Sentences with phrase «about deep emotion»

When he began his career in the late 1940s, American art was besotted with abstraction - but abstraction that claimed to be about deep emotion.
They then need help accessing those more vulnerable feelings underneath it all and speaking to each other about the deeper emotions at play.
After helping them reveal to me, one at a time over several sessions, the feelings beneath their carefully maintained detachment and begin to take small risks with each other, they were ready to turn to each other and, with some guidance from me, begin to talk directly about their deepest emotions.
A study published in Psychological Science found that when participants engaged in expressive writing (i.e., writing about their deepest emotions related to their relationship), they were more likely to use positive and negative emotion words — such as happy and love — during daily exchanges with their significant others compared to participants in a control group asked to write about simple day - to - day activities.2 Importantly, the study revealed that increases in the use of positive emotion words were associated with higher levels of relational stability.

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If you've been forgetting the classic definition from 1996, the part about managing your emotions and influencing, try thinking about how you can make changes in your own job or your company that tap into that deeper meaning of the concept.
I find myself learning more and more about my emotions, my thoughts, my viewpoints and my deep heart - wrenched prayers through writing.
I've watched one young woman after another pour out her heart, expressing deep emotion about the messages they heard from other generations:
Nonetheless, many women feel so passionately about their pregnancy - which is to say, about their zygotes, even in the first few weeks of their existence - as to reveal by this deep emotion the inclination that nature has imparted in mankind to cherish and nurture the next generation.
Mother is sung about with the same kind of deep, touching emotions that embrace God and Old Shep.
You'll discover a deeper insight into your body's most influential part; learn about the effect the gut has on your emotions, immune system, weight, sleep, hormones and even your thyroid levels; and have a better understanding of SIBO, FODMAPs and histamine intolerances.
If he has deeper emotions tied to it, like being teased about a blue item of clothing, or being forced to wear it when he didn't want to, then it will be good to go right to the root of the problem.
Women can feel deep and powerful emotions about their birth stories.
But a deeper part comes from an emotion I feel really guilty about — he just seems so BIG now compared to his baby sister and I feel resentful when he's groping at me.
Think about your female reproductive organs (uterus, ovaries, vagina) acting as a «low heart» and as such holding many of your unconscious, deeper emotions that the «high heart» is not yet ready to process.
It's vital for us to embrace the fact that we are emotional eaters and to use our unwanted eating habits that may arise from our feelings as a doorway to learn about our deeper needs and emotions.
Because of this, Silent Hill toyed with gamer's emotions, evoking deep fear in just about anyone who dared to play it.
The true story behind this movie just about makes up for its oddly flat tone, which never quite captures either the grandeur of the Australian Outback or the deeper emotions of the people on - screen.
No, instead it's some weird combination of New Age mysticism and pop psychology about reaching down deep into one's soul / most repressed emotions and coming to terms with the pain that causes the anger that drives those words.
But I have to confess that I've seen nothing at the NYFF that resonated as deeply or engaged me as thoroughly as Looper — yes, a Bruce Willis action movie, but one with an ingeniously worked - out plot, surprisingly deep emotions, and a thing or two to say about the uncertainty of inevitability.
Because of this, Silent Hill toyed with gamer's emotions, evoking deep fear in just about anyone who dared to play it.
But all these works come from a place of deep personal perspective and wildly messy emotion, and, as a newcomer to Goodman's works, this strikes me as relevant to a contemporary conversation about women artists and female identity writ large.»
Moriyama says, «The black and white tells about my inner worlds, my emotions and deep feelings that I feel every day walking through the streets of Tokyo or other cities, as a vagabond aimlessly.
Although my work doesn't look on the surface much like his, I think he taught me about using iconic signifiers and figures that I could project myself into for emotion and as an avatar in paint (like Scott McCloud describes in his amazing book, Understanding Comics, that we do as comic readers), and create figurative narrative allegories that hopefully resonate deeper than most political cartoons and relate to Goya and other art historical uses of politics and allegory as much as the imagery could relate to underground comics and contemporary worlds.
Many works have a strong narrative, and sometimes the story is the strongest part of the work, allowing us to gain a deeper understanding of the reason for the creation of the work and learn about the artist's thoughts and emotions.
This comes about because their subjects carry deeper and mixed meaning and emotions, such as love and intimacy as well as personal worries and struggles.
At a deep level, it's not just about the mathematics, but how the mathematics interact with our emotions, cognitive biases, and values.
«Our job is to get, is to drop the bucket further down the well than anybody else, to understand what are those really deep - seated underlying fears, concerns... It's no good fighting an election campaign on the facts because actually it's all about emotion,» Turnbull said.
I am also passionate about helping couples and / or individuals to save or enhance their relationship and provide safety and security to begin to talk about the struggles and emotions that are most difficult and create a deeper connection and change in the relationship.As a therapist, I collaborate with individuals, couples, and families to help them discover their strengths and develop new insights.
I started to realize after we'd done the first outcome study that the logic behind these emotions was that they were all about attachment and bonding, and our deep human need for that secure bond.
A fight about cabinets, which can seem unreasonable if taken at face value, is thus often a fight about much deeper emotions and relationship concerns.
The inspiration for «Just Breathe» first came about a little over a year ago when I overheard my then 5 - year - old son talking with his friend about how emotions affect different regions of the brain, and how to calm down by taking deep breaths — all things they were beginning to learn in Kindergarten at their new school, Citizens of the World Charter School, in Mar Vista, CA.
When you talk about your day in your family space, describe how you felt at different times of the day, both pleasant and unpleasant, so your children can see that emotions are not good or bad, positive or negative, they are simply feelings that helps us add deeper meaning and understanding to how we make choices and cope with daily life.
Feeling irritated by her daughter's constant complaining about the lessons she had begged for forever, Frieda remembers the third step of Emotion Coaching and takes a deep breath.
Category: Building a Positive Family Environment Tags: Anger, Anger management, emotion regulation, Emotional vocabulary, Kids and anger, kids calming down, Managing anger, mindfulness and kids, parents and anger, Self - management, teaching kids about anger, teaching kids deep breathing, understanding anger
Digging deeper into the emotions expressed by the partners by asking each partner how they feel about the emotions being expressed and why
«Realizing that most of our conflict comes from deeper emotions and wounds more than what we are actually fighting about
Does there have to be deeper meaning in everything, can't it just be about emotion sometimes and how the art makes you feel?
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