Sentences with phrase «about future climate»

Both forcings are poorly understood and may represent the largest source of uncertainty about future climate change.
One of the greatest sources of uncertainty about future climate change is the path greenhouse gas emissions will take.
Lack of operating procedures, uncertainties about future climate conditions, risks associated with moving plants outside their current ranges, and existing policies have hampered formal actions in forest management and conservation.
Since about year 2000, however, the upward tendency appears to have slowed or possibly stopped, raising questions about future climate inputs to regional agricultural yields.
Yet even though I have significant experience and knowledge about future climate change policy challenges, the CBAT model helps me visualize the significance of certain policy options facing the world.
The only prediction that should be made about future climate trends is that it will exhibit sudden shifts upwards or downwards at the regional level but the direction that global temperature will take is not known with our present state of knowledge.
Policymakers, planners, investors and vulnerable communities need information about future climate so that they can prepare for expected trends and changes.
With a system as complex as Earth's climate, it is a daunting task for scientists to be able to make projections about future climate changes and how it may affect the distribution of plants and animals.
But carbon market experts are speculating that the drop could also relate to uncertainty about future climate policy, for which there could soon be a remedy.
To overcome communication barriers that stem from technical terms often used in scientific assessments, the AMS report proposes three pre-defined levels of certainty for communicating with user communities about future climate impacts:
Modeling - based claims (or predictions) about future climate often pertain to trends that can only be unequivocally observed on 10 - year to 100 - year timescales.
With all the talk this week about future climate — the global warming imagined by IPCC crystal ball models, that is — the focus for many is rightly on the gulf between predictions and observations that have taken place so far.
Sign up to stay tuned about future Climate Reality Leadership Corps trainings.
For those who care about our future climate, here is what you can do each month (do it, then put in your calendar):
It looks at the present armadillo migrations as a possible analog of the past, and says nothing about future climate trajectory.
Uncertainties about future climate arise from a number of different sources (see Figure 13.2) and are discussed extensively throughout this volume.
20 The Scientific Consensus about Future Climate Change Measured and projected changes in the average temperature of the atmosphere.
The rapid melting of the Arctic sea ice, then, illuminates the difficulty of modelling the climate — but not in a way that brings much comfort to those who hope that fears about the future climate might prove exaggerated.
That's why I have stopped listening to climate change experts because at the end of the day, they know little more about future climate trends than the average Joe.
The American Southwest has experienced a series of severe droughts interspersed with strong wet episodes over the past decades, prompting questions about future climate patterns and potential intensification of weather disruptions under warming conditions.
From all the best available data and modeling, and expectations about future climate, these are the kinds of fires and post-fire climates that we're going to see more of in the future,» said Brian Harvey of the University of Colorado Boulder.
The weather prediction model used in this research is advantageous because it assesses details about future climate at a smaller geographic scale than global models, providing reliable simulations not only on the amounts of summer precipitation, but also on its frequency and timing.
There is far too much credulity placed in fancy - pants, speculative computer modeling about future climate change.
And since the climate is very complex, the scientific pronouncements about the future climate vary widely.
Access charts and graphs of historical weather data and learn about future climate scenarios with audio - visual learning modules
«Fact: Most scientists don't believe the effect of human activities on climate is sufficiently well understood to make predictions about future climate conditions, and many believe the modest warming that may occur would be beneficial.»
«The state of our knowledge about future climate change is such that the degree of uncertainty and the level of ignorance precludes formulating a PDF of outcomes -LSB-...]»
Some of scientists» gravest concerns about future climate change are rooted in the past.
In as much as none of the model scenarios can be validated, all predictions about future climate conditions amount to nothing more that, «Wait to see if our predictions come true; you'll see then.
People here hopefully never jump to conclusions about the future climate, because the future is always unknown, but may forget that arguing about whether 2014 was a new record or not is almost a lost cause..
However, these models obviously have severe limitations for longer time periods and that leads me to be very skeptical that unvalidated climate models can tell us much about the future climate.
CB: What do you think are clearly the biggest unknowns about future climate change?
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