Sentences with phrase «about everyone around»

I have a natural joy for life, and enthusiasm as well as a curiosity about everyone around me.
As just about everyone around the Gulf holds their breath, waiting to see if that oil slick the size of Maryland will hit their part of the shoreline, concern continues to mount for the safety of the wildlife.
But Silva does manage to encapsulate the experience of being with a selfish ass rather well (which is amplified by the sheer goodness of just about everyone around him).
And we know how Brad feels about everyone around him all the time because he tells us in copious voiceover.
But our denim addiction runs deep; just about everyone around the world owns a pair of blue jeans — around 1.24 bn pairs of jeans are sold globally every single year.
It doesn't matter if they're introverted or extroverted, emotionally intelligent people are curious about everyone around them.

Not exact matches

But some people are remarkably charismatic: They build and maintain great relationships, consistently influence (in a good way) the people around them, consistently make people feel better about themselves — they're the kind of people everyone wants to be around... and wants to be.
The trend isn't surprising, «given how much everyone complains about the burden of being a public company and how much money is swirling around the private equity landscape,» according to Bulger Partners managing director Doug Melsheimer.
Consumers have spent the past few weeks running around and worrying about everyone else, so letting consumers know it's time to focus on themselves will be a nice change of pace.
You leap out of bed in the morning, you get really excited about every single sale, and you drive everyone around you crazy because all you want to talk about is your new business.
If you think about the employee everyone loves at your job, they most likely possess the skill to inspire people around them.
Great leaders are passionate about what they do, and they strive to share that passion with everyone around them.
That's because once you reduce the risk of failure by having a lot of people around who will hire you next, everyone becomes more open and friendly about what they are working on, which then further amplifies the benefits of having a lot of people around.
Try starting a meeting with an inspirational YouTube video or go around the room and ask everyone to share something positive about the day.
So I've been trying to go around the room and have everyone else talk about the projects they're working on.
But no one wants to hang around at a party where the host gets up in front of everyone and talks about himself the whole time.
«Be sure to thank everyone you come in contact with, and walk with a spirit of gratitude and appreciation and even wonder about the world around you.
Even if it's just a Friday huddle to talk about what's going on around the office, this helps everyone feel clued in and connected to the goals of the company.
At the end of the meeting, the meeting doesn't actually end: Everyone sits around to gossip and talk about their lives.
Everyone is curious about what they'll do, and they have the freedom to shape their legacies around bold, innovative in...
The implication of Harari's argument3 is pretty hard to wrap one's head around.4 Take the term «tulip bubble»: everyone knows it is in reference to a speculative mania that will end in a crash, even those like me — and now you — that have learned about what actually happened in the Netherlands in the winter of 1636.
You have concerns and fears about losing money in the market, and you need someone to help keep you disciplined when everything seems scary or euphoric, and everyone around you is running in one direction.
Special interview with licensing experts Stephen Key and Andrew Krauss... ``... He's the Yoda of «renting» ideas for serious passive income» - Tim Ferriss, 4 - Hour Workweek I think just about everyone has a «million dollar idea» bouncing around in their head.
If everyone around you is talking about a «hot stock,» or about how it's «time to get in the market,» there's a very good chance that the prime time for getting in on it has already passed.
And they pull it off without having to give away the movies storyline or talk about everyone's resume and do a bunch of other boring things we feel like we've seen a million times now that crowd funding has been around for a while.
Ever Iook around and realize that everyday 90 % of the comments are from you guys responding to your own posts about how great and smart you are and how dumb everyone else is who believes in a higher being?
Ever look around and realize that everyday 90 % of the comments are from you guys responding to your own posts about how great and smart you are and how dumb everyone else is who believes in a higher being?
So here's my question — now that everyone is talking about the economy and feeling the pinch of unemployment and financial ruin, can we have an honest conversation as the church around what an economy in Christ could actually be?
A church is supposed to be the combined efforts of EVERYONE in it to serve their communities, not an exclusive group that sits around talking about their own needs.
With the help of a professor he persisted, and ultimately came to see the book as an incredibly rich source for thinking about questions that had already occurred to him: Why not engage in a life of hedonistic sexual pleasure, as Augustine did, and as everyone around him was currently doing?
But while everyone might know this about putting out natural fires that burn down buildings, it seems that many very wise and intelligent spiritual fire fighters are very confused about how to put out the spiritual fires that are burning down lives all around us.
You are the one who, along with HS and a bunch of other wackbaskets, mewl on about how awful everyone else is and how good you are and then turn around and make yourselves hypocrites.
Perhaps a sermon should be regarded as great, not because everyone in the congregation agrees with the preacher, but because at the end of the service those present just can't wait to talk about it; to debate it together, because the text around which it was built has captured their imagination and curiosity.
I love Jesus and I do feel that he had died for each and everyone of our sins and I feel we are all loved equally no matter what we do rather it be for murder to just plain old coursing He loves us all honestly I've debated in my mind that if Christianity is about being mean hateful and thinking that you're going around better than everybody then that's not the religion for me
Gee, do you think a bunch crazy people running selling all of their possessions off and running around telling everyone the world is about to end all the while telling anyone who will listen, or not, that they are of a certain faith harms the reputation of that faith?
As opposed to the thousands and thousands of billboards & church message boards every 50 ft with their snarky comments pushing their beliefs and quite often attacking non -(Jesus) believers and / or science directly or indirectly, all the millions of people that like to go around constantly «sharing their beliefs» about how everyone who believes differently is gonna be tortured and burned for eternity, or the countless attempts by local, state, and federal government officials to push laws based on those beliefs and to favor those beliefs all over the country.
It talks about plastic people under plastic steeples and am I the only one who feels like this because everyone around me looks so good... I've always thought that pastoring has got to be one of the loneliest of jobs.
We just don't all go around yelling it out to everyone cause people are too insecure about their own religion and they would try and attack us.
What I'd rather do is tell you about the alternative, about just a few of the people who treat me and nearly everyone they encounter with respect, openness, and humble teachability, even as they carry around an armful of credentials.
I'm new around here and don't believe I've met this God fellow that everyone carries on about.
Paperclip-gate everyone around here knows about.
It's funny to see how atheists are crying out loud asking about facts, and when you offer them those facts they turn around and deny everything you gave them and resolves to name calling or calling everyone a troll.
My family would say these things weren't sins, just weaknesses, but to me, everyone around me was dishonest about their own sins, let alone mine (Is 64:6).
When we pass the peace, service plain stops for about five minutes while everyone works out all the permutations (as opposed to just shaking hands with those in the pews around you — we get out and mingle).
When I first started my blog almost three years ago kale was not cool and everyone around me thought I was mad with my healthy eating, my audience was so much smaller but what mattered was that my readers could see that I cared about what I was writing about.
Ad lib until it's time to eat and then just keep my head down until it's clear that everyone's forgotten about going around the table to say what we're thankful for.
I get excited whenever I place an order, but of course, everyone else around just thinks I'm weird for being excited about dried beans.
This is going to take you about a half hour of food processing, so maybe don't do this super early in the morning or late at night if you don't want everyone around you to be really angry at the sound of the food processor.
Although there are competing stories about the origin of this popular salad, everyone seems to agree the original recipe was created by an Italian - born Mexican named Caesar Cardini around 1924.
Unfortunately, everyone around me always raved about them.
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