Sentences with phrase «about graphs»

The question that most interested me was about graphs and charts on resumes.
John V: There is something fishy about your graphs.
Honestly, I made no comments about graphs or disputed any specific temperatures or mathematical functions of temperatures (like a yearly trend) that would be falsified by either of those pictures you showed.
The bottom line here is the models are wrong no matter what graph you use, this arguing about graphs does not show you in a good light (what are you trying to avoid type thing).
I wondered about the graphs in the merde du jour «Science Has Spoken: Global Warming Is a Myth», by Robinson & Robinson 1997, both from the «Oregon Instutute of Science & Medicine».
Had an awesome financial organizing session with him today and highly recommend him to anyone like me who could use a little hand holding in that department:) With his support I actually got excited about graphs, budgets, and money management... imagine that!»
How about graphs that show the last week in players online per hour, so players can use that find common times to play?
Kathryn, a maths teacher at Comberton Village College, explains that any classroom management issues this activity might raise, through pupils moving around the room, are outweighed by its value as a practical and effective lesson that they'll easily remember when they're thinking about graphs and gradients.
OPW - Feb 10 - Learn more about graphs in the online dating industry at Neo Technology's webinar on the Five Graphs of Love that is taking place this Thursday, Feb 13th at 10 PST.
I believe I cleared up your confusion about the graphs though, correct?
What's interesting about this graph is the the fourth, fifth and sixth arrows collectively span a period of time which, for boomers and gen - Xers, represents a significant amount of their adult lifetimes and personal experience with what «normal» interest rates are.
A year ago I wrote about a graph prepared by EU economists and presented by them at my Peking University central bank seminar.
There's a graph here that shows our year - to - date progress, but since none of us probably feel like looking at it, let's look for pirated Doctor Who episodes on YouTube, and we'll totally talk about the graph later.
Talk with students about the graph.
There are a couple things to note about the graph.
Identifying Parallel, Perpendicular, and Intersecting Lines from a Graph These Parallel and Perpendicular Lines Worksheets will show a graph of a series of parallel, perpendicular, and intersecting lines and ask a series of questions about the graph.
What's even more astonishing about this graph is that Nielsen's figures primarily give us a look at very traditional types of publishing, or books with ISBNs.
Slap some confidence limits about the graph and you find that the Safe Withdrawal Rate was 2 % of the original balance (plus inflation).
What's interesting about the graph is where the red line — the European Value Index — typically sits in relation to US stocks during bear market declines, especially in more recent data.
Brag about your graph respecting all the time series; all the weather - noise; and all the chaos!
It's not about the graph.
: — RRB - But seriously, I think it was really a scientific WAG (and I'm sure it would have been clearly indicated as such) though I don't have a copy of the SAR to see exactly what they said about the graph, which I have seen.
If you disagree with what I said about the graph, fine.
I put up the citation and talked about the graph.
We were all very concerned about that graph thing.
What isit that you don't understand about the graph?
There is nothing more that needs to be said about this graph, except to have a good laugh at those who claim it does not show a significant warming trend.
DeepClimate claimed McIntyre misrepresented a graph, but he never said anything about a graph being altered.
What was alarming about this graph was that the up trend coincided quite closely to the beginning of the industrial revolution, widely thought to start at about 1850.
After the chart went viral, NSIDC was inundated with media inquiries about the graph.
Nick, the point about the graph is a bit unsubtly made.
Regarding «splicing» instrumental data onto pale, are you talking about this graph called «GISP2, Moberg, Keigwin, and HadCRUT3» with the instrumental data in bright yellow?
What's interesting about this graph is not only that there is little difference between the two plots but that the dropped weather stations actually show a greater warming trend than the kept weather stations.
Here's the graph relating sunspots and the change in sea level: And here is the claim about the graph: Sea level change and solar activity A stronger effect related to solar cycles is seen in Fig.
When asked specifically about the graph that apparently uses a 10 year running mean and ends in 2006, we discussed «hide the decline,» but I honestly can't recall if Rose or I said it first.
There are a few important things to note about the graph where I plotted the outer bounds of the model runs and the HadCRUT temperature anomaly.
I figure what the IPCC says about the graph is also part of «what showed up in the IPCC reports».
Does anyone really believe our bureaucrats and politicians could read and understand what was written about the graph?
One thing I find odd about the graph is that it looks fairly linear.

Not exact matches

Facebook (FB), of course, also makes a point of talking about the «interest graph» that it has developed around all of its billion or so users.
Look back at that first graph: about a quarter of millennials listed the professional or skilled trades as their goal.
«So we're all about measurable outcomes — we're hoping to extinguish cynicism with charts and graphs
Looking at a graph of how the Bay Area compares to other metro areas in this index is immediately telling — San Francisco has about twice the density of the next - highest city (Boston), and about five times the density of New York.
Bar graphs represent skills and languages; a Google Analytics - style map shows his educational background, and his «Experience» section allows potential employers to click on the various positions to get more information about each of his roles.
If the old cliche about how a picture says a thousand words is true, I wonder how many words a good graph conveys.
· June 2015: Google pulls recent Google + posts from its Knowledge Graph cards about brands, which display in the search results with key information about a company.
Next, look to the right of the graph, and what's happened since 2015 — global prices have come into much closer balance, with Japanese import prices recovering a bit recently but still sitting about $ 7 / GJ above Alberta and B.C. gas prices, which are at near - historic lows.
Graph Search enables you to learn more about them through the other pages they have liked.
That's U.S. personal consumption graphed against spending on capital goods; one represents some 70 % of GDP and the other represents about 4.5 % of GDP.
Nasdaq's Web site provides news about every Nasdaq company, including current stock quotes, company news, historical graphs, and portfolio capabilities.
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