Sentences with phrase «about dark energy»

Although little is known about dark energy, its density is expected to change slowly or not at all as the universe expands.
However, scientists are still unsure of what exactly dark matter is and know even less about dark energy.
Despite such insights, physicists remain in the dark about dark energy's origin.
The same can't be said about dark energy, a truly astonishing discovery made by astronomers a decade ago while observing distant exploding stars.
A survey of 150,000 galaxies confirms predictions about dark energy, thought to be what's driving galaxies apart.
By changing our assumptions about dark energy we can radically modify our constraints on the shape of the universe.
That nearly simultaneous arrival time is a very important test for theories about dark energy and gravity.
New measurements of how fast the universe is speeding apart suggest that the one thing we thought we knew about dark energy is wrong.
However, scientists must also confess that they are not entirely sure what dark matter is, knowing even less about dark energy.
* I won't go into detail here; you can find out more about dark energy in this great video, and I'll be covering it in detail in a future CCA episode.
Astronomers need to know a few more things about dark energy, though.
Current questions about dark energy and dark matter present the perfect opportunity for God to enlighten Christians about that stuff while scientists are still scratching their heads.
«This is another clue,» Riess says, «and we know so little about dark energy that anything we can find out is important.»
Combined with other cosmological experiments, we can learn about dark energy and put tight constraints on the curvature of the universe — it's very flat!»
Perlmutter adds: «There's been around one paper about dark energy every day by a theorist for the past 12 years.»
He spoke to DISCOVER about his strange discovery, the latest ideas about dark energy, and the projects that have the best shot at making sense of this cosmic mystery.
Doesn't the fact that there is so much talk about dark energy and...
The finding could help cosmologists think differently about dark energy, and possibly explain why it has the value it does.
More studies of these filaments could provide new insights about dark energy, another mystery of the universe that drives its accelerating expansion.
As we learn more about dark energy and its effect on the expansion of space and time, we find that dark energy and the shape, or geometry, of the universe are worryingly intertwined.
Researchers continue to puzzle over the most basic questions about dark energy — including whether it exists.
Scientists know too little about dark energy to determine with any certainty whether the universe's fate is a Big Chill, a Big Rip, or neither.
Ho added, «We can also maybe use these filaments to constrain dark energy — their length and width may tell us something about dark energy's parameters.»
«One of the important things we need to learn about dark energy is what influence it has had on structure,» Carlstrom says.
Oh my god, I just laughed out loud that you put this garbage forward as evidence that the author of the Book of Job knew about dark energy and dark matter about 3,000 years before the best cosmologists in the World found out about it.
Discovering more about dark energy will «hopefully lead to a revolution in gravity and quantum mechanics,» Butterworth said.
I should maybe add, I don't think Lawrence really said it, the most peculiar thing about this dark energy, is really the fact that there is so little of it.
«By the end of the survey, we're going to have thousands of different supernovae we can look at, to learn more about dark energy,» she says.
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