Sentences with phrase «about dog behaviour»

But there are indeed many so called dog trainers around that do not know much about dog behaviour.
Great hub packed full of information and insight about dog behaviour.
A new study shows how the behaviour of dogs has been misunderstood for generations: in fact using misplaced ideas about dog behaviour and training is likely to cause rather than cure unwanted behaviour.
Dieter Lukas, a behavioural ecologist at the University of Cambridge, says the study is too preliminary to suggest much about dog behaviour in general.
If only people would know more about dog behaviour they might understand better that they are not aggressive beasts, but just dogs who were unfortunate enough to not being born as popular breed but as a stray.
The bill targeted specific breeds of dog, running against much of the advice about dog behaviour, which found it was the actions of the owner, rather than the type of dog, which best predicts potential attacks.
Anyone reading about dog behaviour in books by Dr. Ian Dunbar or Jean Donaldson know that keeping a social being isolated from society as many dogs are kept is a recipe for disaster.
One of the biggest myths about dog behaviour is that you shouldn't comfort them when they are frightened.
Education about dog behaviour is prevalent, dog - owner responsibilities are well established in municipal bylaws and canine companions are highly valued by Canadians.
My name is Clare, I'm a mother of two children and I have a question about my dogs behaviour.
Please either study more about dog behaviour and communication, or acknowledge that you only do obedience training rather than everything else.ï» ¿
Over the span of more than 30 years, Timmy, Benji, Duke and Shelley, taught me much about dog behaviour and how to care for them — perhaps preparing me unconsciously for this stage of my grand adventure.
This led me to do quite a bit of reading up about dog behaviour and how to make sure a dog behaves well in the family.
I have therefore done quite a bit of reading up about dog behaviour and how to train a large dog so that he behaves well in the family.
Sure you claim to be a dog trainer, but pretending to know all about dog behaviour is so misleading.
She decided that she needed to educate herself about dog behaviour and try to not only understand Byron's behaviour, but, more importantly, help him live a less stressful life.
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