Sentences with phrase «about generalizability»

Limitations include concerns about the generalizability of the study due to the limited racial / ethnic diversity and the lack of a no treatment or waitlist control group to further examine to decline in parental anxiety over time.
Limitations include small sample size and concerns about generalizability of the sample.
Limitations include relatively small sample size, concerns about generalizability to other locations, that participants completed less than 50 % of the available sessions, and differences in the fidelity ratings between the three treatments.
Limitations include the nonrandom assignment of participants, possible selection bias, and concerns about generalizability due to the narrow population studied.
Limitations include small sample size, concerns about generalizability due to the exclusion criteria for the study, and the lack of follow - up data on the wait - list group.
Limitations include the lack of randomized control group and the resulting inability to definitively make causal attributions to Nurturing Parenting Program participation because of other unmeasured factors that could be associated with program attendance and concerns about generalizability to other states or the national population.
Limitations include that the study included children with a mixture of clinical and non-clinical needs at baseline, possible self - report bias, and concerns about generalizability to other populations.
Limitations include the lack of a control group at the post-intervention follow - up and concerns about generalizability of the results, due to the largely white, middle - class, and educated sample.
Limitations include the lack of a control group at the 6 - month postintervention follow - up, small sample size, concerns about the generalizability to other populations due to the largely college educated, married, above average income sample and the use of self - referred families, who may be more willing to complete self - directed work than others.
The authors of the study concluded that dogs on a raw food diet may be a source of environmental contamination, although they caution about the generalizability of their results due to the small number of dogs studied.
The authors are careful to state that the significance of the findings is limited to large cities with similar student populations, to which I would add a caution about the generalizability beyond New York City itself.
As policymakers incorporate ongoing program evaluation and extensive data collection into each new Zone in each new city, we will learn more about the generalizability of the model.
Therefore, I would be somewhat skeptical about the generalizability of these results.
In qualitative research, decisions about the generalizability or transferability of findings must be made by the reader, but this relies on the researcher providing adequate information on the methods and contexts used in the research [42].

Not exact matches

A Scale of Parental Anxiety about Pediatric Emergency Medical Care Services of Japan: Development, Reliability, Validity, Generalizability and Usefulness
Until recently, many evaluations of early childhood interventions were conducted in a single center18, 19 or community, 14,15,20 thus raising questions about replicability and generalizability to other settings.
Limitations include that the generalizability of the findings are limited to mothers who are concerned enough about their child's behavior to register for a parenting course, small sample size, and limited follow - up.
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