Sentences with phrase «about future climate change»

Both forcings are poorly understood and may represent the largest source of uncertainty about future climate change.
One of the greatest sources of uncertainty about future climate change is the path greenhouse gas emissions will take.
Yet even though I have significant experience and knowledge about future climate change policy challenges, the CBAT model helps me visualize the significance of certain policy options facing the world.
20 The Scientific Consensus about Future Climate Change Measured and projected changes in the average temperature of the atmosphere.
CB: What do you think are clearly the biggest unknowns about future climate change?
With a system as complex as Earth's climate, it is a daunting task for scientists to be able to make projections about future climate changes and how it may affect the distribution of plants and animals.
There is far too much credulity placed in fancy - pants, speculative computer modeling about future climate change.
«The state of our knowledge about future climate change is such that the degree of uncertainty and the level of ignorance precludes formulating a PDF of outcomes -LSB-...]»
Some of scientists» gravest concerns about future climate change are rooted in the past.
His most recent research has been on Earth's deep past climates and what they can tell us about future climate change.
His most recent research has been on Earth's deep past climates and what they can tell us about future climate change.
On one hand, the reduction in global SO2 emissions reduces the role of sulfate aerosols in determining future climate toward the end of the 21st century and therefore reduces one aspect of uncertainty about future climate change (because the precise forcing effect of sulfate aerosols is highly uncertain).
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