Sentences with phrase «about grace»

Everybody talks about grace, but few of us seem to believe it.
If you do not hear this question when you teach about grace, you are probably not teaching grace.
Then I grew and learned about Grace and Mercy and Love... first hand.
You and so many others in this world simply do not understand the meaning of the Gospel - it is all about grace.
As I was writing What's So Amazing About Grace?
You can learn more about grace periods and how to avoid paying interest in our guide.
To reach more about the grace period, read our reference here.
But I also knew that knowing Scripture, and knowing theology, and knowing about grace is not really the point of it all.
The objection that is always raised when I write about grace this way is this: Won't people take advantage of this kind of grace?
Remember what I said about grace and little by little steps?
There was nothing ordinary about the grace with which this book was written.
Maybe we talk so much about grace because we show it so little.
In this perspective, questions about grace and righteousness take on new urgency.
So please say something about grace and where it leads us.
Where I come from, we do nt hear enough about grace.
Some observations about grace at meals were made in the preceding chapter.
I think you are so on target on a lot of topics, especially about grace, justification and sin.
Such a statement will always be followed by a statement which shows the person does not believe the first thing about grace.
In doing so, we've noticed something powerful about grace.
This recalls what was said in Chapter IV about grace.
I have written quite a bit on this site about grace, so feel free to just use the search box down below.
What about a grace period or a finance charge?
To prevent a drivers license suspension for not being insured, speak with the police officer issuing the traffic ticket about a grace period to buy car insurance.
I especially loved that line about grace telling us to «leave our arrows and expectations» at the welcome mat.
Maybe it is time we stopped talking about grace and started living grace.
But the way they will impress upon you it's all about grace is by listing how horrific you are in ways you haven't previously thought.
We are learning about grace and living a real life.
I do hope that together we continue to learn more about grace, hope and most of all love for the world!
If someone is teaching about the grace of God, and after they are done, nobody raises the objection that is raised in Romans 6:1, then the teaching on grace was not truly teaching grace.
When we talk about grace in the Church, we most often define it in terms of the bad things we've done that don't matter anymore in God's eyes.
I realized when I read this just how rarely I thought about grace as way of life, and how tragic it is that grace is often reduced to a proposition, a mere religious idea.
GreeneGem has written a very useful post about Grace Based Discipline and the Oppositional Child.
Click the link below to see what others say about Grace Kelly!
It's just all so sad, but never actually rings true, a movie about grace in defeat that showcases few discernible grace notes.
God has been leading me on a path of re-thinking everything that I have been taught in the institutional church over the years, and I have just started to get a handle on the truth about Grace.
How many times do are fellow FGers talk about Grace for eternal life, and then sanctification and rewards becomes a huge burden because we become so works - oriented in our mindset.
Fr Holloway, the founder of the Faith movement, used to talk about grace as «the sunshine of the soul».
That's how I feel about this grace skirt from Brickyard Buffalo.
It is about a prophet who knows and understands about the grace of God, but wishes to limit that grace.
«That's what's so great about Grace.
Most of all, those membership fees help this site stay up and running, and enable me to keep writing and teaching so that others around the world can hear about the grace and love of God in Jesus Christ.
Having said all that, let's allow ourselves a moment to remember how great this is... Justin Bieber is singing about grace, hope and redemption.
It was exciting because my theology was changing and I was discovering new vistas on about the grace of God and the role of faith and works in the life of believers.
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