Sentences with phrase «about global warming in»

Our survey finds, for example, that only 40 % of the American public says they hear about global warming in the media at least once a month and only 19 % hear about it at least once a week,» the authors wrote in the report.
SCARBOROUGH: You talk about global warming in there.
And so that's what I would say about global warming in so far as there has been no technologies we've invented that we have not been able to invent a greener version of.
Exxon Continues Its Reckless Campaign To Delay Action on Global Warming Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson said about global warming in January, «It is clear that something is going on.
(Excerpt from review of Earth Under Fire: How Global Warming is Changing the World by Garry Braasch)... Younger readers can learn about global warming in a more palatable form from the new book How We Know What We Know About Our Changing Climate.
Bertrand Russell gives the governmental - education complex an «F» for failing to teach that science by «consensus» is no science at all and that fabricating a «consensus» about global warming in the name of science is liberal fascism.
Juliet Eilperin has a good story about global warming in the Washington Post today.
DEBORAH AMOS: Nearly 20 years after he first raised the alarm about global warming, Dr. James Hansen was told by administration political appointees that he had to clear all his public statements about global warming in advance.
However, ExxonMobil continued to generously fund right - wing organizations that included doubts about global warming in their portfolio.
Imagine for a moment that the industrial revolution occured 70 years earlier, and we were having this argument about global warming in the 1930's rather than the 2000's.
«If we don't get this thing under control we are going to destroy the creation,» said James Hansen, who heads the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies and was one of the first scientists to raise the alarm about global warming in the 1980s.
Similarly, 50 percent of Americans said they worried either «a great deal» or «fair amount» about global warming in November 1997.
But do you think that some parts of the Bush administration did suppress the evidence about global warming in government reports?
Attempting to drum up fear about global warming in the San Antonio Express - News, Andrew Dressler and Gerald North wrote an Oct. 6 article titled, «Climate change is real and denial is not about the science.»
By James Delingpole The Royal Society (Motto: Nullius in Verba Unless Itâ $ ™ s About Global Warming In Which Case Weâ $ ™ re Happy To Believe Whatever Unsubstantiated Drivel Weâ $ ™ re Fed By Michael Mann, Phil Jones, et al) has announced whoâ $ ™ ll be chairing its â $ œindependentâ $ inquiry into the science behind the Climategate scandal.
An Angus Reid poll showed a decline in public concern about global warming in 2008.
The new system makes it easier for policy - makers to think about global warming in terms of betting odds.
Americans are less worried about global warming in 2015 than they were in 2014, when 34 percent said they worried about warming a «great deal.»
Are you confident enough that if, say, you turned out to be wrong about this fact, that you accept that you're probably wrong about global warming in general?
About one in ten Americans wrote letters, emailed, or phoned a government official about global warming in the past 12 months;
The Alarmed are the most likely to have written letters, emailed, or phoned a government official about global warming in the past 12 months; and
In What We Think About When We Try Not To Think About Global Warming, Stoknes not only masterfully identifies the five main psychological barriers to climate action, but addresses them with five strategies for how to talk about global warming in a way that creates action and solutions, not further inaction and despair.
You'll also find a lot of information about global warming in general
Since hurricanes don't seem to care about global warming in the least either way, why should we?
As I said in my reply to Wegman, ordinarily I would agree with him that science shouldn't be conducted through blogs, but in the case of climate science an opinion about global warming in general, or the validity of multiproxy reconstructions or climate models in particular seems to constitute for some a political viewpoint that must be either trumpeted from the rooftops or suppressed by any means possible regardless of its scientific merit.
Previous research by Rick's colleague Max Boykoff found that media coverage about global warming in UK tabloid newspapers significantly diverged from the scientific consensus that humans contribute to climate change.
Coverage about global warming in UK tabloid newspapers has been significantly divergent from the scientific consensus that humans contribute to climate change.
Mr. Gore is speaking out about global warming in order to try to prevent the kinds of catastrophes, such as mass starvation, that could occur as the earth heats up.
There will be many more humor books about global warming in the next few years.
Crichton stirred the climate debate with a 2004 novel, State of Fear, in which the bad guys were radical environmentalists trying to scare the world about global warming in order to line their pockets.
If you don't understand why this is bad statistics, you don't deserve to be arguing about global warming in the first place.
Voters believe that there is no consensus about global warming in the scientific community.
These maps offer valuable perspective on geographical differences in opinion about global warming in the United States relative to congressional district, county and state levels.
In # 8 Vinod Gupta wrote... «Please start educating the lay public about global warming in a simple (and stark) way that they can understand».
Please start educating the lay public about global warming in a simple (and stark) way that they can understand.
We've learned about global warming in Brazil.
Everything's Cool (Unrated) Cautionary documentary exposes the efforts of the fossil fuel industry lobby and conservative think tanks to manufacture an artificial debate about global warming in the face of irrefutable proof of the phenomenon provided by responsible members of the scientific community.
He warned «Voters believe there is NO CONSENSUS (emphasis his) about global warming in the SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY (emphasis mine).
I tend to read a lot of press releases about global warming in my spare time.
Over the past decade the former vice president has trained thousands of climate leaders who are now spreading awareness about global warming in communities around the planet.

Not exact matches

Like any good entrepreneur, Leo wouldn't let me talk about the app here, but I assure you, it's a great idea, and focuses on Leo's big interest in global warming and climate change.
It is a hamfisted cautionary tale about global warming (which, via the film's scientific hand - waving, produces an ice age), but it also functions as a powerful 9/11 allegory, celebrating the ability of New Yorkers to unify in the face of tragedy.
After many years of vague talk by governments about fighting global warming, it is encouraging that the debate has finally begun to tackle specific mechanisms to achieve cuts in greenhouse gas emissions.Â
About the time of the Copenhagen Climate Conference in the fall of 2009, another nasty thing happened to the global - warming establishment.
Individual leaders in the corporate world may be deeply concerned about species diversity, global warming, the pollution of the oceans, the loss of forest cover, and many other matters.
I can have differences of opinion with my friends about health care or global warming or eschatology or women in church leadership without taking it personally or holding a grudge.
I mean think about it from a government standpoint, there's a company out there that's knowingly selling products that contribute (and sometimes the main cause of) to childhood obesity which in turn contributes to more medical bills, global warming (from all the use of cars in lieu of biking or walking) and other consequences.
In any case, since anything that helps «social progress» (as they define it) is eligible for their concern, I guess they can talk about global warming, too.
As has been the case with the Keystone pipeline, in New York the opposition comes from those concerned about global warming.
The authoritarian consensus about global warming that actively suppressed dissent, as Climategate revealed, is a case in point.
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