Sentences with phrase «about everyday things»

Think about everyday things you're longing to do together, big life experiences you'd love to do together, and everything in between.
Talking about everyday things helps family members feel connected.
Her brief was simple - talk about everyday things people can do to cut their carbon footprint, talk about climate books available at the library (list provided), leave time for questions, and mingle afterwards.
In 1999, interested in materials and anti-industrial gestures, I visited Richard Salmon Gallery in London to see the exhibition «Furniture»: I was convinced that artists invariably tell us more than designers do about the everyday things of the world.
There are a lot of questions that can be hard to answer about the everyday things / people who we trust with our pets health.
Two characters, a white woman and a black man — much like the authors — have an extended conversation through poetry about everyday things from their childhoods.
When I created this wardrobe I thought about the everyday things I'd be doing in Autumn.
Call a loved one and chat about everyday things.
They include basic things like wheelchairs to help people move around, magnifiers that increase the size of text or images to make them easier to see, even nonelectronic items like large - handled kitchen utensils that are easier to hold; think about everyday things in your kitchen drawers such as can openers, spoons, spatulas and the like.
It was mostly complaining about the everyday things you routinely see us moms complain about; lack of sleep, the regular cacophony of whining, lost shoes and arguing about hairstyles.
Between normal worries about everyday things and the unforgiving spectrum of things you worry about when you have anxiety, daily...
She stopped fighting me about everyday things.
There are, of course, days where it feels laborious to make such a fuss about an everyday thing such as setting the table for an evening meal.

