of participation on high school graduation rates, college enrollment and attainment, and civic and employment outcomes).
Impressively, attending the school with the strongest civic climate (where 85 percent of students listed voting as a component of good citizenship) rather than the school with the weakest civic climate (where 46 percent chose voting) increased anticipated participation by a quarter of a standard deviation, or by about twice the effect of the individual student's having listed voting as a component of good citizenship.
«We care about these findings in part because we fundamentally believe that social media platforms afford exciting opportunities for civic voice and participation,» says Weinstein, the study's lead author.
As we prepare to spend tomorrow thinking about ways to nurture civic participation in young people, we wanted to republish a great story about two Facing History students whose study of history and the choices people make inspired them to petition the Oxford English Dictionary to add the word upstander to its pages.
Bring the conversation about religious freedom and civic participation to your classroom with free lesson plans and activities.
The articles that follow provide concrete, detailed lessons from research and best practice about how to make afterschool and summer programming more effective in a number of key areas that help young people to be more successful in school and to graduate from high school — the first rung in the ladder leading to full participation in 21st century economic and civic life.
About Facing History and Ourselves Cleveland Since the Cleveland office was established in 1999, Facing History has provided more than 2,266 educators with programs and resources that connect the study of history to lessons about tolerance, respect, and civic participation tAbout Facing History and Ourselves Cleveland Since the Cleveland office was established in 1999, Facing History has provided more than 2,266 educators with programs and resources that connect the study of history to lessons about tolerance, respect, and civic participation tabout tolerance, respect, and civic participation today.
We invite students to write an essay about a person, story, or book that has influenced their own thinking about ethical decision - making and civic participation.
68 % of respondents want to learn more about how to work with low - income communities and communities of color to increase civic participation, civic engagement, and to redress long - time neglect.
And since the health of a democracy depends on the involvement of its citizens — we must learn how to use our freedom, as Tocqueville put it — it seems clear that attempts to improve political participation should begin as early as possible, and not just with lectures about civics.
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