Sentences with phrase «about consensus»

As a result, she can offer mediation between different believers, and help to bring about consensus of opinion.
Much has been made this week of the gap between what the public thinks about the consensus among climate scientists over the human factor in global warming and the actual level of consensus.
However, the crypto markets are all about consensus.
Not that I care about a consensus in a too young science with no predictions worth mentioning.
While I am certain that the consensus is very high among experts this article talks about consensus amongst peer reviewed papers mentioning causes for global warming.
We should talk less about consensus and more about the consequences of being wrong — about the lower probability (or low consensus) but high consequence outcomes.
None of this business about consensus, and settled science, and being quiet about results that are not politically correct.
You could use that argument for any communication about climate, not just about the consensus.
It would be weird if telling the truth about the consensus were bad message.
That's a very important change of narrative from being about a person to it being about a consensus among a much broader community.
Last month, leaked strategy documents revealed that Heartland aims to spend $ 200,000 over an estimated two years to sow doubts about the consensus on human - induced climate change in K - 12 classrooms.
(So what about the consensus among the majority of scientists??)
Even if I ignored everything about his consensus paper (and his follow - up publications which misrepresent it), this is a guy who has fabricated quotes on multiple occasions.
If understanding history is as much about consensus as it is about public amnesia, images and objects can find new life over and over again.
For years, skeptics have filled comments with dismissive views of climate science to sow doubts about the consensus that fossil fuels are responsible for global warming — dominating that space, according to the group.
So, sceptics, in the arguments from the likes of Lewandowsky and Cook in the debate about the consensus without an object take the form of objectless consensuses.
Your original comment asked about consensus on these phenomena and both Roberta Way and I stuck to the IPCC consensus view.
Unless you can present evidence (you know, actual data) that this consensus does not exist, I'm going to have to conclude that (a) you're wrong about the consensus, and (b) you're suffering from confirmation bias and are just not interested in the facts.
Ad Hoc Committees are formed at the discretion of the IHSA Board of Directors, generally with the direction to review or attempt to bring about a consensus recommendation on a specific subject or subjects.
But Mr. de Blasio today rejected the notion there was something to learn about consensus - building after the two very public, but very different spats.
Of course, if the NYTimes or WAPO or CNN or CBS or the AP were ever to report the actual cooling trend over the last 15 years (despite the massive amounts of human CO2 emissions) this would establish that they have been grossly misleading the public for years about consensus «global warming.»
Mr. de Blasio asked a reporter who wondered whether the two recent rifts had taught him anything about consensus - building.
I know what I personally make of it, but we're about consensus agreement with the Oscar race.
While we appreciate the state superintendent's desire to involve the community in the decision - making, we would caution him against being overly optimistic about a consensus being reached.
Tom Waters was fairly negative about any consensus happening with wider adoption of a single ebook format.
Makes you wonder what the BBC would transmit about the consensus in eugenics prior to WWII, doesn't it?
I tend to lean towards skepticism about the consensus on climate change, but I find the amount of misinformation and fanaticism in comments at WUWT these days positively frightening.
But, while we bicker about consensus, the real world has moved on.
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