Sentences with phrase «about gene patents»

A big concern about gene patents is that they hinder genetic research — once one company has patented a gene, other researchers may fear infringing on that patent by conduct further research on it, the argument goes.

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Sure, much of the buzz these days is about patenting genes and enforcing patents on life - saving drugs in developing countries.
Discovering what mutations mean Researchers concerned about patent infringement may abandon research on mutations within patented genes, hindering progress to understand all of a mutation's effects.
Right or not, about 20 percent of all human genes already have been included in patent claims.
Those opposed to gene patents complain that no one without the permission of the patent holder is allowed to freely work with, or even think about using, this 20 percent.
What about research on patented genes?
Academic scientists are stewing about a recently issued patent that gives a private company the rights to CCR5, a human gene that plays a key role in HIV infection.
Rifkin wants to provoke a debate about what it means to be «human» and to undermine the legal basis for patenting organisms — particularly those containing human genes.
This week the biotech world was consumed with questions about genes, and patents, and patents on genes.
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