Sentences with phrase «about getting colored»

The pastrami is already cooked, so this is just about getting color and pulling fat from the meat for flavor.
In the end, whatever it is that I'm working on has to be about getting the colors and texture right, and creating an overall balanced feel throughout the piece.
It's about getting the colors right.»»

Not exact matches

She's not talking about wearing bright colors and yanking up your skirt to get attention, ladies.
Put their experience into the context of a map or a journey, and suddenly all of these influences become apparent - the recommendation they got from their friend about you, the first time they land on your site, the login and password setup process, the speed of your site, color selection, and most importantly the ease at which you solved a problem for them.
Considering that these groups are young Millennials, generally, diverse, and often headed by people of color — people you want to reach — have you thought about how you want to get them engaged?
Compared with those, the Mate 9's requires more fine - tuning to get the most out of it, its colors aren't as vivid, and its HDR mode is just about useless.
«I wasn't getting as many questions about the color or size, because it was self - explanatory.
Try using a different color to highlight every time Jesus chastising leaders for prideful attitudes and actions.Talk about it with someone and get creative in ways you can infuse our world with Jesus» humble way.
Black mamas don't get to opt out of seeing color, for example, when they sit their ten - year - olds down for «the talk» about how to avoid getting shot by police.
Liberalism is about individuals getting to be who they decide they most truly are, according to their own lights, whether they are women or men, gay or straight, no matter what their color, cultural background or economic status.
In the first three months of this year alone: Son of Man, which casts a black man as Christ and sets his life in modern South Africa, got positive reviews at Sundance; the makers of Color of the Cross, which also casts a black man as Christ, established a website with trailers for their work - in - progress; and New Line Cinema announced that Oscar nominees Keisha Castle - Hughes (Whale Rider) and Shohreh Aghdashloo (House of Sand and Fog) will star as the Virgin Mary and her cousin Elizabeth in a new movie about the Nativity, to be released in time for Christmas.
Personally, I hate homeowners associations and would never live where one has authority — they come up with some weird rules and enforcements (they tend to get very weird about paint colors, for example).
We don't get to care about some missing children more than others, especially when the only difference is skin color.
Ps the date paste no longer looks like peanut butter, after just about an hour the color definitely got much darker (like yours)!
Drink out of a colored cup if you get squeamish about color.
Raw Raspberry Buckwheat Porridge — This pretty lavender colored smoothie bowl is about as superfood - rich as you can get.
Took about 2 hours and 15 minutes to get the caramel to the right color / stage.
Constantly stirring this mixture for about 15 mins as it begin to turn a brown caramel color, I keep stirring until I get that color I'm looking for, I add the evaporated milk and let it boil.
It was pretty thick, so I cooked it about two minutes per side to get some nice color, then added about 1/4 cup of water to the pan, put a lid on it, reduced the heat to low and cooked about another 8 minutes.
Another option, and a question I get quite often, is about food coloring.
And while we're talking about canola and vegetable oils (this includes corn, soybean, sunflower, safflower, peanut, grapeseed, rapeseed and cottonseed oils), I should note that these oils should be avoided too since they are refined, usually made from GMO rapeseeds and treated with chemicals to get the desired color.
It took about an hour to get crispy... Color is perfect and so is taste... love it!
Stir them about with the spider strainer while they're frying and remove them once they get a nice golden brown color.
Cook the tortilla on medium to high heat for about 1 minute until the tortillas get some color (no baking product required).
I was worried about the color, as it seemed a bit darker, more brownish than that of a typical Matcha green tea, but I guess I got used to it with time.
Saute until nuts and garlic get some color, about 2 minutes.
Bake for about an hour at 400 ° F (200 °C), until it gets golden color.
Let each side cook, undisturbed, until it gets the crunchy caramelized color you know and love, about 7 minutes a side.
So, let me just jump to what I am about to share — a simple recipe for an incredibly satisfying soup that I really, REALLY hope you all will try to make at least once — especially as the leaves start to change colors and the air begins to get crisp!
