Sentences with phrase «about context»

I think it's all about the context of the visit.
At the end of the day, it's all about context.
How much were you thinking about this context in making this film?
When someone calls with a problem, I begin to think about the context of the problem and how it is described by the person I'm speaking with.
If you're talking about the context of a formal debate in front of an audience, I would love someone steeped in evolution to be able to have a conversation.
Using famous artworks, the children discuss the art and its producers, learning about the context of great works of art.
Here's a quick look at the numbers, plus a list of recommended readings if you want to know more about the context and significance of these economic indicators.
The more you know about the context of the problem, the better.
Then I saw it popping up in just about every context on every resume that I would come across.
This is important to remember: Politics is very much about context, whereas science is mostly about content.
I posted about context as a filter over friendship and how the interest graph is the playing field for connections and dynamic communities of interest.
Provide the researcher with clear information about the context in which your students will learn to read.
I can not begin to count the number of times I hear a statistic related to children and education that causes me to pause and ask additional questions about the context.
For example, talk openly about the context for oral sex, as well.
But mobile is also about the context and behaviors of your customers while they're on those devices.
In class we discussed precisely what you wrote about context and persuasion in opening statements.
Not knowing enough about the context in which it was decided, I am having trouble understanding exactly what changed as a result of the decision.
If only I had understood about context at that time I would not have bought it.
I like to understand a bit about the context and the environment in which the work is being made.
You did a great job at ignoring my point about context.
I don't know a lot about the context of these comments but I have to say that the guy continues to impress me.
So, it's always about the context in which we're trying to do something.
As a participant in the conversation, I want to provide more detail about its context and content.
Following previous concerns about the context of certain mature content that had previously been shown in demonstrations, this was the edited version.
When you read the questions, you might wonder about the context of the question.
There has to be «intelligence» and understanding, a way to make a decision about context.
But once again, we need to be careful about the context.
This might seem clever at first, but the program is not at all discerning about context.
People had discussions about the context of performing in clubs as opposed to alternative spaces.
The first step involves gathering information from the user about the context of the drug testing at issue.
Without knowing anything about the context of the contract or its subject matter it is hard to speculate.
And, for a real hint about the context for the quote, readers might also consider my own research interests in how marijuana reform initiatives might be helping to turn out certain voters.
He is funny if you don't think too hard about the context of his work.
Tell a small story with all this information that lets the people you're speaking with about the context of your professional life.
Feeling confident about context and use of language can help you add value.
This film uses some important historical moments to learn about the context of current systemic racism and to inform current right action as helping professionals and citizens of the world.
More comprehensive approaches to presenting the American experience are leading visitors to think about the contexts and consequences of sometimes painful histories.
What you're seeing is that companies now understand that it's not just about proximity, it's not just about context; it's about consumer insights.
We can not decide what the sentence means until we know more about the context.
If despite our sorry history of bigotry and intolerance we are to hold to a worldwide missionary calling of the church, we need to be clear always about the context of that call.
And just putting the info in your cell phone leaves out key details about the context of the relationship.
As a result, suppliers have a long list of things they have committed to abide by without being fully in the know about the context.
As I think the text makes clear, the cartoon isn't about the context of the relationship.
it is necessary to say something about this context in which it is embedded and which has both a historical and a religious aspect in indivisible unity.
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