Not exact matches

Google recently unveiled more detail about its much - buzzed - about wearable computer, releasing a teaser video showing people doing everyday things with the futuristic tech specs — playing with the kids, skiing, driving, carving a giant tiger's head from a block of ice.
The funny thing about language is how words and phrases seep in everyday use without anyone realizing exactly where they came from.
Here are the changes coming to our everyday lives — some obvious, other perhaps less obvious — that I am most excited about in the Internet of Things:
They have a sense of humor about things and recognize the importance of finding the joy in the irony and comedy of everyday life.
However, this business is still a business that is all about the everyday commitment of the team to make things happen and achieve its goal any way legal.
Go back to the real reading and leave us alone with your just a few years back science that disproves itself everyday because of its not good enough to tell us accurately about things without changing their mind and definitions of things all the times.
Jeremy Myers, i think you are wrong and David is right, so many out there are preaching you can live any way you want and be right that Grace covers any sin, they really believe that, that is not what the bible says, God was very concerned about sin so much he sent Jesus his son to die on a cross for us, if we accept Jesus as our savor then we are to obey his commandments, not break them, we are to live a righteous and holy life as possible, the bible plainly list a whole list of things if we live in will not to to heaven unless we repent, if we die while in these sins, we will not go to heaven, what is the difference, between someone who said a prayer and someone who did not, and they are living the same way, none, i think, if we are truly saved it should be hard to do these things let alone live and do them everyday, i would be afraid to tell people that it does not matte grace covers their sins, i really think it is the slip ups that we are convicted of by the Holy Spirit and we ask for forgivness, how can anyones heart be right with God and they have sex all the time out of marriage, lie, break every commandment of God, i don't think this is meaning grace covers those sins, until they repent and ask for forgiveness, a lot of people will end up in hell because preachers teach Grace the wrong way,, and those preachers will answer to God for leading these people the wrong way, not saying you are one of them, but be careful, everything we teach or preach must line up with the word of God, God hates sin,
The most baffling thing is how religious people could be completely rational about every other thing in their everyday lives; and then take leave of their faculties when it comes to these silly stories.
Entertainment of the storytelling variety has a function beyond «escape from» the pressures and ambiguities of «real life» It is what we escape to that matters and can tell us in deep ways things about ourselves that are not readily apparent, caught as we are in the hither and thither of everyday life.
Hmmm, he reads the bible everyday, but doesn't think about the meaning of things.
She's all about bringing God's Kingdom to this world, even in the everyday small things.
The best thing about eating a healthy diet is feeling awesome everyday, but on a superficial side there have been some great beauty benefits and the biggest one -LSB-...]
The best thing about eating a healthy diet is feeling awesome everyday, but on a superficial side there have been some great beauty benefits and the biggest one for me has been getting such healthy hair!
I have heard great things about it just not sure if it an everyday thing?
People do, however, claim significant weight loss by using coconut oil in cooking and ingesting the therapeutic dose everyday (without changing other things about their diets).
My favorite thing about your cooking is the ease with which you put together everyday ingredients into stunning combinations.
I've had a mission for quite some time now, other than learning new things about health and applying them to everyday life.
Everyday I watch your website keep posting about new things.
It's something you have to live, to practice, to stop and think about the things you do and say everyday,» she says.
Failure shouldn't necessarily be blamed on transfers.It's part of the reason but is not the only reasons.Other clubs which can't even buy like Arsenal have won very good trophies.Even at those times we were in debt we had a good team capable of winning the EPL or winng some of the smaller trophies.But we just went on trophyless.Now we are almost debt free and we are promised glory but honestly we don't even have the hope of glory.The only thing that can save us is renewal of the mind of the manager and board.That will bring a positive change.It's only insanity to keep doing the same thing and expect different results.We have a lot to prove out there to the world because the greatness of Arsenal has really gone down in the face of the world.They only see us as a team with good football that's all.The world doubts us and we have a point to prove.The values of a club is as important as winning trophies.If not Arsenal wouldn't have been this top club that people talk about everyday were it fpr only values or trophies.They go hand in hand.However, to the world trophies are very important and that fact can not be hidden.
if I wasn't an Arsenal suporter I too will say nice things about him everyday
I have this argument with my dad everyday, I really don't care we are the fifth richest club in the world, football in my opinion is all about what happens on the pitch not in the accounting department, we as fans were sold a dream by the people at the top of our club including wenger that basically said after Ashburton grove was built we'd compete on the pitch with the best in Europe, guess what we haven't, the only thing we've done is make a rich American and his associates even richer, wenger has been a willing participant in this.
I'm totally heartbroken and mad that he's pushing to do the last thing on earth I want to do... today we were betting about something and i said if I won I wanted sex everyday and he said that was impossible so I said once a week... he turned away... we were in public and I just couldn't stop the tears from rolling down my face...
I look back at all of the conflicts we had with schools over the years (things like treating our children respectfully, struggling to provide healthy food choices, uhg) and I am ashamed to admit that my fear and ignorance about HS allowed me to justify sending my children off everyday to deal with people and situations that were not positive learning experiences for them, but often humiliating or dis - empowering.
Hey guys pls help I'm dating a guy he is unemployed apparently left the job Bcs they pay him small money but now he is too lazy to go and look for another job I love him but I dought he will leave me when he gets a job Cs he is childish I always tell him about it and he is not happy he gets angry and he is soo negative to everything he just eat and sleep everyday whole i go to wrk.evrn if i direct him to go alone he just say i do nt knw the place and expect me to understand and othrr thing he is younger than me with 5 yrs a want to ask for advise how to see if a person really loves u even if he does nt support u financially or just to get up and look for something better to make future better.
What about the little everyday things, the moments I failed to record, the milestones I didn't notice at the time, all the things I have already forgotten?
I mean, these are things that we think about everyday even if it is not the first timer having kids and it's just really nice to have that help out there.
One of the coolest things about Terrain is that it comes with a second set of smaller 12 ″ rear wheels that you can switch to for everyday use.
I learn something new everyday about how things vary from district to district or area to area.
These are the really little things, that are so normal and everyday we won't think about when they're replaced by other, bigger things.
The Baby Shusher can be used just about anywhere: in the car, while visiting family, or while doing important everyday things like shopping or catching up with friends.
Talk to your partner more, especially about the things you are worried about, but also about everyday issues so that maybe you can catch yourself before you start worrying about them
We have purchased over 8 of these now for Childcare centre use and they get used several times a day everyday we love nearly everything about them only small thing is - Straps can be a bit hard to adjust (Wouldn't matter as much in a home setting)- To get the straps out to wash is a mission (Again doesn't matter in a home setting) It's very easy to clean, sturdy, you can buy new straps!
The thing I loved the most about wearing the girls in the Ergo on my back was the fact that our everyday tasks became shared experiences.
The great thing about this age group is their enthusiasm for even the most basic everyday things.
Children who have generalized anxiety disorder, or GAD, experience constant, excessive, and uncontrollable fears about any number of everyday things such as grades, family issues, performing well in sports, being on time, or even natural disasters.
I'm Sharpay and I'm a senior in Media Studies, favorite thing about camp creating new memories everyday!
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