Sentences with phrase «about different subjects through»

In her free time, Monica likes to be outdoors, make baked goods, learn about different subjects through online classes, and spend time with friends and family.

Not exact matches

To take a single example, last year I had the privilege of participating in one of these schools in a small university town, where in a parish of about one thousand members over two hundred persons (including a goodly number of interested «enquirers» who had heard of the program through a carefully planned advertising campaign) attended eight night sessions, held from eight until ten o'clock, with a choice among eight different courses, dealing with theological, ethical, historical, devotional, and scriptural subjects.
The children were encouraged to ask questions about different subjects such as food, nature and daily activities, and from this, began to cultivate their thoughts and interests through writing paragraphs and working in teams to delve deeper into subjects, before each pupil worked out their main «what if...» question.
Throughout their time in school, students will have the opportunity to make different choices on a range of issues - from decisions and choices about their own actions and behaviours, to the clubs that they join and (as they move through the Learning Trust) the subjects that they study.
I started (although I'm not the only author of) Book futurism because I started stringing together a bunch of work that seemed to be about the future of reading; through that, my writing here, and some of the things I wrote elsewhere, I became a kind of authority on the subject (only on the internet, but still, I like who links to me); and maybe I'll write a book, or maybe I'll start a blog with a different title when it's time to write about some thing else.
In quiet, contemplative tones and shot in black and white, My Education: A Portrait of David Hilliard uses multiple camera angles to reveal different, contrasting views of the same subjects, and the film raises questions and invites discussion about a fraught moment in American history that continues to ripple through society.
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