Sentences with phrase «about going to the doctor»

Before the visit, read books about going to the doctor so your child knows what to expect.
A $ 130 copay means that when the kid is crying and you're thinking about going to the doctor, there's a 50/50 chance that you wasted the money because it was just a cold and not an ear infection.
I don't know why people complain about going to the doctor for checkups.
I'm terrible about going to the doctor myself, but even I see my physician once every seven years!
If you were ill, you wouldn't think twice about going to a doctor, so if your relationship is sick, be sure to take it to a good counselor.

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«You're going to hear from doctors about his history and you'll get a tremendous amount of data.
In fact, Cameron's deep dive around 2000 into the rich material about a cyborg named Alita (played in the movie by Rose Salazar) who tries to rediscover her past after being found in a garbage heap by a cybernetics doctor, wasn't just going to be a single movie but a franchise.
I'm confident that when you and I speak again in the next 12 to 18 months that this discussion about why do I have to keep filling out the same patient form every time I go to the doctor's office on a clipboard will be gone.
It's much more akin to a WebMD, where there's all this information about health care, and the patient and the patient's family can read it, but then they still go to the doctor and the doctor helps them interpret that information.
About half of all digital ad revenues are in targeted search, like the ads that pop up when you search for something on Google, Doctor says, and the vast majority of that money goes to the dominant search engines.
I suppose talking to the dying about their families is all well and good if the dying are all confirmed Christians, but I believe it was C.S. Lewis who articulately bemoaned the friends and doctors who tell a dying patient the classic «everything is going to be all right» when from a Biblical viewpoint, everything will not be all right.
If you want to learn about medicine, go to a doctor.
My wife recently went to a doctor about some health problems she was experiencing, and it quickly became obvious to her that he did not care to hear about her symptoms, take the time to answer her question, or explain to her what was happening.
Mainly, because in all the verbiage about freedoms of beliefs there is something so important, so blatantly acute yet everyone do not even mention it, except - oh genial me: Why would anyone in the whole world support any type of creed / belief / religion where a whole lot of humans — as in millions of human women — are not allowed to go to school, to even just read and write - less become a teacher, doctor, lawyer, president of their own companies, their own countries, mutilated by the millions when they reach puberty, WHY is this allowed?
and also if i have and your answer is yes then if there is a way to get the holy spirit back then please tell me and also please pray for me for a few days and i also want to know that really is the unforgivable sin unforgivable and really i swear on my mother that i don't want to go to hell forever and i am very scared of it please help me urgent and also i am sending a friend request to you on facebook and please accept it so that we can talk on this matter together and also i think you will like my page and i couldn't sleep properly because of this and in my half sleep in my dreams i was just visiting your website and finding my comment missing and i as pleasing god and the holy spirit but as i was receiving my spirit again and again as i mentioned this in my previous comment i was abusing in my mind i couldn't stop abusing and i have a very good mother she tried to wake me but i told her not to do and it was happening same things again and again and i told my mother again the half truth because i don't want to break her heart and she told me that there is nothing like ghosts and they are making me fools (you all) and i am telling you honestly before this i irritate my mother a lot i just watch tv and surf the internet or play games in my pc and i eat and brush late and also don't listen to my parents but after i saw your website i became obedient for a few days and again the same i am disobedient your webpage or article ruined my life but this is not your fault and now days i am buy searching about this topic and my father (Vivek Saraf) broke his hands on the 6th May while riding at a very high speed he normally don't go at a very high speed but he had a very important work so whole he was riding a dog was running on the way and to save his life he gave a very hard brake and he with his nebiour fall down and got injuries in his legs and broke his hands and at first he walked with difficulty and then the local people helped him on his way and took him to the local hospital but the doctor told that we need to go to Kollkata (the capital of west bengal, India) and so he went with his loyal staff because he is a business man and in the hospital he got cured but he still have the fracture in his hands so i request you to pray for him and his negibour also and i will tell you the rest in facebook bye and sorry for spelling mistakes in my previous comments.
Hoping to ease her concerns I informed her that I had sent her doctor some additional money the night before in case blood was needed after her surgery, and that I wanted her to know because I didn't want her to go into surgery worrying about not having the blood she required.
Which means we're going to be pushed and poked on our most cherished beliefs about the Doctor, I imagine.
Doctor as Officer — Going back to Danny Pink's insightful words about the Doctor from last week's The Caretaker, the Doctor was 100 % officer in this episode.
The murderer might have told the grocer, doctor, and cabdriver what he was going to do; he might have been videotaped doing it by a newsman, a passerby, and an automatic security camera; he might have boasted about it afterward to a coworker, bartender, and next - door neighbor; and he might have confessed, in the presence of his lawyer, to the arresting officer, the investigating officers, and the court.
what about people who lived most of there lives without even a speeding tickect but have been declared mentally incompetent because a doctor ask you how are your finances and you have to explain you are hving trouble whle your going through a divorce.
Would you believe a doctor is sincere about being a doctor when they have no practice, patients or hardly go to their office?
