Sentences with phrase «about geoengineering»

Atmosphere of Hope does a decent job of talking about geoengineering in a broader climate policy context, but at times seems poorly researched.
Andersen: People often get caught up in thinking about geoengineering strictly in the context of human - caused climate change.
Maybe I just wasn't aware all this time, I've only known about geoengineering for under two years, but still I feel it's recently gotten worse with people (climate skeptics) in this cause ranting about the «carbon credits», «Co2 is not a threat», «there's less Co2 than they say», «it's not manmade», «it's a natural cycle» blah blah blah.
It just seems to me that if you really don't think the climate should get more than 2 degrees warmer, then you kind of have to be talking about geoengineering in one way or another.
Our head isn't in the sand: ETC Group has been encouraging global discussion about geoengineering for nearly a decade.
Much — but not all — of this research has raised ethical concerns about some geoengineering techniques, particularly those belonging to the category of solar radiation management.
The NRC reports should allow many people to hear about geoengineering for the first time.
Although some persons might be inclined directly opposite to me in considering these high rates of change, which seem to be accelerating, they incline me to be even more cautious about geoengineering projects.
... the rate of climate change reported and rate of change in factors affecting climate which are reported strike me as completely unprecedented by measure of any geologic era... which seem to be accelerating, they incline me to be even more cautious about geoengineering projects... I hope this thread might help me learn some better ways to mitigate, and adapt to what I will now call Climate Disruption.
Including more political scientists and governance experts in conversations about geoengineering will be vital to solving the problem, he adds:
It revealed what Mercer described as a surprisingly high level of public awareness about geoengineering techniques.
I think this is a valid concern and raises a problem with the entire debate about geoengineering.
It certainly appears to me that as a self - serving webmaster, Riviero is more concerned with maintaining his site's media image than with rooting out and exposing the truth about geoengineering.
The Forum for Climate Engineering Assessment drafted and organized the following letter regarding a November 8, 2017 U.S. House of Representatives Science, Space, and Technology Committee hearing about geoengineering research.
We will also continue to convene meetings and other events in Washington DC to share information about geoengineering and about our efforts.
Scientists and policymakers have argued for years we shouldn't think too much about geoengineering, because it could cause the world to drag its feet on reining in carbon emissions.
Perhaps the clearest message was about the geoengineering research community itself.
It will entail learning about the geoengineered world we will then inhabit.
I will talk about the geoengineering programs to anyone who mentions the weird weather.
If nuclear winter research is not scientific, then why are the Russians having a conference about geoengineering?
I asked Senator Bernie Sanders what he is willing to do about geoengineering.
Did you catch the part where Prince was talking about geoengineering on TV?
«I would like to see them withdraw the test,» says David Keith of the Harvard Kennedy School, who has testified before Congress about geoengineering.
For now, there are many more unanswered questions about geoengineering than answered ones.
But what is interesting about the new results, Rabe said, is that few respondents indicated they were neutral about geoengineering.
PEOPLE tend to have strong opinions about geoengineering — large - scale manipulation of the environment to counteract global warming.
i posted about geoengineering which I have been following since the nineties and as many people ridiculed as posted positively.
«Religious discourse can clarify & deepen moral arguments about geoengineering
And that's because I worry about nuclear wars a lot more than I worry about geoengineering, frankly, because we don't even know if anyone's going to try geoengineering, but we know the wherewithal to have a nuclear war is out there in the world already.
This «moral hazard» argument is perhaps the foremost concern of those who are sceptical about geoengineering as a response to climate change, who fear political leaders will take the easy way out if given a chance.
Oliver Morton has written a great book about geoengineering, and that is no small achievement.
not one of my questions came up and they were all about geoengineering!
More amazing still are the rest of the physicians who know nothing about geoengineering, never look up and can't / won't connect the dots.
In the end, how we think about geoengineering depends on how we understand climate disruption.
Although many of them seem to know about geoengineering there does not seem to be an urgency to make it a part of the narrative of the climate change movement in more poignant ways.
There are many reports on the facts about geoengineering efforts.
Just try to ask anyone in the civil service about geoengineering and you'll get the same crap that this Doug boy just gave to Dane.
People around here are beginning to talk pretty openly about geoengineering and chem trails, at long, long last.
The «basket of technologies» way of talking about geoengineering puts the focus on «technologies» as «devices» or things, objects, rather than where the focus should be: upon activities or practices.
Caldeira ran a climate model to test Wood's claims [about geoengineering].
We don't know enough about geoengineering and our social world to make up stories about how it will play out.
Dan Kahan of Yale University and four colleagues have just published an article in Annals of the AAPS titled: Geoengineering and Climate Change Polarization Testing a Two - Channel Model of Science Communication that investigates the effect on study participants» attitudes to climate change after reading an article about geoengineering.
One of the few studies that does ask citizens, a paper by Kahan et al released this month, produced an interesting finding: that when people read scientific material about geoengineering, it reduces political polarization on climate change.
Geoengineering won't be a Hollywood production with an American superhero, and what this or that right - wing figure says about geoengineering is actually of diminishing relevance.
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