Sentences with phrase «about climate change»

I am far more concerned about climate change in the long run, though I think peak oil and gas may be worse crises in the short run.
We often talk about climate change in sweeping scientific terms — sea level rise, ocean acidification, feedback loop — but these can be hard for regular people to grasp.
This course provides you with everything you need to know about climate change in only 6 x 2 hours.
A public that understands the state of the science is more likely to want something done about climate change.
A second is, How can we measure what people know about climate change independently of who they are?
This survey asked people to express their level of worry about climate change on a scale from «not at all worried» to «extremely worried».
Think about climate change as it applies to many decisions, and link climate policy to a larger agenda of advancing social justice and economic development.
I am learning more about climate change science and trying to keep up with recent developments.
We should do something about climate change with a sense of urgency.
If we are serious about climate change issues, there are clearer, less expensive, paths to carbon reduction.
In these contexts, scientists and their community partners can talk about climate change as more than just an environmental problem.
Of course, that's not saying much, given last year's presidential election didn't feature a single debate question about climate change.
Regarding the drought, I would like to save the discussion about climate change for another day.
The take - away message from this video is that much of what routinely gets said about climate change is irrelevant.
Many learn about climate change during their visit to the park, though many still do not.
So he was determined to find out for himself - and make the real, definitive truth about climate change documentary.
The first is that concern about climate change on the whole is rising.
Two audience members disagreed about climate change causing more intense forest fires.
Therefore, people who find # 1 absurd can determine whether or not we should do anything about climate change by determining whether or not humans are causing it.
Its aim is to raise awareness about climate change impacts, particularly among young people.
I also note that you blame «vested interests» for the doubts about climate change.
People who had initially written about climate change in collective terms were still willing to donate more than the others, even several days later.
Note: you are discussing my beliefs about the climate change policy debate.
Views about climate change tend to differ by party and political ideology, as also was the case in past surveys.
Even if that were true, which it isn't, the world has known about climate change for decades and demand for fossil fuels has only increased.
For example, we're looking at, to what degree, you can communicate about climate change as a public health concern.
Thinking about climate change from a personal perspective produced little to no change in behavior.
Understanding and trying to make sense of the different stories told about climate change by the media is the focus of this book.
I would like to take a moment to point out some very simple facts about climate change in general.
The claims about climate change science made by these conservative / industry groups have questionable scientific value.
Sometimes it can help to talk to people about climate change on a scale they can understand.
Perhaps if they did they'd be more likely to talk about climate change at work and in their public speeches.
For many lawmakers, public opinion about climate change is a significant element to consider when forming policies about global warming.
Given the stakes here — this is the biggest news story about climate change in quite some time — I think it is important to examine this charge.
Needless to say, warnings about climate change seldom lead to advocacy of the one known path to replace fossil fuel use.
The freeze on fuel duty is another backward step and shows that the government cares nothing about climate change, air pollution or public health.
These days, more often people ask about a climate change connection.
The articles contained either positive or negative real - world messages about climate change, or both.
And many of these same friends, while skeptical about climate change, see the wisdom in protecting rain forests and the world's biodiversity.
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