Sentences with phrase «about granting decision»

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The decision about whether to grant credit to a certain customer must be evaluated on a case - by - case basis.
In a decision released by the Baltimore Circuit Court, Judge Martin P. Welch wrote that the 35 - year - old was being granted a new trial because his initial council failed to properly cross-examine an expert from the state about the reliability of cell tower data that seemed to place him at the scene of the crime.
Never, ever take it for granted, and make the right decisions about where your food comes from.
A CRACK down on related party disclosure documents has been launched by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission to ensure shareholders receive sufficient information to make a decision about whether to grant related party benefits.
If it is not, look for increased legislative efforts to grant bioethics committees the legal right to make the ultimate decision about whether to provide life - sustaining medical treatment.
Granted, there will still be many divorces brought about by the flawed decisions of individuals, giving witness to the continuing ingenuity of human sin, and creating a painful legacy of injury and evil.
Jerome Marks - Gardener stood out amongst considerable competition, and following the announcement of his success he commented: «I'm thrilled about winning the Ian Murray scholarship and I can't thank William Grant & Sons and Ian's family enough for their decision.
No decision has been made about next week «s Grant Park concerts, Ovitsky said.
The L.M.D.C. statement about Menin's being removed from the grant advisory panel saying that the Mayor and the Governor have appointed new members to us smacks of obfuscatory backroom maneuvering and simply adds up to the L.M.D.C. trying to pass the onus for a non-transparent decision onto their political patrons.
The church president explained that the decision to educate the congregation about provocative dressing was informed by the fact that some of the young ladies had taken for granted the culture of the society.
Three days after making the controversial decision to cut the grants, Komen did an about face Friday.
Haldar, who made $ 400,000 in his various roles at SUNY Poly, says school officials launched an inquiry into his grant activities in October 2016 after Haldar began complaining to the new administration about various policies at the school, ranging from grant oversight to personnel decisions.
Matt Richter, communications director for the board, who described Jenkins characterization of a «missed payment» as inaccurate, said that negotiations about the pool have played a central role in the decision to grant Standard an extension.
«This grant will assist in providing that information to uninsured and underinsured residents across Erie County, helping them to make educated decisions about their health moving forward.»
When Mr. Franco took the stand last Thursday, Mr. Master asked whether anyone other than Mr. Silver was empowered to make the final decision about what entities would receive Health Department grants and how much they would receive.
According to the bank at the time, the decision was due to the delay in the repayment of the loan facility that the bank granted the institution towards the provision of about 7000 bed capacity hostel facilities.
Ceretto said in an email that he allocated his discretionary state grants to worthy projects in his district, but did not directly respond to questions about what role politics played in his decisions.
However, all decisions about prior and current grants will be based on the office / committees, and the work the fellow will be doing there.
«Where you are, who you were trained by, who you work with, and so on are vital variables that people take into consideration when making decisions about whether to award grants or not,» he says.
While this stereotype doesn't reflect how scientists live and work today, it still shapes expectations about what a successful career should look like, and that could impact career - relevant decisions such as the awarding of prestigious research grants.
E. B. J.: I'm concerned about the attacks on peer review, and decisions being made solely on the titles and brief description of some of the grants.
The main targets of CARRF's criticism are the anonymity of the reports given about funding decisions and the fact that scientists serving on the awards committees are themselves often recipients of sizable grants.
Further on he warns that in the oversight committee's next funding round in July, «negative decisions» about peer - reviewed grants awaiting the board's final approval «would have a fatal impact on CPRIT's peer review system» and would «be extremely harmful to the research community's view of science in Texas, and thus on the ability to recruit scientists to the state.»
He takes pride not only in starting new initiatives, but also «keeping spirits up» in the extramural community by holding NCI grant numbers stable and being «transparent» about how the institute made funding decisions.
The researchers found that federal funding decisions about whether to keep CHC grants at the current or enhanced levels will have significant effects on future growth.
In a 23 May debate about collaboration between academia and industry, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis said he was worried about the impact of Valeca's decisions and expressed his full support for having researchers from abroad on the research councils and grant evaluation committees.
In addition, when making funding decisions about grant applications, NIH institutes may not rely exclusively on priority scores.
