Sentences with phrase «about geoengineering puts»

The «basket of technologies» way of talking about geoengineering puts the focus on «technologies» as «devices» or things, objects, rather than where the focus should be: upon activities or practices.

Not exact matches

Prior to the pivotal 2006 intervention by Paul Crutzen (22), which «opened the floodgates» (15), there prevailed a near - unanimous taboo against geoengineering research precisely because of anxieties about the political uses to which it could be put.
Power structure funded disinformation individuals and sources, of course, never mention chemical ice nucleation (and its use by the geoengineers) while putting out completely false information about «global cooling» or «global warming is a hoax».
In an email to the Guardian he says: «Climate change is no longer something we can aim to do something about in a few decades» time, and that we must not only urgently reduce CO2 emissions but must urgently examine other ways of slowing global warming, such as the various geoengineering ideas that have been put forward.»
I don't think any glaring lie about the ongoing global geoengineering programs has enraged me so much as the criminal lies contained in the total propaganda site posted below put out by NASA.
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