The wings smoke for about an hour, just until they get that golden brown smoky color and the skin is shiny.
Broil until everything is nicely charred, about 10 minutes (you want lots of deep rich color so don't be afraid if some of the edges get pretty black).
Thinly slice 2 cloves of garlic and pan fry them on a small non-stick frying pan with about 1 tablespoon of extra virgin Spanish olive oil until the get a golden color, but there not burned, transfer the garlic chips on top of the salad, and the drizzle the salad with some extra virgin Spanish olive oil
You come to realize this after planning out and cooking a meal and dreaming about how pretty all the colors and textures will be, only to realize they're gonna get covered up by a boring - to - look - at old sheet of flat bread.
I get oddly enthusiastic about unusual colored vegetables.
Let it cook for about 4 - 5 minutes, or until the pears get a deep golden brown color.
The trick is getting the roux to the right color... about a notch darker than peanut butter should do the trick.
It's one way I can get my son to eat more veggies because he gets so excited about the color.
If you are worried about the raw beet here, don't be — its flavor gets neutralized and masked by the other ingredients, while you benefit from its wealth of nutrition and magnetic color.
By Dave DeWitt and Paul W. Bosland Photos by Harald Zoschke and Dave DeWitt Excerpted from The Complete Chile Pepper Book We love chiles in whatever form we can get them, but there is something special about fresh chiles — they have a flavor and texture that can not be duplicated by canned, dried, or frozen chiles, and they bring bright colors to...
Is it bad that even though I don't have any kids I get all excited about color themed dishes around holidays?
As this typically gluttonous menu gets more and more curated (and healthy), it makes me care about each and every dish to ensure the culinary line - up is stellar, packed with equal parts flavor, color and nutrition.
oil and cook, turning every 2 minutes or so and making sure to get color on the fat cap, until medium - rare (an instant - read thermometer inserted into the center will register 120 °), about 10 minutes.
Turn the turkey over, discard the foil, and bake uncovered about 1 hour more, or a little longer, until the breast gets a deep amber color, and the juices run clear when you pierce the breast with a knife.
You can know one another for years via computers, smart phones, and social media and get to know each other quite well, yet not know the little everyday details you might know about a friend when you know them in person — like their favorite color or what kind of car they drive or where they were born or the fact that you carry almost identical pink and white iPhone cases.
And lucky for all of us, it's almost summer, which means it's about to get a lot easier to add color to our plates.
I think it gets used on air by color commentators that don't know that much about a player, but pre-game are handed a list of things they could say about the player so that they sound smart.
Statement is baffling and is in fact the very thing that guys like cap and others are fighting against the truth is Colin didn't orignaly kneel during the anthem he sat on his bench he was then approached by vets who asked why he was sitting and asked him to do something else because sitting was disprectful it was those army vets who told cap to kneel because it shows your fighting against something and not just sitting to sit they told him it would be a better look and it's funny how people turn around and say he is disrespecting the very people who told him what to do and how to do it to get his message across this is the ignorance of America and everything cap fights against you judge a man by the color of his skin and his upbringing and not the content of his character you don't know anything about cap yet you pull this entire story out your ass go sit down clown
«That's what I love about football; you really just got to have every right little piece, every color, of the kaleidoscope.»
In his pursuit of 30 wins, McLain zoomed about in Lear jets, played Hammond organs, swigged Pepsi - Colas, schmoozed with Steve Allen, Bob Hope, Ed Sullivan, Joey Bishop, Glen Campbell and the Smothers Brothers, changed his hair color, appeared on the covers of TIME and SPORTS ILLUSTRATED, recorded an album, gave organ lessons out of his home to two dozen students at $ 3.50 an hour and got himself booked in advance into the Riviera in Vegas, the Detroit Auto Show, Disneyland and a hundred other places to play electric keyboard with his band come winter.
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