Sentences with phrase «about great jobs»

Our recent Federal Career Training will be reaching out to our youth and young adults ages 16 — 25 who truly need to learn about great jobs with the federal government.
If you want to attract them like a magnet to your profile and get them to contact you about great jobs, this is the report you need.
Media professionals and creatives can follow MediaBistro's Facebook page to learn about great job openings and stay informed about the industry.
We have also told all our friends and family about the great job you have done for us, we are sure some have or will be contacting you.»
And, together, we can help spread the word about the great job animal shelters do every day.
I just booked a surf trip on a charter boat at Lineupexplorers and was impressed about the great job they did.
Even now, a lot of people are talking about the great job Nintendo did.
When you get a call from an executive recruiter about a great job opportunity how can you move the process along to get a job offer?
Even still, it is up to you to share with your colleagues, managers, and decision - makers details about the great job you have been doing.
Sometimes I feel uncomfortable, sort of like I am bragging, when I talk about the great job I did; but my recruiter says I should do all I can to play up my strengths.

Not exact matches

But when it comes to fast - growth entrepreneurship of the exalted and peculiar variety that produces breakthrough entrepreneurs, the U.S. has done a great job of unlocking only about half of our human capital.
The job posting quality is good, but again, this is a great place to learn about working remotely.
If your business model revolves more around river tours and large bodies of water, the mighty kraken, complete with lots of morbid jokes about your service to the creature, ferrying tourists to feed its unending hunger for human flesh, may do a better job of making your employees feel like they are part of something greater.
Our vice president Tim Katsch also does a great job of keeping me informed about industry trends and best practices.
When I took on competitors» salespeople who'd told me tales about the great things they'd done in their previous jobs, I learned that I shouldn't have been so quick to believe them.
Instead of obsessing about the broken printer in the kitchen, you start focusing on the great job your admin assistant just did in that all - staff meeting.
Biderman was a relentless publicity hound, publishing a book about marriage, posing for unfortunate pictures, and saying many things he probably wishes he hadn't, such as: «We have done a really great job of making sure our data is kept secret.»
His paint jobs — applied in about an hour and a half using a spray nozzle attached to a jug of «100 percent nontoxic flower - based» liquid dye — cost about $ 175 each for an average Greater Long Beach area front yard (which around 500 square feet, on average).
The company earns about 50 % of its sales from the Great White Way (a small job is worth $ 300,000); the rest come from theme - park attractions and from staging events at trade shows.
Asking what someone loved and hated about their last job is pretty simple, but it provides great insight into what type of job fits with their skillset and preferences.
She said, «I want to give some sort of kudos to the Starbucks barista down the street who does a great job and who might get a better job because of me saying something nice about her.»
You've only got about 30 seconds to land a great first impression, and your elevator pitch is the best tool to get the job done.
If you end up among the many who decide to begin a job search in 2018 in pursuit of your next big thing, here are two important but simple things you should make sure you do that will not only significantly increase your chances of finding a great new job but will also help you land one that you can feel good about long after the «new company halo effect» has worn off.
The great thing about the relationships is that you don't have to be an extroverted networking machine to build high - quality relationships that can be turned into new job opportunities.
Tell a coworker she did a great job and you both feel better about yourselves.
People hear about how great Slack is — from friends who have it in their offices, or from co-workers who used it at their last job, or from people they follow on Twitter — try the free version inside their teams, then get so hooked on it, the corporate IT buyer is obliged to pay up or risk mutiny.
Some job candidates don't actually care about the answers to the questions they ask; they are just trying to look good by asking what they hope are great questions.
Joey «Accordian Guy» Devilla does a great job at rebutting the silly attack on his blog, poignantly pointing out that, no, space exploration is indeed about science, and its Earthly benefits have been enormous:
I had a lot of anxieties about moving into my first apartment, and while I think the roomies and I did a great job at making our apartment feel like a real home, there are definitely a few things we could have thought a bit more about before moving in together.
The company does a good job at what the institute calls «enterprise thinking,» meaning that on top of providing customers a great service that they appreciate, consumers have a good feeling about WestJet as a corporation.
The reason: Besides new technology that enables people to be connected from every corner of the world, most people — about 53 percent of the 15,000 adults Gallup surveyed — want a job that offers greater work - life balance and better personal well - being.
Docker - who built their logo using 99designs - they do a great job encapsulating what they are about through their logo.
The author does a great job of educating readers about the role of unconscious bias in a page - turning, interesting way.»
So my first marketing job really was about seven years ago, and I grew my marketing chops at my previous job under the tutelage of a person I think is a great CMO, Connie Weaver.
A staffer needs to balance the great parts of the job being offered with the truly uncomfortable parts about it.
The company does a great job of learning about the consumer as they go through the buying process.
Indeed, Hauser says a great thing about his latest job is the freedom to try new sales methods.
«I really like your tie,» «Wow, that was a really great idea» and «That's exactly how I would have done it, great job, boss» are all examples of ingratiation that send others positive signals about the supervisor.
All that stuff about a college education leading to a great job?
Here's a powerful way to show appreciation: When you get feedback from a customer about someone on your team who has done a great job, get their permission to record it.
But, you know, I see many, many young women now — and that's part of what excites me about the startup world — who have left great jobs and said, «I think I can build something.»
«You can feel that somebody did a great job for you; you can talk about somebody's competence and work product and the person you worked with and you knew — and that's what the president did in his statement Friday — and you can feel horrified when you see pictures and contemporaneous reports.»
Now that your employees have clarity about their job scope, they can be 100 % focused on coming up with great ideas (which you can incentivize and reward.)
Asking a candidate to do something or share what they have done reveals a great deal about how they interact with others and what thought processes and trade - offs they make to get the job done.
«The design does a great job of communicating to our clients, customers, media and investors what it is we're about and what we care about.
If you do a great job in Phase I, you have about a 30 percent chance of winning a $ 750,000 (or more) two - year, Phase II contact.
«Management truly cares about employees» professional development and in finding a great fit for each employee in a high - impact role — matching an employee's dream job to our customers» critical needs.»
Great job with your article setting up the discussion about entrepreneurship our favorite subject!
«It sounds easy that we block imports and create jobs here but we forget about what other countries can do to us,» says Doug Irwin, an economics professor at Dartmouth and author of «Peddling Protectionism: Smoot - Hawley and the Great Depression.»
Everything I Know About Effective Blogger Outreach — This post, written by Marcus Taylor, does a great job of summing up some of the most essential factors to success during the outreach process.
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