Sentences with phrase «about fiddly»

But the less said about the fiddly, laggy touchscreen the better.
Talk about fiddly!

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How about using sun - maid little dried prunes instead and stuffing that with sherbert, might be less fiddly!
Some tops have fiddly overlapping panels that require two hands to separate or access somewhere under the armpits - so take a closer look and think about where you feed from.
The only draw back - sometimes it's easy to forget about the wide footings of the chair, and the harness is a little fiddly, but it is still smaller and cleaner than your usual super trooper, transformer, forever cleaning atrosity.
«Unfortunately the rhetoric about simplifying taxes wasn't matched in the reality of the chancellor's policies and there were too many fiddly little changes that will create new loopholes and make tax harder to understand.
Determining a galaxy's shape is fiddly, because we can only see them in two dimensions, Read more about Galaxies get rounder as they get older too - Scimex
As with the original Nexus, charging is a little fiddly, and the Nexu 7 seems very particular about which charger you use.
Whilst these hinges may be somewhat «fiddly», there is something quite satisfying about feeling the metal caddy sliding into these slots.
It can be a fiddly task to continually change text copy and it can really mess about the layout too — not to mention time consuming.
On the flip side, I rarely field questions about author websites, aside from technical ones about what service to use or other fiddly details related to domains, hosting, and WordPress sites.
The only truly fiddly bit is connecting all the wires, more specifically the smaller case ones that provide power to the USB slots and the button that turns the whole thing on, and then tidying them away, a process that can actually be largely ignored if you're not too fussed about how the inside of your computer looks like.
He struggles to turn on the spot, moving about in cover without exposing a leg is fiddly, and the content sensitive action detection is very imprecise and will see players who attempting to close a door end up flicking the light switch instead.
I loved everything about them, apart from the start of Fallout 2 and the fiddly interface.
While that could make it a little more fiddly to flip from typing to ready to go in your bag, it also means that you can use it on your lap or any other surface without having to worry about it flapping around.
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