Lawmakers must do so only if the legislation also includes specific provisions requiring much more transparency in how management and grant decisions are made and a much less blithe attitude about conflicts of interest.
Granted, the situation here just so happens to be the apocalypse but like that film it's all about choices, and how much of a part our basest instincts play in the decision making.
Neither Miller nor director Matthew Vaughn cares about their public opinion and actor Mark Strong, who has his own children, had to object to Vaughn's decision to include even more violence including Hit - Girl, however, Strong's wishes were granted and Vaughn luckily canned the idea.
Gov. Sam Brownback, whose «block grant» school finance plan is at the heart of the dispute, also issued a statement criticizing the court shortly after the decision was handed down about 5 p.m. Friday.
As usual, he offers a thoughtful assessment of the pros and cons of Education Secretary Arne Duncan's decision to keep secret the identities of the judges in the $ 4.35 billion grant competition until after winners are announced and Duncan's decision to release minimal detail about how the reviewers were chosen or the substance of the instructions they have received.
The Mind Trust today announced that it will award $ 50,000 grants to support leaders of high - performing schools within the Indianapolis Public Schools (IPS) in developing plans to convert their schools into Innovation Network Schools, which empowers building - level educators to make key decisions about their schools and ensure schools retain this autonomy that is critical to success going forward.
For help with navigating federal legislation, researching grant deadlines, and making crucial decisions about school improvements, visit ASCD's American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Resources page.
Indianapolis — The Mind Trust today announced that it will award $ 50,000 grants to support leaders of high - performing schools within the Indianapolis Public Schools (IPS) in developing plans to convert their schools into Innovation Network Schools, which empowers building - level educators to make key decisions about their schools and ensure schools retain this autonomy that is critical to success going forward.
If you want to get into making decisions about who should get grant support, you can't have that.
In light of the findings, the GAO recommends that the Department of Education provide additional support to help states make evidence - based decisions about grant renewals and develop requirements for states to ensure the review of contractors who are providing services.
Trading a couple of years of tenure to a developing teacher who needs more mentoring to become more effective and avoiding the decades of youth who might be denied an effective education by a teacher who was granted tenure in a rush should be an easy decision for those who espouse to care about children.
Specifically, officials at the state and district levels have had difficulty building staff capacity for implementing the reforms, meeting the requirements to develop teacher evaluations and increase student learning time, and gathering data on performance in SIG schools to make decisions about future grant renewals.
And it began requiring principals to justify their decisions about whether to grant or deny tenure — particularly if it didn't match up with the data.
A coalition of 10 California districts that together serve more than 1 million students also submitted an NCLB waiver proposal, which raises questions about both the wisdom of a department decision to grant flexibility at the district level and the state's ability to manage two different school accountability systems.
2009 - 2010 New York City starts including value - added data in decisions about whether to grant tenure to teachers.
Educating teachers, parents and community members about school finance issues such as Full - Time Equivalency or FTEs, grant funding requirements and limitations along with basic operational costs will allow everyone that is involved with decision - making to develop a realistic vision of what is actually possible based on the amount of funding available.
Leon Biegalski, the head of the Department of Revenue, refused to grant an interview to answer questions about the personnel decisions.
But Jindal blasted the DOJ's letterbecause the central component of the lawsuit still stands: DOJ is still aiming to keep the program from granting vouchers next school year unless a federal court first approves parents» decisions about where they want to send their children to school.
According to another poll from last year, even most educators believe that a teacher should serve in the classroom at least five years before an administrator makes a decision about whether or not to grant tenure.
Granted, Minnesota is full of rough roads and potholes from harsh winters, but that should factor into your decision about whether this vehicle is capable of handling the environment it needs to drive in.
Lenders use your credit report to make decisions about whether or not to give you a credit card, what that card's limit should be, or to grant you a loan.
Expresses its serious concern about oil concessions reportedly granted within the marine area of the property, notes that any decision to go forward with oil exploration would be incompatible with World Heritage status, and urges the State Party to enact legislation to prohibit oil exploration within the Belize Barrier Reef System on the basis of its status as a World Heritage property;
Little was known about Scrolls until a making of documentary was released last week following a Swedish judge's decision to grant Mojang victory in an interim injunction claim by Bethesda.
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