Sentences with phrase «about eating as»

This is not about eating as much as it is about sharing time together in a way that you have in the past that recalls the specialness of your relationship.
We need to think about eating as «eat to live not live to eat»
a fun way to learn about eating as your pregnancy advances.
When you feed your kids healthy foods at an early age, they grow up used to them and don't complain about eating them as much.
you can feel good about eating these as they satisfy your nutritional needs, as well as your cravings!
While I was excited about eating them as is - savoring each sweet and juicy bite - my son had another plan for them: cherry pie.
I want to be clear and say that I'm all about eating as a lifestyle, eating in a way that keeps you healthy and energized each day.
I'm interested in franchising a french fries brand with a bit of a twist by making the concept more about eating them as a snack.

Not exact matches

But as a vegetarian, I'm obsessive about healthy eating, even while traveling.
By the end of the day I was eating pizza at the same table as them asking them questions about their lives and they of mine.
At a small business, this might be as simple as starting a tradition of eating lunch together and talking about how work is progressing.
This is a win - win for the farmer and the buyer, as neither have to worry about a major fluctuation in price eating away at their profits at harvest time.
No matter what kind of work you do (or want to do), being passionate about it can make the entire endeavor seem as easy as eating cheesecake.
But what about all those fruit, vegetable and staples crossing the globe - can we really label them as more sustainable than eating meat?
Though there had been some talk about recommendations for reducing red meat intake, the feds took a soft approach, suggesting merely that «lower intakes of meats, including processed meats; processed poultry; sugar - sweetened foods, particularly beverages; and refined grains have often been identified as characteristics of healthy eating patterns.»
These kinds of foods are arguably more eco-friendly than meat but - whatever your thoughts about gluten - free eating - it will change how protein crops are distributed globally and may divert pulses or increase the price of them for countries such as India that depend of non-livestock proteins.
A blog is the perfect platform to talk about the Pure Barre lifestyle in more depth, Lee says, by covering such topics as fashion, nutrition and even healthy eating.
And as they slowly began regaining weight, leptin levels rose a little, but got stuck at about half of what they'd been at the start of the show — which would help explain why they felt such strong urges to eat.
According to Sasson, there may be an overlooked element of the Mediterranean diet: It may not be so much about what the people who live around the Mediterranean Sea are eating, but rather about what they're not eating, such as oversize portions and heavily processed food.
Daily Harvest's Instagram account, which Drori says emphasizes healthy eating as a lifestyle rather than a fad, has attracted about 128,000 followers with minimalist photos of food.
First, stop to think about all the ways in which your current life as a consumer is difficult and frustrating — all the ways in which it eats up your own or somebody else's time and still produces unsatisfying results.
He has written three more books about eating and helped established «foodyism» as both a social marker and a political movement.
Wal - Mart CEO Mike Duke told investors on a conference call this month that the retailer's customers remain concerned about their jobs as they juggle their credit card bills and take steps to conserve cash by clipping coupons and cutting back on vacations and eating out.
Pavlovsky said Chanel still relied on about 15 different tanneries and noted that the average price of high quality lamb leather was rising as people were eating less meat and demand kept growing — a trend which also applied to calf hides.
Last month, as part of its Building a Healthier Future Summit, the PHA held an «innovation challenge» to bring together designers, developers, stakeholders, and entrepreneurs to develop apps and other tech - based tools to help schools and families teach kids about healthy eating choices and fitness.
In terms of how strict I am about what type of carbs I eat (cheat days aside), the only things that I try to avoid are processed carbs such as bread, pasta, and tortillas; starchy carbs such as potatoes, rice, and quinoa; most fruits because they are loaded with sugar; fruit juices; beer; and all sugar.
People complain about how expensive unprocessed or organic food is, but then they eat out as the alternative.
You can explore new places, meet new people, eat new food, and learn new things about the world and about yourself as well — things that are beyond your imagination.
Especially as «software eats the world»), you could argue that being good at software means you are good at just about any business.
DUBNER: So, to summarize your overall argument about our rise and fall of American growth: would it be an overstatement to say that there was a lot of low - hanging fruit — physical and labor, and all other kinds of fruit that we picked beautifully and ate hungrily, and we did really well with — and that those things, once used up, that kind of gain will never appear again as far as you can see?
However, I eat out about five times a week, as great food and social interaction are a high priority.»
Hershey, meanwhile, has been reformulating products including its bars and Kisses to have cleaner lists of ingredients as it tries to appeal to those people who want to feel better about what they eat.
Uber Eats: Forget about dealing with passengers and deliver food instead as a side gig or weekend job.
From oil in Gatorade to the amount of caffeine and other stimulants in energy drinks and the so - called «pink slime» found in beef, previously unnoticed ingredients are coming under scrutiny as health - conscious consumers demand more information about what they eat and drink, and sometimes go public via social networking and the Internet.
C.H. is tempted to buy ETFs, but he is worried about ETF trading costs eating away his returns, as any investor should be.
In fact Eat Stop Eat does not involve binging, guilty feeling about food, or using fasting as a form of punishment.
Nevertheless, if I dare to criticize the president» on the policies, the passivity, the professorial condescension, the pea - eating lectures or on the general over-ratedness that I and many others counted, in 2008, as weaknesses rendering him unsuited to the Oval Office» my friend becomes «concerned» about me; my complaints «trouble» him in unspecified ways, but he no longer flings the cheap, easy and inaccurate epithet of «racist» my way, because he has learned that one can legitimately find Barack Obama underwhelming in the extreme, without any underlying motive.
There are things you just don't do as a hip - hop star, including rhyming about eating Fruity Pebbles, boasting about your Star Wars belt and making songs about going to the grocery store.
So it sounds like Vic is saying that eating shellfish is still a sin, but that we don't have to worry about that as long as we're in the club.
Not eating meat is about having a heart for yourself, as an embodied creature, and so having a heart for others.
As I write, they sit across the kitchen table from me, in all their innocence and little - girl perfection, eating chocolate cake, chatting purposefully about what game they will play next, blissfully unaware of the things that divide their mothers.
Churchill, an aristocrat and not embarrassed about it, was as likely to drink brown ale, smoke cheap cigarettes, and eat fish and chips in the street as he was to travel on the London Underground.
It is a book about eating, but not once will your mouth water as you read it.
King's friends became increasingly worried about his health, as he began smoking more and eating sporadically.
In their attempt to grow in holiness by carefully observing rules about food and purity» the Pharisees may have kept themselves apart from ordinary people, rather as some vegetarians are reluctant to eat with those who have chosen meat, or as the early Methodists, with their stress on temperance, kept themselves apart from those who drank alcohol.
It is when people fill their lives with some of the blessings of life — such as eating, drinking, and marrying — so that they ignore the signs of the times in which they live and the testimony from God about what is coming unless they all heeded the warnings and followed the ways of God (Matthew 24:32 - 33).
As an atheist I think it's important to know if your candidate picks his nose and eats the boogers, not that it makes any policy difference, but it is a charachetr difference, and if the candidate promotes his faith which includes baptizing dead jews whether out of guilt or love, I want to know about it so I can make an informed character choice on who I give my vote to.
The stories of the appearances of Christ combine traditions about a «spiritual body» such as Paul speaks about (the Lord appears suddenly within a room) with others which tell of a tangible body, capable of being touched or grasped and of the physical process of eating.
People who have self - control don't eat like pigs, buy things they can't afford in order to feel better about themselves, or engage in sexual activity as if it were only a game.
I didn't find much mythology about the Musk - Goats as I googled today except humans have loved hunting them and eating them into oblivion forever in spite of their «formidable strength».
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