Sentences with phrase «about civil disobedience»

To support its claim against me of conspiracy, Kinder Morgan relied on two Facebook postings written by unnamed individuals, and a quote from a newspaper article in which I expressed my own opinion about civil disobedience.
For the past few days I have been biking around Ottawa talking to folks about civil disobedience.
It is not surprising, then, that history and government textbooks, increasingly shaped by loose standards, incomplete assessments, and a generation of constructivist pedagogy, poorly serve the teacher's critical need for solid information about civil disobedience.
Twelfth - grade American government texts, where a political theory perspective is expected, routinely say almost nothing about civil disobedience.
Typical of these lesson plans, it is thin on substance, leaves the students to teach themselves about civil disobedience, and does not help teachers whose own knowledge of civil disobedience is weak.
Indeed, as even the Catholic League president insinuated, our schools, incubators of civic culture, play a significant role in instructing students about civil disobedience.
While there's nothing new about civil disobedience and other environmental protests, in 2013 they seemed to intensify and spread globally.

Not exact matches

For this reason, anyone considering civil disobedience should inform themselves about the consequences, which can be serious.
The Navy and Air Force had no objection to the letter, but the Army chief of chaplains, himself a Catholic, was worried that the line about not complying with the law was close to a call for civil disobedience.
The nearest I ever came to engaging in a deliberate act of civil disobedience was about a decade ago when I read The Great Treasury Raid by Philip M. Stern.1 This book tells how the tax laws of this country have been manipulated by wealthy people and huge corporations for their own interests and to the disadvantage of the large majority of less privileged citizens.
Mark - Viverito shows a deep, fundamental confusion about the meaning of civil disobedience.
A YouGov poll out today reveals that about three - quarters of the public support the tactics of civil disobedience adopted by UK Uncut.
Sundance hints that «Joshua comes of age on screen as he rallies tens of thousands to civil disobedience» which means this is as much of a story about him as it is about the movement.
The experience Cleo describes of an eclectic native uprising, simultaneously strong and broken, is reflected in the film's calico assembly — reflective, too, of Hopinka being too swept up in civil disobedience to worry about perfect coverage or to care about hiding the seams.
For instance, whenever the Wiley team debates, it invariably is conveniently assigned to argue the politically - correct side of the issue, whether that be about welfare, lynching, integration, child labor, civil disobedience or elsewhat.
Another PBS lesson plan on civil disobedience asks students to identify «issues of concern» (such as school uniforms or a tax exemption for a business that pollutes), «brainstorm different ways people make their opinions known about issues of concern,» «discuss which of these methods are acceptable» means of protest to them,» and «identify possible negative consequences of activism to individuals engaged in these activities.»
In this documentary - style video, learn about the history of activism and civil disobedience in the U.S., take a look at the purpose of political protests, and learn more about what engaged citizens can accomplish.
Because the only way they can gain a «teachable moment» about protests and civil disobedience (especially those of civil rights leaders of the last century) is to suffer some form of punishment.
Because movement conservatives of that time such as William F. Buckley Jr., and Barry Goldwater didn't view state - sanctioned racism as the great moral question that it was, because their fetish for preserving tradition led them to believe that the federal government didn't have the obligation to address segregation, because of their concerns about communism and the expansion of federal government, and because they viewed the civil disobedience by activists such as Martin Luther King (as well as their push to force social change) as an affront to the order they craved, they essentially gave succor to Jim Crow segregationists even if that wasn't their original intent.
«For parents concerned about the harm being caused by this increasing focus on testing, «opting out» is a powerful option — a kind of civil disobedience in response to a testing regime imposed by politicians, many of whom haven't spent any significant time in a public school classroom.»
Engaging in civil disobedience and demonstrations, the group garnered much awareness about the AIDS crisis and demanded government response and medical advancement.
«Officer Carl Schaffer» of the New York Police Department will give a humorous talk about police attitudes on civil disobedience in light of the current Wall Street occupation and protests of all kinds.
NOV 2 Members of Pussy Riot in Conversation with Klaus Biesenbach about Zero Tolerance: Activism, Artistic Courage and Civil Disobedience
Drawing on personal experience and history in his native Chile, as well as research about other countries such as Ukraine and Venezuela, the artist focuses on simple structures that people build in times of oppression as expressions of civil disobedience.
With a decision on the Keystone XL pipeline looming, it's a good time to think about how best to respond to the decision and what forms of civil disobedience will best highlight climate change as a moral issue.
Looking back at my post, I see I am talking about why people feel compelled to engage in civil disobedience, but not the effectiveness of those actions.
While he was in jail, climate activist, Tim DeChristopher wrote about his case and why more civil disobedience was needed to protect the environment:
Fred Clark at Patheos» Slacktivist blog recently had a thoughtful post about when civil disobedience does and doesn't make sense as a method of protest:
And there are also really important questions about how police should respond to non-violent civil disobedience.
We were chatting about Tim DeChristopher, a college student who was convicted after sabotaging an oil - lease auction, and I asked Hawkins whether more environmentalists might start engaging in non-violent civil disobedience in order to force people to pay attention to the issue.
It was not just a well - planned civil disobedience, but a statement about the need for a unified climate justice focused deal to help vulnerable communities in their struggles.
We've had the largest civil disobedience action in 30 years about anything, about this pipeline.
If you're anywhere near Ottawa, you might consider coming to the Ottawa Action, a peaceful civil disobedience about the tar sands planned by the Council of Canadians, Greenpeace Canada, and Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN).
Non-violent civil disobedience seemed like a just, measured, even somewhat tame response to the military and civilian lives that were about to be lost and the disregard with which the government had treated public opinion.
I'm not entirely sure that this is the type of civil disobedience Al Gore was talking about at the Clinton Global Initiative meeting back in
Frustrated that few were heeding alarms about the dangers of climate change, he turned to civil disobedience a couple of years ago.
I was on «Majority Report,» Sam Seder's radio show, last Thursday, talking about Tim DeChristopher and civil disobedience.
David Roberts» most recent post tackles an issue I spend a good amount of time thinking about: the efficacy of civil disobedience in the modern era.
If you're anywhere near Ottawa, you might consider coming to the Ottawa Action, a peaceful civil disobedience about the tar sands planned by the Council of Canadians, Greenpeace Canada,
Civil disobedience is what environmentalist Mike Hudema and Alberta Environment Minister Shannon Phillips counselled when they worked together on a book about environmental activism published in 2004.
There are about 450 criminal cases that have arisen from a non-violence civil disobedience and we are doing our best to defend those.
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