I think an employer has a moral obligation to be concerned about the welfare of one's employee's — maybe not legally required (to a degree)-- i wish it were simple that people could just quit an employer that had no concern for the people so that enterprise would go under or wise up — i think though employers are actually more upset about money instead of morals — women and doctors should be deciding such issues — i do not know y i even bother posting since i know these posts will not actually affect anything --
I just don't think it applies to real life, are you going to have «Faith» in your doctor when she is treating your child, of course not (you want to see a degree or at least have knowledge that the doctor knows what she is talking about), if the technician working on your spouses brakes tell you that he doesn't know what he is doing but he has faith that he can fix them, are you going to your spouses life in his hands?
I just don't think it applies to real life, are you going to have «Faith» in your doctor when she is treating your child, of course not (you want to see a degree or at least have knowledge that the doctor knows what she is talking about), -------- I do like this analogy.
it is about being able to go to the doctor if you are sick and not sit in an emergency room for hours.
Best yet, passive aggressive parents that try to segue anything that comes out of your mouth into a lecture about why you should have been a doctor or why you're going to die alone if you don't get married by age 23.
She usually comes right home from school and does it without us asking but that day we had picked her up early and she had to go to the doctor office with me which ended up being a very long visit and we forgot about homework that night.
Whether going sans - gluten is a trend you're sticking to or a «script the doctor has written out for you, here are five things about this week's rulings that you need to know — and then keep scrolling because we are hooking you up with over 80 recipes for the gluten - free goddesses and gods that you all are.
Eventually, he left San Antonio to go to New York to consult an independent group of doctors about his injury.
I never did go to the doctor about that nose.»
When the players go to these tests, the doctor's job is to send reports to the team coach about the results of these tests.
But I also find it useful, every once in a while, to think about the individual people who conducted these studies: the doctors or psychologists or social workers who went in to an orphanage in Russia or an impoverished neighborhood in Jamaica or a high school in Chicago or a living room in Queens and said, in essence, I want to help.
So I just don't get the «too much pressure to breastfeed» when all around me are images of bottles, ads for formula telling me a happy feeding makes a happy mom, bottlefeeding moms, moms and doctors and nurses telling new moms that formula is «just as good» and «not to feel guilty», women getting «the look» for nursing in public, or feeling weird about doing it (I sure did)-- to me, any pressure out there is NOT to breastfeed, or do it as little as possible (not if it's not immediately easy or you don't love every minute, not past 6 mos, not in public, not around male relatives and friends, not around children, not if you ever want to go out alone sometime...)
I never went to the doctor in order to get a diagnoses, but I completely knew something was wrong when I didn't care much about what going on with my kids!
That is exaftly what i am going through i havent got help about it yet as far as seeing a doctor but i am going to look into medication as much as id hate too but i wouldnt be able to afford doctor expenses as of right now but later on in life id like to heal «naturally» also just like your plan is... but for my kids sake if medication can help me become better for my kids then i will have to go down that road also.
If we are going to take it in context then, we could muse that perhaps in the United States doctors are so obsessed with making money that they don't care about health outcomes and are just looking to perform the procedures that will make them the most money.
However, these chronic things that never seem severe or urgent enough to make an appointment for do impact your general wellbeing and quality of life, so it can be a great idea to set a goal for the new year to go and see your doctor about all those minor things you have been tolerating.
Oh and Rena, yes my husband is very reluctant to see a doctor about chronic issues, but is still usually a big baby when it comes to things like colds and fevers... just goes to me instead of the doctor.
In the morning, following visiting Francis and speaking to the doctors for first introductions, I remember thinking about how long we might be here and where we were going to stay.
If your anxiety gets worse, talk to your doctor about short term solutions, as news dads find most concerns and fears quickly go away once their baby arrives.
The sisters say that if you know you're going to have a c - section, talk to your doctor ahead of time about using the wrap so it can be part of the O.R. prep.
It might initially seem like an odd thing to ask about, but if your OB - GYN delivers babies, then you won't have to go searching for another doctor if you decide to have children.
There are going to be millions who never see a doctor at all about problems.
by: Anonymous My 2 1/2 month old hasn't pooped in 7 days it is Saturday and last pooped last Saterday 2 times really full diapers so much it was up his back both times and leaking everywhere but my son acts fine he coos and giggles most of the time and only cries when hungry I breast feed him and occasional formula that is all I give him but I was going to ask the doctor this Tues about it I also have weird long periods without bowl movements.
I felt like all of this was about them — the doctors, my in laws, even the lactation consultant — telling me what we were going to do.
I see everyone freaking out over 3 days and wanting to try something but I feel as long as he does nt seem in pain I will wait it out he is a happy baby but i will see what the doctor sais about this but I have seen people mess their kids up by starting treatment laxitives and such before even having it checked out I do nt want to give my baby anything but breast milk really and like i said when he goes he goes like i do I cant even believe the big amount that comes out when I go its not painful either for me i just do nt go very often but I do feel this must concern alot of people so know I do nt feel normal.....
My son has also been on prevacid, he has had two different xrays, one where he drank this stuff to help them see if he had anything else going on... maybe you could ask about that with your doctors?
If it is about measuring the baby's weight, going to a doctor for it will require your precious time and money.
If going slowly and a bit of time doesn't seem to help never hesitate to ask your doctor or midwife about potential causes.
That will likely involve some amount of talking with doctors / nurses / midwives about how things are going and what you want to do at any given point.
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