Sentences with phrase «about frivolous»

You made me think about my frivolous purchases and how much I too, wish to lead a simpler life.
Many people have a perception about frivolous lawsuits and the McDonalds case may come to mind.
Photo Credit: Levent Konuk / Any time you find yourself in an argument about frivolous lawsuits and tort reform, someone's probably going to bring up «that woman who sued McDonald's over the hot coffee and won four... Read More
You've probably seen videos like this one, where two Coke brand managers seek advice from counsel about a frivolous lawsuit.
So instead of worrying about frivolous comments from people who aren't supportive, I've decided to surround myself with people who are encouraging, inspiring and positive.
Note to the 27 % of complete idiots out there — God doesn't give a hoot about our frivolous little games.

Not exact matches

Here's the key takeaway: You can learn a lot about employee happiness from seemingly frivolous (but incredibly potent) questions.
When you think about patent litigation today, you might picture scurrilous patent trolls lurking about, hoping to sue hapless small companies on frivolous charges of patent infringement.
Young readers tend to learn more about the world, even when the reading is of a frivolous nature.
For certain serious types, worrying about your clothes can seem kind of frivolous.
As our self - perception about our looks matter so much in how we carry ourselves, investing in feeling good about what you see in the mirror in the morning might not be as frivolous as it first appears to the practically minded.
Instead of wasting time with these frivolous lawsuits, I wish the American Atheists would take issue with employers who require all workers to participate in group prayer (as one of my former employers did) or landlords who «casually» ask about your religion before they will rent you an apartment (that's life in the Bible Belt, eh?).
They don't complain about being asked to wear a hat and they don't destroy business's by filing frivolous lawsuits.
And people joke about the police - magistrate more than they joke about the Pope, not because the police - magistrate is a more frivolous subject, but, on the contrary, because the police - magistrate is a more serious subject than the Pope.
Christ the Key By Kathryn Tanner Cambridge, 309 pages, $ 29.99 Far too much of what is published under the name of theology these days has about it the air of the frivolous» but such a complaint can not be made about the work of Kathryn Tanner.
We're trying not to buy many frivolous items which we won't need, as we're quite concerned about having clutter in our house.
Let's talk about kids - and - food topics that are entirely frivolous, shall we?
East Hampton Village officials criticized what they called a «frivolous» lawsuit filed by the former village police chief, saying they enacted «reasonable restrictions» on Gerard Larsen's outside security work out of concern about the top cop's potential conflicts of interest.
When I asked Malliotakis about that allegation today she responded with a mashup of replies, first saying that she would «stay on topic today,» then dismissing Dietl's assertion as «outrageous» and «ridiculous» and ending by saying «there's no comment on that... it's frivolous» as her staffer moved to end the press conference.
We just have to show that this is a serious issue, one about the democratic rights of the British people, and not succumb to the frivolous, patronising, nonsense of the Yes to AV campaign.
The Local Government Association released the details of what it judged to be the more bizarre topics English local authorities had been asked about to warn that frivolous requests wasted their resources.
«He would rather that I'm not on the ballot and is bringing this really frivolous and baseless lawsuit instead of having a debate where we actually talk about both the issues and answer the questions that have arisen about his character in the past couple weeks.»
While they are wasting taxpayer money on frivolous lawsuits, I will be out talking with New Yorkers about the issues that really matter in their lives — finding a job, paying for prescription drugs, and sending their kids to college.»
And it's not a frivolous question because we think a lot about things like cloud seeding, obviously, for the sake of farmers who they may want to be trying to get more rain for their crops.
We believe this is another frivolous lawsuit brought by a competitor nervous about our superior technology.
Why would I write about such a frivolous topic like peak athletic performance when cancer patients all across this land are dying vitamin D deficient?
A part of me was grateful to let go of my worries about being perceived as frivolous or materialistic and saturate myself in the kind of hyper - femininity so widely derided throughout a culture that at the same time requires it of women.
Here is more about her: To many, fashion is superficial and frivolous.
This work week really got the best of me and with the tragedy in Las Vegas, I haven't had much motivation to push myself to write about something that is frivolous compared to what truly matters in life.
Earlier this week (in this post) I told you about my newfound budget freedom and uncertainty and I pledged to take a one month break from frivolous shopping.
It's a somewhat arbitrary number, but it's about the cost of a chai latte — in other words, a frivolous throw - away cost.
Bohemian look is all about layering and wearing frivolous clothing combos that can easily reflect your unique character, that's why each one of these headwear pieces is going to be your go - to accessory during hot season.
Previously, you believed that dating is all about partying and it is somewhat frivolous.
What distinguishes this DVD is the superb commentary by film historian Bob Gilpin, who persuasively presents the premise that this frivolous film has serious things to say about America in the Depression.
The film's frivolous sci - fi technology and gladiatorial fisticuffs can only assuage this moral betrayal momentarily — through cheeky ripostes about imperialism.
While geared toward a YA audience, there's nothing immature or frivolous about Class.
Although it's usually light and frivolous in nature, comedy isn't just about humor.
There are certainly many real examples that illustrate this important point, but today I'd like to illustrate it with a frivolous example about the Yuletide, based on real data and analyses.
Harvard Law School graduate and finance expert Gregory Baer indulges his frivolous side in this breakdown of bona fide chances, from getting away with murder (about 2 to 1 odds) to garnering a Rhodes Scholarship (37,500 to 1).
A piece of fluff about a ditzy girl with superpowers, drawn in an awkward Toriyama - Katsura hybrid style (it's hard to tell if the girl is supposed to be 7 or 14), it also includes a 6 - page conversation / interview between Toriyama and Katsura, in which they basically explain that Toriyama likes making frivolous manga and Katsura likes emo stuff (Katsura: «I found out during this project that Toriyama intentionally avoids creating a plot.
How about the risk of frivolous lawsuits?
My credit card bill that I paid this morning in full would have taken 4 years and nearly $ 100 in interest had I only made minimum payments, and that balance is only about $ 600 that I spent on food and living expenses, not frivolous toys and trips.
«We don't hear much about clients using it for frivolous things like world cruises,» says HomEquity Bank president Steven Ranson.
Furthermore, despite the fact that the internet is awash with reports of consumers getting rid of thousands in unpaid debts through credit repair, be cautious about filing frivolous credit report disputes.
You could say that a game about foxes and wolves flying starfighters isn't meant to be taken seriously, and is only meant to be frivolous fun, and that the idea of adding some depth to this world sounds silly.
Others, like Schama, view him as an antidote to all that is supposedly vulgar and frivolous about the post-YBA art world; the keeper of the mystical flame lit by the other great German post-war visionary - artist, the late Joseph Beuys, his one - time mentor.
Frivolous hearings about what's printed on our money, steroid use in baseball and whether or not someone shouts «you lie.»
If Heartland wanted to make the first move they could very reasonably start with a fraud charge and even if they couldn't make it stick Gleick could not complain about the suit being a frivolous one, which might be enough to kill him financially on its own without even pressing any further charges, just a series of appeals.
Whilst you were being frivolous you were no doubt at the same time about to answer my earlier query about your favourite person.
The line demonstrates that in the Republican bubble - world, climate change has been written off as entirely frivolous; nonsense that liberals and eggheads babble on about that doesn't have any real - world impact at all on Americans.
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